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Just heard of Meloxicam use for arthritic pain or joint pain.  Is it simply a high dose ibuprofin?

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I have some in my medicine cabinet given to me when I had a shooting pain that went from my shoulder to my wrist.   I don’t think it’s the same. Usually 800 mg Motrin is a high dose of ibuprofen. 

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My husband and I both used it when we had knee replacement. It’s supposed to be an anti inflammatory. 

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It is an inflammatory that I only use occasionally.  Working out has not worked out for my knees, but I have found that CBD oil is better for pain, at least for me.  However, if the pain is really severe, it is Meloxicam that I take.  Like anything, I will not take it daily as I worry about long-term side effects.

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I have been given Meloxicam for arthritis.  Doctor says once a day.   Try to take it less often.  I find it does relieve my knee pain and I have no side effects.

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Works wonders for me.

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That's what I'm currently taking for my Metatarsalgia/Morton's Neuroma.

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@bargainsgirl wrote:

Just heard of Meloxicam use for arthritic pain or joint pain.  Is it simply a high dose ibuprofin?

Meloxicam (Mobic) never helped me.  I was on it for a few years and started having stomach problems.  My gastro doc did an endoscopy and found a HUGE ulcer... one of the largest ones the doc had ever seen!!!  I started on a very common medication (which, of course, I can't think of right now... getting old is tough) but it eventually cleared up the ulcer.

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@bargainsgirl From a certified pharmacy tech, yes.  It's not the same exact thing as ibuprofen but same class of drugs.  If you are okay with NSAIDS, it should work for you.  If you are not, it won't.  

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@bargainsgirl wrote:

Just heard of Meloxicam use for arthritic pain or joint pain.  Is it simply a high dose ibuprofin?

My dog was given this for dogs last week for her arthritic pain and it works.  She is walking better and in better spirits.  The vet said it was like a super asprin.