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Re: Hysterectomy coming up---can use advice

I am the OP. I am not afraid of peeing in a cup. The urine test involves injecting a solution in the bladder till it is ready to burst. Point being to see when leakage starts so the doc can see if it needs reinforcing of the bladder while doing the hysterectomy. I don't know the name of the test so I just called it a urine test.

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Re: Hysterectomy coming up---can use advice

I hope everything goes well for you, BaileySue! Heart I think the tests and the waiting are the scariest part. 


Consider buying a couple of caftans to lounge around in. And some loose-fitting yoga pants. The internal sutures can feel pokey afterward. Not painful, just pokey if you wear jeans. Herroom usually has some nice caftans on sale. That's what I wish someone had advised me beforehand--to have a few caftans on hand for relaxing in the weeks afterward. 


Like everyone has said the surgery is nearly pain-free. Nothing to worry about. 

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Re: Hysterectomy coming up---can use advice



It's a urodynamics test and it's understandable that you'd be nervous since you never had one before.  Many of us haven't.  I know what they are since I work in healthcare, they are common diagnostic tests.  There are several of those types of test, just call your doctor's office and and ask them to walk you through the procedure.  They'll probably have a nurse or nurse practioner do that and then your mind will be at ease.  You should never hestitate to ask questions whenever you need an explanation.  It's fear of the unknown that worries people...needlessly.   

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Re: Hysterectomy coming up---can use advice

for experience and advice try a site called HysterSisters.

they offer first hand recent experience and tools that can make you more comfortable after the procedure.  I had mine in 2000, asked to keep 1 ovary because I didn't want immediate menopause.  it lasted a very long time and i didn't have all the symptoms and that one ovary was not involved with the tumor.

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Re: Hysterectomy coming up---can use advice

[ Edited ]

@geegerbee wrote:

I am scheduled for a hysterectomy in May. I understand this is the most performed operation of all. First I have to have a urine test which I am dreading. I don't know anyone who has had either of these procedures and admit I am a bit hesitant. Any supportive been there---done that ladies?

Why are you dreading a urine test?


I had a hysterctomy in 2000 and it went smoothly and very little pain afterwards.


Hope everything goes well for you.

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Re: Hysterectomy coming up---can use advice



I had a complete hysterectomy at 62 after having sporadic bleeding.  While I had a long (positive) history with taking bioidentical hormones, I was concerned.


Long story short, a biopsy by one doctor showed nothing.  I was still worried.  Went to another GYN and he recommended removal, he found a cancerous tumor.  Said he needed to go back and remove lymph nodes for testing in case the cancer had spread.


Went back for a second surgery and nothing was found. 


Both surgeries were successful and no pain afterwards.  I got more sick from the anesthesia than anything else.  I always do.


I would not chose robtics as I have read that, if there is the slightest chance of cancer, the process could disperse the cells.


Everyone, of course, has her own opinion and experience, so that is mine.



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Re: Hysterectomy coming up---can use advice

@geegerbee Can't believe I don't know anyone who has had this surgery, but know it must be such a big step. I wish you well not only in May, but up until that time as you prepare.

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Re: Hysterectomy coming up---can use advice

Thank you all for the encouragement. I will definiately check out hystersisters. I read these boards every day and knew you would help me get through this.

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Re: Hysterectomy coming up---can use advice

@Sooner wrote:

@lulu1   Bless. you heart!  Good thoughts and prayers for your good news next week!  


Thank you for your kind words and prayers. 

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Posts: 4,150
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Hysterectomy coming up---can use advice

I had a hysterectomy 37 years ago at age 28.  Had to take ovaries as well.  Horrible endometriosis.  Best thing that ever happened to me.  90% of a successful recovery is your attitude.  Give yourself 6 weeks and during that time try to take a little vacation where you can just relax.  A change of scenery is great and you won't be tempted to do something physical you aren't supposed to do.  Best of luck.