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Re: No shopping channels in hospital on TV

Wishing you a speedy recovery! I work in a hospital but I didn't know that hip replacement patients were in and out so fast. That's good to hear, because you never know what's around that

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Re: No shopping channels in hospital on TV

So, is this the reason for your fall last week? Best to U!

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Re: No shopping channels in hospital on TV

Wishing you all the best for a speedy recovery gazelle! Get home soon!
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Re: No shopping channels in hospital on TV

Hi gazelle77

I think those nurses underestimate the will of their patients and maybe the effects of the meds they are given while under their care. Or, heaven forbid, maybe it is only 1 gender they think might have this type of problem when sedated or "under the influence" :-) In all the weeks I spent there I didn't order 1 single item and I watched lot's of electronic shows(my weakness at times).

Spent week after week after week in my 2nd home, the hospital, and this one has all 3 shopping networks available to view. I am talking about the last 12 years now, not just 1 or 2 years. The other 2 hospitals I was in for a few days, 1 of them had all 3 and the other had only HSN.

Sounds like things went well for you and I am very happy to hear that you were up and about and took a spin with your walker. Keep working and you will be just fine with this.

My best to you and an may your recovery from this surgery be as smooth as?

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Registered: ‎03-01-2013

Re: No shopping channels in hospital on TV

You are on my ignore Skylands....I figure why open whatever you said on this thread as you never say anything per your post on my thread about tripping and denial. Why do you like to post on my threads at all? I am sure what you posted here is just like the other post.
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Re: No shopping channels in hospital on TV

On 10/1/2014 Seattlegirl98026 said: Wishing you all the best for a speedy recovery gazelle! Get home soon!
Thank-you for the kind words SeattleGirl!
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Registered: ‎03-01-2013

Re: No shopping channels in hospital on TV

On 10/1/2014 hckynut said:

Hi gazelle77

I think those nurses underestimate the will of their patients and maybe the effects of the meds they are given while under their care. Or, heaven forbid, maybe it is only 1 gender they think might have this type of problem when sedated or "under the influence" :-) In all the weeks I spent there I didn't order 1 single item and I watched lot's of electronic shows(my weakness at times).

Spent week after week after week in my 2nd home, the hospital, and this one has all 3 shopping networks available to view. I am talking about the last 12 years now, not just 1 or 2 years. The other 2 hospitals I was in for a few days, 1 of them had all 3 and the other had only HSN.

Sounds like things went well for you and I am very happy to hear that you were up and about and took a spin with your walker. Keep working and you will be just fine with this.

My best to you and an may your recovery from this surgery be as smooth as?

Ahhh..Thanks John! Smiley Happy
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Registered: ‎03-01-2013

Re: No shopping channels in hospital on TV

Well, I am home...just 24 hours from surgery to home with a total hip replacement. Feel great...of course on meds...but getting around really good. Now to heal Smiley Happy
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Posts: 375
Registered: ‎03-17-2010

Re: No shopping channels in hospital on TV

Oh Gazelle, I am sorry I just saw this thread now!!! Hope everything is going fine with you!!! My DH had a hip replacement about 12 years ago just before they started doing then with the little incisions (which I assume you had). He has done well and you would never know he had a hip replacement, tennis, golf, biking, etc.!!!

You will be so happy you had this done!!! I hope your recovery goes well!!!!

In Sunny AZ
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Registered: ‎09-30-2012

Re: No shopping channels in hospital on TV

Wishing you a very quick recovery and glad to hear you're home. As the saying goes, 'there's no place like home'!

Hope you are feeling better soon.