Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,095
Registered: ‎09-02-2011

Please see post for friend in 'AMONG FRIENDS'. Prayer requests needed.



Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,095
Registered: ‎09-02-2011

Re: Please see post for friend in 'AMONG FRIENDS'. Prayer requests needed.

I have taken this 'over to' AMONG FRIENDS.

...........I certainly do hope that everyone here, at HEALTH, is doing better than *rac71's mother, at this time............. I am waiting for any information that she deems necessary to tell us.

SmileTHANK YOU, _Naes

January 16th, 2015

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,113
Registered: ‎04-14-2013

Re: Please see post for friend in 'AMONG FRIENDS'. Prayer requests needed.

Thank you. I saw your posts. I hop rac71's mom pulls through. Life is so sad at times. But it's all we have, and why we need one another.

Cogito ergo sum
Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,095
Registered: ‎09-02-2011

Re: Please see post for friend in 'AMONG FRIENDS'. Prayer requests needed.

'SWEETBAY magnolia': I have you in in my memory bank of that friend who came and lovingly sent, from the heart, concern of rac's mom. PLEASE SEE 'AMONG FRIENDS' LAST POSTING FROM DIFFERNT THREAD AND THE LAST UPDAT FROM rac71'S MOM FROM HOURS AGO. I HAVE POSTED BACK, ALONG WITH MANY WONDERFUL FRIENDS WHO CARE, EVEN THOUGH THIS WAS JUST BROUGH TO THEIR ATTENTION ONE DAY AGO. Thank you so very much, dear 'Sweetbay magnolia'

SmileSmiles and a high Smile -HIGH respect for you, more than you realize. This tells Or explains to me.... huge volumes, from those whom I thought would respond, but the most wonderful group of ladies did. Health does have its limitations...........apparently. I am not on here everyday, so honestly I do miss many health posters' issues, so if that should be the reason, then I do apolgize~ Many heartfelt blessings for all that are very ill or homebound~~~~~~~~~


January 18th, 2015