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@shoesnbags Well Care has done away with a lot of their Part D plans and this year there are only 3 to pick from.  So what you have may not be available to new members.

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@gidgetgh   Like you, 2nd year on medicare, first enrollment period...I have Well Care, for the new year their monthly rates changed for me, for the better.  In 2021 I paid $17.50/month, for 2022 I will pay $12.90 month.  The deductible is up $35.00 from 2021.


I do not take any medication so I did not pay a lot of attention to the drug coverages but I do see the co pays have gone up on Tier 1 and 2, Tier 3 and 4 seem to have stayed the same.


I probably did not answer your specific question since I really don't use it much, thank goodness.  I was just glad rates did  not go up like my husbands did, he has Express Scripts - now CIGNA, the monthly premium went up.

Posts: 27
Registered: ‎01-17-2011

I had Wellcare Value Script this year, and will stay with it for 2022.  I had no problems, but I am only on one med.  Wellcare had five different drug plans, which they are now consolidating into three plans.  The only change for me will be a drop in premium.  The most important thing for you to do is determine what tier your meds fall in, and make sure they are covered, and find what the copay is for each.  Be sure your pharmacy is a covered provider.  You can then compare to other plans.

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Like you,I am 2 years into this. I have your same plan. I use 90 mail order for 2 prescriptions. All good. But, I have a 3 rd prescription this year ... it was $175 at Publix wth the WellCare so the pharmacist suggested GoodRx....$25. Big difference.


Check to see  what tier your medication is in. The monthly charge $12 is less this year but deductible was raised to $480 I think. 


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Posts: 13,266
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I appreciate everyone's help.


I just finished enrolling in drug plan WellCare Value Script (PDP).


Huge drop in the monthly premium, but this plan will have a deductible and my other plan did not.  


But this was the top plan recommended for the drugs I take.

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?