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I turned old last summer when I went from being 59 to 60. To me, that's a HUGE jump, far more than 39 to 40 or 49 to 50.

From here on, it's just lame duck chance for anything fun, good, etc.

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On 7/21/2014 Buck-i-Nana said:
On 7/20/2014 Ford1224 said:

I dislike the "age is just a number," and "better than the alternative" clichés.

It is better than the alternative. My hubby died at 38 years desperately had hoped we would grow old together.

My dh died at age 34 when I was 46. Never, ever dreamed he'd go first.

Posts: 73
Registered: ‎07-19-2011
I have a great role model for ignoring the number of birthdays I'm raciking up. My mother is almost 93, lives alone and is quite independent. She loves surfing the web and recently discovered Facebook when signing up for a webinar. Now she is friending my friends, sharing recipes and news of her spoiled cat, and ready to buy an iPad. I want to be just like her when I grow up.....acting "old" is never going to happen!
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People age differently due to physical issues as well as mental. As we get older we experience more death of people close to us. It can trigger some of these negative thoughts that make us appear old to others. Personally I don't run and hide from negative. I prefer to tackle it head on. Keeps me sharp.

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On 7/26/2014 JamicaJammer said:

I turned old last summer when I went from being 59 to 60. To me, that's a HUGE jump, far more than 39 to 40 or 49 to 50.

From here on, it's just lame duck chance for anything fun, good, etc.

JamicaJammer, if you ARE fun (I think you ARE), why can't you HAVE fun? My husband is currently learning, step by step, to HAVE fun, and he's approaching it as a life changing project.
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Old at 65??? NO WAY!! I still have a son in college, am going with my daughter today for her wedding dress fitting. I have been married 44 years but waited to have kids. I think that delayed me feeling "old". Hit the gym, get together with old friends and enjoy every day. Now to wait for grandchildren!!!!

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Nope not even close. We dance 6 times a week. We travel, visit friends and family. We have lots of friends because of our dancing activities. I buy and wear "current " clothes and I try to keep looking and being energetic. Age is chronological yes, but living well and keeping young is a state of mind.

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Just saw a lady on Katie Couric's show who is in her 80's and is a body builder! Another was 91 and she does yoga and is a dancer.

Age means nothing. You can be "old" at 30 if you live your life that way.

This society looks down on age. It's very sad. Yet, the most interesting people I know are over 60. I'm 52. I love talking to people who have lived, loved, lost and survived this life we live.

I'm going through the menopause thing and it is scary... but I look at it like I'm entering a new phase in my life and have the chance to take new chances and be renewed. I never had kids, so it's a little bittersweet, but I don't feel my age... I'm active and keep that youthful outlook of imagination and magic alive inside my heart.

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It is getting up there as far as numbers are concerned but with the wisdom one has gained can be one of the most productive and satisfying times of life. But remember AARP seems to think that magic age is 50; never could understand that one.

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I'm 63, and except for that pesky joint pain, I don't feel old. The only problem is that in this economy, it's been very difficult to find a full time job. I'm only working part-time remotely, and while the freedom and flexibility is great, I miss being with a company and having an office. But I think those days are gone for more people than just those over 55.