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Re: My Son in Law has colon cancer

Sending prayers and positive thoughts for you and your family and a complete and speedy recovery for your son-in-law.Heart

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Re: My Son in Law has colon cancer



My thoughts go out to your family going through this. It sounds like his cancer was caught in its early stages and his outcome sounds promising. Best wishes to you all.




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Registered: ‎08-05-2018

Re: My Son in Law has colon cancer

[ Edited ]

I think your son in law has a very good prognosis as found early being stage 2 .I do hope that no  lymph nodes when tumor is removed will show that it has spread,with that information  I believe is so important, then I would  consider more so chemo,but I know not everyone is going to agree with me but  I believe oncologist push chemo, it is big  money for hospitals,and that is their job.

I know day  after my  surgery the oncologist came to my bed side  ,first time meeting him and spoke about  chemo , I did have a colostomy bag  that I heard was needed dealing with that, was very hard but  Thank God  was removed and had a reversal surgery months later .

I and family member wanted to really wait for pathology reports  before agreeing to chemo if any lymph nodes were involved which Thank God none were, also was stage 2, then I made MY decision.

I did agree to iron infusions as I was very anemic.So I did go along with something that was being offered by oncologist department.

Just would like to say have your daughter,son in law yourself RESEARCH RESEARCH & MORE RESEARCH,on your own.I found so much information and learned so much  one was Chris Beats also Colon Club daughter found that one,she was able to  communicate with others,on website and ask  qustions with fast replies,just a wonderful group of people there.DId change my eating habits in a big way

Last thing I was 20 years older then your son in law when my cancer was found.I was one who didn't think I needed a colonoscopy was I So WRONG.

Will have him in my thoughts and  prayers.,but thought maybe reading a reply from someone who has gone through would be helpful.

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Re: My Son in Law has colon cancer



I am sorry to hear about your son-in-law's health issue.  I know news like this is difficult to handle.  However, I am sure he will get through this ordeal and be fine.  The medical field has made strides with cancers and some are now curable.  Stay strong and have faith, things will be better, my best wishes to you and your family.

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Re: My Son in Law has colon cancer

SO sorry.  Praying.

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Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: My Son in Law has colon cancer

My brother-in-law who is in his 70s was diagnosed about one year ago. He had Stage 2 also. He went to Sloan Kettering. He had surgery but no chemo. He is doing really well.  Totally back to normal. 

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Re: My Son in Law has colon cancer

To your whole family,

Sending Prayers

Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,355
Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: My Son in Law has colon cancer

Regarding my brother-in-law in my above text, they said that he might need chemo but would 't be able to tell until AFTER the surgery. Please get a second opinion re the chemo. 

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-28-2015

Re: My Son in Law has colon cancer

Sending thoughts and prayers your way...

Respected Contributor
Posts: 4,153
Registered: ‎04-30-2012

Re: My Son in Law has colon cancer

You and your family are certainly in my prayers, I know first hand how you are feeling and what you are going through.  My son was dx with colon cancer at age 35 and apparently had been having rectal bleeding for 1 year before he was diagnosed.  He finally told me after his then girlfriend had encouraged him to go to a urgent care center where a CT scan done confirmed the dx.  He had sx and was dx with stage 1 no chemo or meds THANK THE LORD !! 


After going through that and never having a colonoscopy myself  his Dr. encouraged him to have me and his sister (she was 24) get a colonoscopy because of his young age having colon ca so we did. His sister was fine but they found a large polyp in my colon so I went through surgery as well and it ended up also being stage 1, no chemo or meds needed. again I give thanks to the Lord!  we now have colonoscopies on a recommened basis and have been ok. My last colonoscopy 2021 showed a very small non cancerous polyp that was removed


So I say to you have faith that everything will work out if chemo is needed, they found it at a early stage so complete recovery is certainly in his future. You have my prayers for the best of outcomes !!