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Re: Lessman's April schedule is up

@willdob3 - Andrew now has a monthly special along with TS. March special was cholestacare, for the entire month. Wanted to know what the April special was. Have 20% coupon I want to use. Thx

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Re: Lessman's April schedule is up

@Nightowlz wrote:

@World Traveler wrote:

@CWS22 Are you sure about the ChocoNuvo? I thought he said he wouldn't do that item after February due to some areas starting to get too warm for shipping. I love that stuff! Best chocolate I have ever tasted, and I have tasted some really good chocolate in different countries.


Do you, or anyone else, know when he will be back with Essential 1? Just checked my stash and realize that I am lower on that than I thought. I believe he features that next time in July, but am hoping he will have it sooner than that. Otherwise, I guess I will just go on his website and get it. Smiley Sad

@World Traveler 


He just had a TS on Essential One with 2000 IU of D3 with 400 capsules for $80 on 3-4-17.

I would check the price of it during his Apr shows. unless you can wait until July to see if he offers it again at a better price.


@Hi @World Traveler , 


As Nightowlz mentioned, Andrew just offered an Essential-1 TS last month. He created the Essential-1 formula about 4-5 years ago. It's been frustrating and a bit confusing because he's never offered it on a regular TS schedule even though it seems to be one of his top selling products (and one of the top 2-3 supplements he suggests for those starting a supplement regimen). 


In the past, he's gone as much as one and a half to two years between TS offerings. From what he said when he presented it in March, I think he intends to try to find a regular place for it in his TS schedule... *sigh* but he's said that before on several occasions.


-- bebe Smiley Happy

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Re: Lessman's April schedule is up

@nyc1 wrote:

WOnderful.  Thanks so much.

I'm just about to call ProCaps to find out if they have PREBIOTICS.  I already take his Ultimate Probiotics.....  and about 15+ other things as well !


Hi @nyc1, the simplest way to get prebiotics into your diet is just to eat foods that have prebiotics in them. -- Fermented foods such as sauerkraut and kimchi have prebiotics in them, as well as a number of vegetables and some fruits (like bananas and apples).


-- bebe Smiley Happy




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Re: Lessman's April schedule is up

[ Edited ]

@fourpaws56 wrote:

ty for the info, I stocked up on his last, visit I am getting good results from the ultimate eye vitamins,anyone else use them?...


@fourpaws56 and @BExplorer, when I started taking his Ultimate Eye inside of 5 hours it cured this red eye condition (NOT pink eye) that I had had for THREE months. Yup, three month. I had seen five opthomologists and no one had been able to take care of it. I was being told that I would just have to live with it and that no harm would come to my eyes. It was a nightmare. 


When I first got the Ultimate Eye, I took a double dose with Omega-3 at 3am and when I looked in the mirror at 8am the whites of my eyes were finally white again. -- And I hadn't bought them to deal with my red eye problem, I had just bought them to help protect my eyes from sun damage. lol, I was speechless when, much to my surprise, they seemed to take the redness out of my eyes. 


I've also noticed that they help with my night vision.


Needless to say, I will never be without them even. Smiley Happy


-- bebe Smiley Happy

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Re: Lessman's April schedule is up

@untitled wrote:

Just FYI-


someone was asking about Andrew's Ultimate Whey?.


it is an April special of the month along with two other items.


Hi @untitled, Ultimate Whey was offered as a TS (for the very first time) in Janauary I think. -- I think the large TS size was $70 and right now it's being offered as a special offer for $80 which is $10 more. I think the Procaps regular price is $90, but I'm not positive.


-- bebe Smiley Happy

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Re: Lessman's April schedule is up



yes I ordered that TS and it is my new must have product - so I was surprised at having another deal so soon. Plus I had a 20 percent coupon. 

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Re: Lessman's April schedule is up



Ultimate whey protein 


Energy  & Fat Metabolism


Secure Whey Complete Meal Replacement  


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Re: Lessman's April schedule is up

@Mary Bailey wrote:



Any opinions....


Which is better  Ultimate Eye Support or  Maximum Eye Support?


