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I wish that soon someday there is a watch or something like that that tells you how many calories you are burning at any one time throughout your day... sitting... cleaning house... walking... it would be so helpful and inspiring me  to move more seeing the  calories being burned in REAL TIME.  I wonder if this is something that will ever  be invented and  be on the market for the public to buy and use? 

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Don't the Fitbits do that or the Apple watches?

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Interesting theory, but not sure it would be possible.  Since peoples' metabolisms vary greatly, so does their  calorie burning.   

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@qbetzforreal wrote:

Don't the Fitbits do that or the Apple watches?

@qbetzforreal  No, not quite what I would like to see


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It won't change people's eating habits.