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Re: Healthy or (almost healthy) Meals

I am getting ready to grocery shop (alone 😊) & for the first time, I am just shopping the outer aisles/ perimeters..I know I will eventually shop the middle for soup, vegetables, etc, but am letting my husband shop for his own personal junk food..we'll see how long this lasts..wish me luck! 

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Re: Healthy or (almost healthy) Meals

Does anyone drink a T of cider vinegar mixed with water and a touch of fresh lemon juice?  I'd like to know what health benefits you have noticed.

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Registered: ‎06-09-2014

Re: Healthy or (almost healthy) Meals

@Evie2004  Good luck!!  You go girl!!


@AuntG  I did apple cider vinegar straight up for a while. Do not recommend this unless you want to get up close and personal with your floor as it's wickedly strong stuff.  I stopped before I could really get a good read on my cholesterol levels which is what I was doing it for.  I found clean eating with minimal sugar and red yeast rice with CoQ10 did the trick (finally!) for me this year.  

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Registered: ‎06-09-2014

Re: Healthy or (almost healthy) Meals

Tip of the Day:


I love Italian cutlets because I grew up on them but they are really not excellent for you being fried in oil plus the breaded coating may not be the best choice.  I've switched to them being a once in while treat since they are still pan fried in olive oil (personally not a big fan of the bake) but I use Fiber ONE cereal as my coating instead of bread and no egg.


Just grind Fiber ONE cereal in a blender, add spices you like, and then I just run my cutlet under the water so it will grab the coating and dip it in the Fiber ONE spice mixture until it's covered.  Pop it in the olive oil in the pan and cook as normal.  


I can't tell the difference as Fiber ONE has no real taste to it so it's just your spices and the texture that come through.  My family never mentioned they tasted anything different when I had them over for dinner with it one night.  


Something to try to get more fiber into your diet and make a borderline chicken meal much better for you.  You can also make it into chicken sandwiches, add strips to salads, etc.  It's another meal prep that can be used lots of different ways for several different meals.       

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Re: Healthy or (almost healthy) Meals

Aren't all meals supposed to be healthy?    

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Registered: ‎06-09-2014

Re: Healthy or (almost healthy) Meals

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

Aren't all meals supposed to be healthy?    

@Tinkrbl44  No.   Sometimes, I'm just fine with a hot fudge sundae and cookies because it's just been that kind of day and I've been good for a month.  

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Registered: ‎06-09-2014

Re: Healthy or (almost healthy) Meals

14835695147221465636258.jpgVegetable pasta with broccoli cream sauce 

Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,512
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Healthy or (almost healthy) Meals

Aunty, I have been using Apple cider vinegar for about a year now.  I start my day off with two tablespoons in about 8oz water: you don't want to drink it straight because it will damage your tooth enamel.


What it actually does and what it is alleged to do are two different things.  I started using it because of its alleged benefits for the gut bacteria.  It is also thought to decrease insulin resistance by activating a particular protein kinase.


When my blood glucose is running high due to illness or medication, it takes away that horrid ravenous sensation.  Many dieters use it as an appetite suppressant.


It certainly isn't hurting me-and it's cheap.  Many people swear by lemon can't hurt to try it.  Start out with a fresh bottle.  I have found that different brands have different nuances: one tasted like tart apple juice.


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Re: Healthy or (almost healthy) Meals

"Hungry Girl" uses Fiber One as a breading.  I have used it, and I also like to add a little coarsely ground almonds and golden flax.  I am trying to avoid dairy, but on occasion, I will use sharp aged hard cheeses because they deliver a lot of flavor using only a small amount. Nutritional yeast is another favorite for cheesy flavor.


Another great "better for you" breading is crushed Cheerios: you can make them as fine or coarse as you want. Add whatever spices you want-and make it your own.


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Posts: 3,512
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Healthy or (almost healthy) Meals

I am surprised the Mods haven't moved this to the "Recipe" forum....I really would like to see it there because you are free to post recipes.


More people have adopted whole foods as a life style, and I think this important topic would reach more people.


