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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Medicare wellness check-up

Those questions may not apply to OP but they may apply to other 65 and 70 year olds.  


Why get upset about it?  Make light of it and move on.  


I'm happy to answer those questions in order to keep Medicare.  It's been a godsend for me.

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Posts: 9,305
Registered: ‎06-08-2016

ThRe: Medicare wellness check-up

The information is recorded by Medicare in their database.

It's not patient  specific, names are peeled off.

It can follow trends of illnesses or potential illnesses to better serve Medicare patients.

One use of the information is to determine what tests should be required when.

For example, after a certain age, mammograms are only necessary every other year.

Medicare does the same studies on hospitalizations.    Why admitted?  How long did you stay, etc.  For example, if you need to be in the hospital for 3 days for your particular admission, then Medicare will pay for 3 days & the hospital will get the proper reimbursement.    You won't be rushed out after a day or 2.

But it looks like you all know better. 

 You can opt out.


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Posts: 203
Registered: ‎02-06-2012

Re: Medicare wellness check-up

@Deb665  Along with the questions , I had to draw a clock face and make it read 10:45!  I felt rather insulted at some of the questions


The clock face drawing is done as a very preliminary test for Alzeimer's.......

Honored Contributor
Posts: 23,835
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Medicare wellness check-up

@Nataliesgramma My husband went for his first physical after turning 65 and starting Medicare this month.  It was the same as  his prior  special questions. We also have supplemental  Premera  Blue cross coverage.  


Do you have supplemental health  coverage besides Medicare? 

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Posts: 11,273
Registered: ‎06-19-2010

Re: Medicare wellness check-up

For me, my wellness exam seems like a psychological exam.  And I like it because I get to talk about things no one asks me and if I talk about they aren't really listening.  They usually give me that memory test but didn't this time.  (Maybe they forgot, lol).


On my own, I make sure I fast so that I can request all of my blood work while I'm there.  I got my flu shot, too.


I first wellness check that I had, I felt the same as the original poster....waste of time.  But as I was driving home afterwards, I felt like a weight had been lifted because I felt the doctor really listened and shared in the discussion instead of me just whining to someone really was listening to me to be polite.  Due to Covid, my normal May visit didn't happen til September, though.  Boy did I have a lot to share.  I told my doctor that he needed a couch to make my session complete.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Registered: ‎03-18-2010

Re: Medicare wellness check-up

[ Edited ]

@Deb665 wrote:

Along with the questions , I had to draw a clock face and make it read 10:45!  I felt rather insulted at some of the questions.  



The clock test and other tests they give are to check your memory.  My friend flunked it (I knew she was having problems with her memory).  Her dr. was alerted about this.  Also, I got a $25 Visa card for doing my wellness exam.  My husband whose has a lot of medical problems had this exam done at our home.  For some reason he got a $65 Visa card!!

Respected Contributor
Posts: 4,838
Registered: ‎07-24-2013

Re: Medicare wellness check-up

My doctor's office does The Wellness Exam separately.  it is a Medicare survey, just questions, they record BP height/weight.  Some if the questions are invasive IMO. just did the wellness one time although they still try to book one every year.  They get credit from Medicare or some sort of incentive. A nurse does these surveys.


The Annual exam covers the physical,  my doctor takes about 45 minutes with me reviewing my health and orders labs.

Respected Contributor
Posts: 2,318
Registered: ‎04-02-2015

Re: Medicare wellness check-up

@Nataliesgramma wrote:

I just had my first one and I just felt it was a waste of time for me.I thought it would be more of a physical type appointment, but it was just a bunch of questions like ....have I fallen in the last I have throw rugs in my I feel threatened at home...would I have a good quality of life if I lost my eyesight......


 Maybe it is more relevant for older Seniors, but I didn't see any benefit....


I felt like I took up the Drs time when he could have been seeing someone who really needed to be seen..

Mine used to be phoned into me, till I wised up and quit answering. The Lady asked me if I needed  help getting dressed, and if I did was there anyone I could get to help me.? I said ,"well theres a widower next door, but he probably needs help more than me". Another was "have you tried or have you thought about hurting yourself?" These are just stupid, and I don't feel answering them. There is a medical group, for about $100.00, that gives you a good phsical, with blood work, and corotid test. worth the money, if you haven't had these test.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 13,920
Registered: ‎07-15-2016

Re: Medicare wellness check-up

I don't bother with those "wellness" things at all.  


My former PCP gave me the best advice .... avoid doctors unless you are sick or injured.



Honored Contributor
Posts: 13,913
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Medicare wellness check-up



Myself personally! I spend enough time already seeing doctors, and getting pretty complete tests, every 6 months. Blood tests every 3 months, and even a PCP full physical every year.


The PCP physical is mostly to satisfy some Medical Requirements to continue taking my long term prescription meds. Without this unnecessary physical annually, my PCP would be taken to task for prescribing them.


I have been sent info on this Wellness Test, because of the above, I have not even read it.



