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Re: Having a Vascular Screening over 60

@SeaMaiden, I’m not saying not to do the testing but do a search on this company and scams.  

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Re: Having a Vascular Screening over 60

@tansy  Yes, I  did some research.... as with most things there are bad reviews along with the good one.  I do think it depends on  where you live, and the quality of the screening and employees.  I figure for the price it was worth taking a risk.  If I feel it is not a quality situation, I will not do it again. 

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Posts: 921
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Having a Vascular Screening over 60

@SeaMaiden wrote:

@tansy  Yes, I  did some research.... as with most things there are bad reviews along with the good one.  I do think it depends on  where you live, and the quality of the screening and employees.  I figure for the price it was worth taking a risk.  If I feel it is not a quality situation, I will not do it again. 


If you are referring to LifeLine Screening, I go every few years.  All is always normal.  My best friend recently went and they found mild plaque build-up in her carotid arteries.  It's a non-invasive, painless test.  Based on that report, her doctor suggested she have a full test and it was found that both arteries are mildly clogged.  He told her he would do another screening in about  2 years.  My doctor always listens to my arteries with his stethescope.  At age 72, so far so good.  Good luck to you.   docsgirl