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Medicare Advantage Question

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I am  about to sign up for Medicare and I think I am going to go with an Advantage Plan.  If anyone is on the Advantage side, are there any downsides in choosing Advantage over a Medigap plan?  It now has a PPO option so all my doctors and my dentist are in the plan, so its not the plan of the past  (HMO).

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Re: Medicare Advantage Question

I switched a few years ago from the regular Medicare plan to an Advantage Plan with AARP.  It is a PPO and has dental and vision for $36/month.  Haven't had to use any of the medical so I'm not sure how that would work out but I'm happy I switched.



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Re: Medicare Advantage Question

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@kaydee50   My understanding is that it is FREE, and includes Dental (not positive about the vision),  What are your paying for?  Im in IL, maybe different ddepending on the state you are in?

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Re: Medicare Advantage Question

It is my understanding that is covers less than tradational Medicare and you still will have a co pay. If you do not have any chronic considering it might be a consideration. You also might have diffiuclty finding doctors that accept the plan. 

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Re: Medicare Advantage Question



The problem with asking about Advantage plans is that they vary from plan to plan.  Some plans are great and people love them, others not so much.


You really need to ask people that are on you same plan in your same county.

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Re: Medicare Advantage Question

@I am still oxox  Yes, there is a co pay.  I think if you are a relatively health person the co pay will be cheaper than the monthly premium with the traditonal plan.  Guess I will have to really dig deep on the "what it covers side". 

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Re: Medicare Advantage Question

@MrsCat21   I'm also in IL.  I think it may depend on the zip code you live in.


@I am still oxox   It's my understanding that if the doctor accepts Medicare they will accept an Advantage plan.




















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Re: Medicare Advantage Question

Advantage plans are required to cover anything that Medicare covers.  

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Re: Medicare Advantage Question

[ Edited ]

@geezerette  But, my real questoin is why arent more people on Advantage, not so much the company i.e. Cigna, BCBS, Humana?  All of our friends are on "traditional" Medigap plans and when I ask them about it they just say "I want to choose my doctors" or "I dont want anyone telling me where to go", one person actuallly said "I dont want the government telling me what to do".  🤦‍♀️Our insurance broker just says most people dont know that Advantage has changed alot in the past years and its not what it used to be. 

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Re: Medicare Advantage Question

Medicare Advantage Plans differ so greatly, it's impossible to compare them.  Mine was especially designed for my group, is self-insured and just administered by UHC. I pay no premium, no co-pay, no deductible and there's no maximum limit.  Have never paid a penny out of pocket.  I've never run across anything I needed that wasn't covered.

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