I've been taking Ultimate Eye Support for years.  I don't know if Maximum is "more" than Ultimate.


also  is Marine Collegan ever a TS.  I let mine run out.  I need to get back on it. 





Hi @Mary Bailey , If you look below, I've included the Procaps Labs Vitamin Calculator info comparing these two products.


When I first added the Ultimate Eye Support to my regimen, I did compared the Maximum Eye Support to the Ultimate Eye Support. 


While the Maximum Eye Support does have higher concentrations of the supplemental ingredients and lutien, both formulas have 5gms (5,000mcg) of zeaxanthin which is the most expensive ingredient in the formula. -- If I remember correctly, it's about twice as expensive at lutien and about five times as exensive as bilberry. All three of these ingredients are among the most expensive ingredients Andrew has in his products. Also, unlike lutien which can be found in green leafy veggies, corn and peas, the only good source of zeaxanthin is algae (essentially green pond scum, yuck!).


I haven't done a pricing comparison in probably five years but, back when I did, the Ultimate Eye TS was a much better overall value than the Maximum Eye Support. -- Essentially I broke down the cost per capsule of each ingredients in each of the products and the Ultimate Eye won. -- Two principle factors were involved: 


* Maximum Eye Support comes in packets and the packet packaging seems to add to the overall cost.


* since the Ultimate Eye Support is offered as a TS, Andrew is able to offer the maximum value.


Additionally, for me, the most important ingredient is the xeazanthin since it is impossible to get in the diet unless you supplement with spirulina (pond scum) which tastes extremely yucky. Smiley Wink


I hope this info helps. Smiley Happy


-- bebe Smiley Happy





from the Procaps Labs VItamin Calculator...



Maximum Eye Support packet -- VERSUS --(2) Ultimate Eye Support capsules


Vitamin A
Max -- 2000 IU
Ult -- 2000 IU
Vitamin C
Max -- 300 mg
Ult -- 200 mg
Vitamin E
Max -- 125 mg
Ult -- 60 mg
as natural d-alpha tocopheryl succinate/tocopherol
Max -- 60 IU
Ult -- 30 IU
as natural d-gamma tocopherol
Max -- 80 mg
Ult -- 40 mg
as natural d-delta/d-beta tocopherol
Max -- 5 mg
Ult -- N/A
Max -- 12 mg
Ult -- 10 mg
Green Tea
Max -- 250 mg
Ult -- 100 mg
Epigallocatechin Gallate
Max -- 125 mg
Ult -- 50 mg
Citrus Bioflavonoid Complex
Max -- 250 mg
Ult -- 100 mg
Max -- 200 mg
Ult -- 100 mg
Black Elder
Max -- 50 mg
Ult -- 25 mg
Grape Seed
Max -- 50 mg
Ult -- 25 mg
Total Zeaxanthin Complex
Max -- 5000 mcg
Ult -- 5000 mcg



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Re: Lessman's April schedule is up

@Catiele wrote:

Does anyone here take his Probiotic? I need to take one and want to take a good one. Thanks!


Hi @Catiele, I'd recommend the Ultimate Friendly Flora becasue it is about 5 times the potency and only double the cost of the regular Friendly Flora. -- It's shelf stable so, if you wanted to, you could take half a capsule a day.


It's not as good as I'd like it to be, but I have special considerations. -- All said, it's a pretty good product and I do take it.


-- bebe Smiley Happy

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Re: Lessman's April schedule is up

@free-spirit wrote:

I also bought the Omega 3 bundled with Astaxanthin last year.  I honestly have not noticd any difference with the Astaxanthin.


Hi @free-spirit , I'm not as familiar with astaxanthin as I am with some of the other supplements. 


What I do know is that becasue Dr. Oz had recommended it on several occasions as being a great "antioxidant" (which is kind of vague *sigh*), the demand for astaxanthin went through the roof according to Andrew. 


The sense I get from Andrew is, based on its cost, that your supplement dollars may be better spent elsewhere. 


That said, if yu get eye strain because you work on the computer for hours and hours each day, astaxanthin can be helpful for eye strain. 


-- bebe Smiley Happy