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Re: Newly diagnosed with type II diabetes and need help, please!

I would never ask for or give advice regarding medical and/or illnesses.  I don't think it's a good idea.  I would not want unprofessional guidance nor would I want to be responsible for advising one.  I often wonder why people talk about their personal issues on public forums.

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Re: Newly diagnosed with type II diabetes and need help, please!

Responding to the OP as a sugarholic myself -


You will need to cut way down on carbs, compared to the way you have been eating - permanently, forever. But cutting way down doesn't mean you can "never ever" have things you enjoy, it just means they need to become once a week or once a month treats, not everyday food. IMO telling someone they cannot and/or should not have something "ever again" is the quickest way to doom them to failure. But you DO need to change your eating habits.

 I eat an occasional donut now, but did not eat one for almost 2 years after diagnosis. 


Read the nutritional label for everything you put in your mouth. Know how many carbs are in *everything.* Understand that when a food in the grocery store is labeled/formulated as "low fat" (healthy, right?) it has *more sugar/carbs in it than the regular version.*


I automatically look for the lowest carb/highest fiber version of everything. If you want toast or a sandwich there are breads, bagels and English muffins available that are do-able. You need to search them out by looking at packaging and reading labels.


Potatoes, pasta, rice? SMALL PORTIONS of these a few times a week are fine and part of a balanced diet. Eat a hamburger patty without the bun or with just the bottom half.


Vegetables, meat and salad are your friends. Try to stick to diet salad dressing; if you can't, use less dressing For fruits, any berry is the lowest-sugar of all the fruits. A small apple. Do not drink fruit juices, only eat the fruit. There is much more sugar in the juice.


Breakfast - an egg, a few slices of bacon and a piece of high fiber toast with no/low sugar jam. There are zero carbs in the egg and bacon. French toast with high fiber bread and diet syrup.


No sugar, "diet" versions of sodas, jams, syrups, puddings & all sorts of other things exist. I'm a believer, *in moderation.* As you know, if you have a sweet tooth you can't just "shut it off" like a faucet. I use the tools that modern science has given us, but I don't OVER-use them. Yes, I use artificial sweeteners (gasp!) but I don't tell myself it's fine to eat a whole pound cake sweetened with Splenda.


I'm fine with my diet. My last A1C was 5.6 on Metformin alone. Each person finds what works for them - "works" meaning keeping your numbers, daily and A1C, as low as you can - you do have to make changes. You should not just go on as you were.


My older sister did nothing any doctor ever advised her to do. She paid no attention to diet, ate what she wanted, never checked her sugars because she honestly didn't care what they were and had no intention of following whatever the doctor said anyway. I doubt she even took her medication.


She died about 5 years ago of "complications of diabetes" - kidney failure, congestive heart failure, emphysema, lymphedema. She was 5'2" and weighed 500 lbs at her death - most of it fluid. She was in her early mid 70s.


No diabetic can/should ignore what medical science advises. It was not a nice way to go.

Life without Mexican food is no life at all
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Re: Newly diagnosed with type II diabetes and need help, please!

I could say I often wonder why people come into a thread they clearly have no interest in just to randomly fling poo at the posters in the thread. I could say it, but in reality I don't "wonder" at all; I know. 

Life without Mexican food is no life at all
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Re: Newly diagnosed with type II diabetes and need help, please!

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@ID2 wrote:

@sidsmom wrote:

Low Fat Whole Foods Plant Based diet

is the answer for diabetes prevention AND cure.


Intramyocellular lipids

Intra = inside

Myo = muscle

Cellular = cells

Lipids = fat


"In humans, a negative correlation between insulin sensitivity and intramyocellular lipid (IMCL) content has been shown; thus, IMCL becomes a marker for insulin resistance." (ADA)


Translation = Fat within the muscle cells CAUSES insulin resistance.

Solution = Remove the dietary FAT in the diet & your body will correctly use the insulin it produces.


It's so simple.  Diabetes can be CURED just by a correct diet...low fat, whole foods, plant based diet. 



A plate of dry baked potatoes, dressed with salsa, tons of vegetables on the side...add beans if desired.  



Just eliminate the oil, no saturated fats, limiting nuts, seeds & avocado....all animal products, meats, dairy, cheese, eggs.  


Eat LOTS of:

Rice, potatoes, beans, lentils, squash, leafy greens, fruit, vegetables, lots & lots of spices & flavorings.  


Eliminating the the dietary fat is the key to diabetes prevention AND cure.




Please OP please don't listen to the suggestions in the above post! They are insanely incorrect! I'm a type 1 diabetic, have been for 38 years so I consider myself pretty much an expert on the subject. My suggestion to you is to be proactive with your doctor. Demand to be enrolled in your local classes. If you are still uncomfortable, find another doctor pronto. Good luck to you! Keep us posted. Woman Happy

@ID2     @Imadickens



YES ......  PLEASE ignore the comments in Post # 16 .... very dangerous information for diabetics.    



Agreed - DO NOT listen to that poster. She has an agenda for the way she chooses to eat, and according to her it will "cure" diabetes. NOT. It flies directly in the face of all science knows about diabetes.

Life without Mexican food is no life at all
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Re: Newly diagnosed with type II diabetes and need help, please!

Thank for the great ideas! Your sense of humor was also greatly appreciated..I really need something to smile about with all this! You gave me some good suggestions and I will try them all!
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Re: Newly diagnosed with type II diabetes and need help, please!

You are right, my endo (thyroid issues!) just stopped seeing patients to be a CEO for the group! I saw another but what a dud! I am looking for a new one but as I can't drive far due to foot injury I'm stuck in our small town. Am looking, tho! Thanks for the advice and caring!
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Re: Newly diagnosed with type II diabetes and need help, please!



As many have said, do your research.


If you want to REMAIN a Type 2 diabetic, continue to eat the animal products like meat, cheese, milk, eggs & douse everything with olive oil.  Continue with the blood sugar fluctuations, continue with the medications, continue with the health decline. 


If you want to prevent & CURE Type 2 diabetes, eliminate the fat, ramp up the whole foods carbohydrates, fruits, veggies & live a rich, vibrant life!


It's stunning how many people don't understand how Type 2 Diabetes works!  It's a modern day condition easily reversed!  


Dr. John McDougall outlines everything on his free website.

Dr. Neal Barnard has multiple books on how to reverse this condition.

There are SO many plant-based doctors...pick one. 

They will ALL say the same thing...diabetes can be reversed with a low-fat dietary plan with lots of clean carbohydrates, beans, greens & fruit.


People will try to make this difficulT.  It's not rocket science.








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Re: Newly diagnosed with type II diabetes and need help, please!

Oh, thank you so much! I am learning so much here! I will try your meal suggestions!
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Re: Newly diagnosed with type II diabetes and need help, please!

Thanks for the info! Wow, why do docs do this? I have looked for a support group near me but haven't found one! I will call our hospital, maybe they just don't list it? I will google your suggestions! Thanks so much!
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Re: Newly diagnosed with type II diabetes and need help, please!

Thank you! I have not seen any diabetic support groups listed with the others but will call hospital in case it just isn't published!
Never underestimate the power of kindness.