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Registered: ‎03-04-2012

Prevention Magazine - Yoga Now

About a week ago I picked up a Prevention Magazine special - Yoga Now.  It says it is a best seller and in second printing.  It has yoga poses from beginner to advanced - very well put together - $10.99 and well worth it.  I did yoga when my children were young.  I'm 64 now and boy, I didn't realize how stiff my body had become.  I am working my way through the magazine, starting out slow.  But I can already tell a difference in my balance and my core.  I want to try to stay limber since I have scoliosis.  I impressed myself by doing the plank though - so there's still hope!  Highly recommend it. 

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Prevention Magazine - Yoga Now

You are smart to go slowly.  If you feel any pain, twinges, back out of the pose.  Check the directions to make sure you are doing each instruction carefully.  I like Yoga for Arthritis by Loren Fishman, MD.  I'll check out Yoga Now.


I go to yoga class 2x a week and practice at home as well. (There is a woman in the class who is over 80.)  It allows me to physically keep up with my grandkids and do some hiking as well.   Lots of people would feel better and stay healthier if they practiced yoga. Fewer falls because of better balance.   But it's essential to have a great instructor, not one who urges people to go beyond their capabilities.  (Not saying you need an instructor because you seem to be doing ok, but you would enjoy a class.)


I started doing yoga in the 70's when Lilias Folan had her TV show.  Like you, I had to stop when kids arrived, but I got back to it eventually, then through the YMCA.  Over the years I've had 2 excellent instructors and 2 who were not favorites.


Keep it up, and thanks for sharing what you are doing.  It's so worth it.

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Registered: ‎12-05-2012

Re: Prevention Magazine - Yoga Now

I started Yoga in my ealry 60s at a studio that does nothing but Yoga. The instructors are well trained and many classes are geared to women my age (ie those who want to stay out of wheel chairs) who want to work on balance and core.

Before yoga all I did was walk..but quite a bit.


What I especially like is how calm and peaceful  the studio is. I feel so relaxed when I am there . Very welcoming to all, regardless of age, fitness level or previous experience.

In the two years I have been practicing ( 3x a week) I have greatly improved my balance and strength and core.

I go to mostly basic/beginners level courses ( or some even less strenuous than that). I don't pretend that I will ever advance beyond this but it is enough. No hot Yoga for me.


There is chair yoga for those who cannot get up and down from the floor.


I HIGHLY recommend it...with the caveat that you go at your own pace and don't push too hard in the beginning. No one is paying the slightest bit of attention to you except the instructor.