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Re: Neurologist is referring me to Pain Management

I received GREAT feedback from both healthcare therapists come by to give my husband his if the neurologist can find one that will take my insurance! 1st referral that his office referred me to didn't take it...groan..
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Re: Neurologist is referring me to Pain Management

Glad your feedback from your husband's therapists was GREAT. Apparently those who took the time to respond to your post, not so much? Geesh!
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Re: Neurologist is referring me to Pain Management

I saw a pain management doctor several years ago, and it was because of nerve pain from a condition called called reflex sympathetic dystrophy. He did a nerve block, and it did help. I am hopeful you will get relief from your pain soon. Bless you.
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Re: Neurologist is referring me to Pain Management

On 2/27/2015 lizzief said: Glad your feedback from your husband's therapists was GREAT. Apparently those who took the time to respond to your post, not so much? Geesh!
Please forgive in not thanking Everyone who gave me their feedback...I apology...I am on very limited time in posting since I am my DH 's sole caretaker. It was my fault for overlooking that I hadn't thanked all of you.
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Re: Neurologist is referring me to Pain Management

I hope it works for you....I was referred in and had facet joint blocks on 3 levels bi-lateral in my cervical spine. It didn't work for me at all....went back for check up 2wks later and told him I hurt worse after procedure.

I was supposed to go back and try a epidural on one level (C-6 I think it ws) to see if that helps but these people didn't do something right with the pre approval on my last procedure and it is still not paid by my HMO HAP insurance Co. They only paid for one level from what i can see and this was back in July of last yr.

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Re: Neurologist is referring me to Pain Management

I have been under pain management care for many years now. I have maxed out on the number of steroid injections I can get. I didn't think they were helping that much until I've now gone about a year and a half without one. Thanks to the government getting involved with trying to control narcotic prescriptions, if you have a condition that might require long term treatment or narcotic meds, you are going to be referred to pain management. Your regular doctor is not going to have any choice. They can do some things to help. Best of luck to you!
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Re: Neurologist is referring me to Pain Management

This will help you, so go. I am glad your neurologist is trying to help and even ordered the MRI, you have no idea how hard it can be just to get an MRI these days.

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Re: Neurologist is referring me to Pain Management

I want a permanent block in my feet!

Don't cry for a man who's left you--the next one may fall for your smile.
-- Mae West
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Re: Neurologist is referring me to Pain Management

I asked my doctor to refer me to a pain management doctor. Didn't know what to expect. He sent me for a MRI. Saw him again and had a procedure which didn't help and he said there was nothing he could do for me. I had an operation with a doctor he referred me to for my legs were hurting so bad. It has been 6 months and legs are ok but one side of my lower back hurts at times. The back never hurt. Had a long stay in rehab for uti. Wondering if I should go back.

Good luck to you whatever you decide.

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Re: Neurologist is referring me to Pain Management

Angry Bird,

By all means, see your Pain Management physician! They can work wonders! My husband has been seeing one for several years and has been extremely pleased with the results. He has received Epidurals for back problems and recently had a Branch Block ... no more pain! When we moved to another state a year ago, he was referred to another one where we're living now -give this a fair chance - I think you will be very pleased and will be feeling much better.