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I fractured my foot! Orthopedist refused to look at it!

On Tuesday night, I stood up and my right ankle rotated outward and I fractured my foot. The really sad thing is that on Wednesday, I had an appointment with an orthopedist for a follow-up from an episode of hip bursitis. 

When I arrived at the office, I told them that my hip was fine, but I injured my foot and it was painful, swollen and bruised. They said I could not been seen for that.

When I saw the doctor, I told him the same thing and he said "I do not do feet.". Well....I hobbled out out there very disappointed. They said "good luck with your foot." 

We are talking about Orthopedic Specialists here. 

Anyway, I made an appointment to see my Podiatrist today and he did an X-Ray of my foot, and I have a fracture. The same pain, swelling and bruising. I have to be in a boot X 6 weeks and pretty much stay immobile.

I am lucky my work is letting me work remote for now. 

Has anyone ever had a doctor let you walk away, without out concern for your wellbeing? Even the office staff. I am never going back there. 

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Re: I fractured my foot! Orthopedist refused to look at it!

I am so sorry that happened to you, but your experience seems to be a symptom of a very broken system.  I hope you finally are on your way to an uneventful recovery. 

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Re: I fractured my foot! Orthopedist refused to look at it!

Yes, I agree, I was shocked. The injury happened Tuesday night, and I figured I was going to see the Orthopedist anyway on Wednesday and he would take care of me. No they did not, I felt uncared for, no empathy at all. He spent less than 2 minutes with me, once he found out that I had been discharged from physical therapy with my hip. They billed Medicare for that visit. He did nothing. 

It was so shocking though that they let a 66 year old hobbling woman leave the office with investigating what might be wrong. 


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Re: I fractured my foot! Orthopedist refused to look at it!

My husband goes to a podiatrist every 3 weeks, he has had question about his leg and they said the podiatrist was the ankle and below.  I would think they would have told you to see an approriate doctor I can understand if that was not the doctors area of expertise.

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Re: I fractured my foot! Orthopedist refused to look at it!

[ Edited ]

@conlt  Unfortunately, even doctors within specialities are specializing.  I would have expected that you at least would have been given some guidance on how to proceed when you left the office.......or his office would have made a call to refer you immediately to another colleague who specialized in your injury. 


Hope you have a speedy and pain-free recovery. 

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Re: I fractured my foot! Orthopedist refused to look at it!

Yes, unfortunately that's the way it works nowdays.  You have to see a specialist for every little thing.  The ortho clinic I go to has specific doctors for feet and ankles, back, shoulders, etc.  They stay in their own lane.  This summer I've been passed around several times myself.  It is frustrating, especially since it takes weeks to get an appt.

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Re: I fractured my foot! Orthopedist refused to look at it!

My Orthopedist group works the same way.  Each doctor within the group has a specialty.  When I call to make an appointment they ask what area it is for.  On the other hand the doctor who saw you for your hip should have at least looked at your ankle.

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Re: I fractured my foot! Orthopedist refused to look at it!


My ortho group specializes like that, too. One guy does knees, another hips, another is a sports specialist, etc.  But I'd hope if I came in with a problem as you did, they would fit me in with whichever one was appropriate. I hope I never have to find out.Woman Surprised

"Breathe in, breathe out, move on." Jimmy Buffett
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Re: I fractured my foot! Orthopedist refused to look at it!

 Sorry you fractured your foot ! Prayers for your complete  healing and recovery.  Most Ortho's have their specialty but I would think the doctor would have referred you to your medical MD to be seen first or referred you on to a Ortho specializing in foot injuries. Just to say he doesn't do feet then the office staff to say good luck wasn't very nice IMO.  Take care

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Re: I fractured my foot! Orthopedist refused to look at it!

@conlt.  Yes, I know from experience that orthopedists are very specialized and each will only work on one small part of the body.

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