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Some people are old at forty and some people are young at 80.

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Some people are happy and thankful; some people creep around resentful and frowning. It's not old or young; it's attitude.

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On 7/15/2014 Sooner said:

Some people are happy and thankful; some people creep around resentful and frowning. It's not old or young; it's attitude.

So true. Kudos to all who have a great attitude and kick up their heels daily. I'm with that group.

Never Forget the Native American Indian Holocaust
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Why should old be a negative, I love old things and people who are older! You can be old and still be healthy and active. My husband is 71 years old and still works as a teacher , lifts weights and exercises every day. Yes, his hands are arthritic and he's had two hip replacements, but he's still in good working order and his doctor tells him he's the healthiest 71 year old man he knows.

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I too turned 65 last month. I kiddingly say I am officially old because I now have a Medicare card. I am active and healthy and try to stay busy. My niece told me yesterday that I don't look my age and that she hopes she ages as well as me. I took that as a huge compliment. The Baby Boomers are reinventing aging, I think for the better.
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Chessylady - Oh so true - the Baby Boomers are reinventing aging and I too believe it's for the better!

Never Forget the Native American Indian Holocaust
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I consider 75 the beginning of ""old age"". I hate that term! I guess 65 is considered a senior but definitely not ""old"" to me. And I agree that old is a state of mind.
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There was a caller right now on QVC and she just said she is 52 and does not have one wrinkle in her face. Another one earlier said she is 62 and everybody thinks she is 30. Another poster a couple of days ago said she got carded for wine and she is 67. The cashier thought she was under 18. WOW! Some ladies just stay young.

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And some believe everything they're told.
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I am going to distance myself from my friend for a while. At least while they are in their funk. Now, they were mentioning caskets and that is where I think I have had enough.

Never Forget the Native American Indian Holocaust