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OMG! I'm so tired of this medicine being PUSHED for .....

I didn't finish the headline because it's just so stupid!  I was upset when I saw the first commercials put out that showed a woman sitting on her bed with dirty laundry and it says something about a person dealing with having to wash laundry and suggested the anti-depression drug.


Now there's a new one out (same medicine) showing someone at work and how they aren't happy being at work.


Good grief!  How many people jump, skip and hop to work (loving every minute of it)?  


Who loves to wash clothes?


So, I'm wondering what Dr would give someone anti-depression medicine when a person comes in and says, "I hate doing laundry and I hate going to work".


I have a surprising number of family members who are actually suffering from various forms of depression and are on medication.


With this in mind, I have to wonder how many people actually go to their Dr and suggest ANY kind of medicine that should be given to them?


When I go to my Dr HE suggests the medication (not me).


I will admit I'm not very keen on any kind of medication.  But I do have enough sense to do my research, listen to my Dr and decide if I'm willing to live with the side affects.


Have any of you seen these advertisements?




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Re: OMG! I'm so tired of this medicine being PUSHED for .....

It isn't about the dirty laundry causing depression.


It is about the depression causing lack of energy, concentration, etc. which can make every day tasks seem insurmountable.


You have the point of the commercial backward.

"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: OMG! I'm so tired of this medicine being PUSHED for .....

I hate all medical-drug commercials.   Once long ago they were illegal or not allowed.  Wish the rules did not change.  

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Re: OMG! I'm so tired of this medicine being PUSHED for .....

IMHO  big pharm pushes all Rx.  They want people to go to their doctor and specifically ask for a prescription by name,  Americans are the guinea pigs for big pharm IMO. To top it off Americans pay among the highest prices for prescriptions.


 After hearing all the possible side effects, I avoid at all costs.

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Re: OMG! I'm so tired of this medicine being PUSHED for .....

@Mary Bailey   Truth.

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Re: OMG! I'm so tired of this medicine being PUSHED for .....

@bonnielu wrote:

I hate all medical-drug commercials.   Once long ago they were illegal or not allowed.  Wish the rules did not change.  

My doctors hate these commercials because patients come in and want these drugs even if they aren’t right for them. 

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Re: OMG! I'm so tired of this medicine being PUSHED for .....

Oh yes I have seen that commercial and don't think the message is a good one.  All of us at one point or another may struggle with "lack of motivation" to do chores that must get done at some point or else we must do as my husband can get at least 4 days wear out of the same underwear! Forward/correct way...  Backwards....inside out....front facing...then backwards again LOL!  


Drug companies want as many people taking their medication as possible....profit.  I would HOPE/PRAY that doctors would only prescribe such things to the people who really are depressed and truly need help.  Sometimes we need to just go outside and look at the the birds....feel the wind on our skin....and find something to be grateful for.  I tell myself at least I am physically able to get up and do the sister would have jumped for joy to be able to walk or stand on her own.  


I also can't stand that bone drug one....about breaking bones!  Making light of it...or the other one with that man dancing around so happy he's on this new drug for his type 2 diabetes.  


It sends a message that if you have a problem there's a quick fix for it....just take this magic pill.  



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Re: OMG! I'm so tired of this medicine being PUSHED for .....

 know people who want a prescription every time they go to the Dr ...or they say he didn't do anything for them.....

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Re: OMG! I'm so tired of this medicine being PUSHED for .....

No, I haven’t seen them. I can’t stand commercials so I flip to QVC during them. I can almost time them perfectly so I get back to my show on time.

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Re: OMG! I'm so tired of this medicine being PUSHED for .....

I have never asked my doctor to give me a particular prescription.  I have nixed prescriptions before due to cost or side effects.  And anything that gets promoted on TV would more than likely be expensive and not generic which means my BCBS won't pay for it.  Luckily, so far, I'm doing find on generics.  


I think that's the commercial where apparently the actress doesn't know how to peel a banana.  She pulls out on it instead of down, and then tries to do the same thing to the other (wrong) end.  Poor girl never gets her banana.