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My experiences with physical therapy

Ten months ago I broke my femural neck.  Ouch!


I have been in physical therapy for about 8 months of that time, with 8 physical therapists, for a variety of reasons.  


Each one of them was a blessing, and I benefited from their  different insights and therapies.   


Different types of massage, different exercises, taping, electrical stimulus.  My body benefited from each and every one of them.  




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Re: My experiences with physical therapy

I think Physical Therapy is a lifesaver, in my life, it has been. In 2009, I had 2 cervical herniated discs with resulting severe pain and weakness in my right arm. I could not even hold a brush in my hand. 

The neurologist said that I needed surgery right away, the neurosurgeon sent me to Physical Therapy. I went there for 3 months and I recovered. The neurologist was angry, shook his finger at me, and said "you are not going to avoid surgery.", so far, I have avoided surgery. 

The Physical Therapist's are a great asset to the health care team. I trust them for my care. 

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Re: My experiences with physical therapy

I went to PT last year for 3 months (2X weekly) for neck and shoulder issues and mostly became pain free. Then, thru my own fault, I aggravated the same issues and started back in Jan, I feel pretty good and thinking of going until the end of this month, but will discuss with my therapist. Maybe I'll just cut back to 1 time a week for awhile. They really can be miracle workers.

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Re: My experiences with physical therapy

I have to tell you I love your name @juanitalinda .  My late little sister was Juanita and my late Mom was Linda.  I love seeing the two together.  I hope you have great results with your PT.

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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Re: My experiences with physical therapy

I have been to p/t on and of for 20+ years for various ailments---the last time was Dec  2022 after breaking my ankle in Oct of 2022. But the big difference was physical therapy came to me at my apartment 2x a week for about 25 times! I live on the 2nd floor, and have no car anymore and no way could I go up and down stairs so found a place that "delivered" Woman Wink Johnny--brought his table and set it up in my tiny livingroom and we used whatever I had that was needed to faciltate  my various exercises. He was a hoot and we had a good time while helping me get back on my feet.   And the results are excellent--am back to normal--

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Re: My experiences with physical therapy

[ Edited ]

I have had P.T. 3 times and it was the greatest blessing. First time was following a stroke, second was for a torn bicep tendon, and third was for a frozen shoulder. The therapists I was blessed to work with were all  excellent.

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Re: My experiences with physical therapy

I also have had great results from PT.  


I now have a set of exercises I do every night, get out and walk every day, and generally stay active.


Best advice from therapist and doc:  stay active.



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Re: My experiences with physical therapy

On NYE 2022, I broke my femur...comminuted femoral shaft fracture. My femur was in 4 pieces.  After surgery for a titanium rod and screws I spent a year in PT.  It was so very positive for me and really helped me get back to somewhat normal.  I am thankful I was able to have that support on both the physical side as well as the mental side. 

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Re: My experiences with physical therapy

I am a huge proponent of physical therapy.  I learned at age 50 that I was hypermobile after a series of problems that led me to deteriorating greatly.  After going through several pts, I found a wonderful pt and saw her regularly for almost 10 years until she retired last year.  I learned so much about my condition and what to do when things went wrong for me and it was life changing.  I do a set of exercises daily and also have corrective exercises to do when needed.  I also learned what not to do and learned that shoes play a big role in keeping me in neutral.  Walking is like medicine for my body and I am so happy to be able to go out and walk every day.

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: My experiences with physical therapy

[ Edited ]




@ALRATIBA wrote:

I also have had great results from PT.  


I now have a set of exercises I do every night, get out and walk every day, and generally stay active.


Best advice from therapist and doc:  stay active.



I'm working on this stay active thingie.  Given the fact that I broke 3 bones in 8 months, the current advice is 'be extremely cautious'. 


Hopefully they can figure out what's wrong and give me something to stop the bone fractures. 


At this point about the only exercises deemed safe are pool and recumbent bike.  Fortunately, I have access to both.  


Friday I have an appointment with a bone specialist.  Fingers crossed!!