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Posts: 120
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Need some honest reviews of SSRI Paxil

I have severe OCD (many years), and just recently (menopause?) am also suffering from major GAD. In fact, I just went to the Dr. again today. I recently started on Luvox, and he is bumping up my dosage as I have had zero benefit at this point.

A few years ago I took Paxil for a very short time because I had such trouble with even a low dosage. I literally could NOT stay awake. I was simply exhausted and would fall asleep even sitting down to fold clothes. It was horrible. I was not on it long enough to experience the weight gain, etc.

We all react so differently to these drugs. I wish I didn't have to try them at all. I have refused for years to take them, but am at the desperate point now. I have panic attacks all day long, for no logical reason...and the OCD is ruining my life.

Good luck. You surely are not alone.

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Posts: 364
Registered: ‎09-26-2010

Re: Need some honest reviews of SSRI Paxil

I took Paxil for several years. I did not gain weight and it worked. My husband is on it now, and he did not gain weight either. No side effects.

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Posts: 739
Registered: ‎07-12-2011

Re: Need some honest reviews of SSRI Paxil

I was on Paxil years ago. I found it to be ""strong"". I was falling asleep around 7 pm but the worst part was that my eyes were dialated...I looked drugged. I was on a starter dose. I hesitated writing about this because meds that may work on me/ may work on someone else. Good luck with it.

Super Contributor
Posts: 449
Registered: ‎01-23-2011

Re: Need some honest reviews of SSRI Paxil

LoveSG, you do not need another anti-depressant IMHO (most likely). Try Barlean's Omega Swirl in Pomegranate Blueberry. One tablespoon two to three times a day (no, pills will not work the same). So many people suffering from anxiety, depression, anger, or other so-called "emotional" issues would see within 24 hours such a huge difference by adding the beneficial fats from flax, fish and evening primrose/borage oils into their diets. I have experienced the miraculous response myself, and posted about these things here often. Sadly, many people seem too close-minded to even try this. Since these oils are so beneficial for so many other things as well (brain health, heart health, dry skin and eyes, psoriasis/ezcema, etc.) I just wish more people would just try this. As long as you do not suffer from mania of any kind, adding the Barlean's Omega Swirl fish oils in as well yields some amazing mood results too. Go to Science Daily's web site and look up omega 3 information if you need some facts to read. Good luck and take care.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 580
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Need some honest reviews of SSRI Paxil

I took Paxil in the past. It worked wonders for me.. No weight gain but you do need to wean yourself off it. My son has social anxiety issues and depression. He is currently taking Paxil. He had a hard time staying awake during the day so the doctor recommended that he take it in the evening rather than in the morning. That helped tremendously. He now sleeps well at night and is able to stay awake and focus during the day. As to his anxiety issues, he does have occasional panic attacks but he takes Xanax (low dose) for that. HTH and good luck to you!