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Registered: ‎04-06-2010

Re: Having A Bit Of Difficulty

I've talked to many people who have had their go removed and find that everyone is different. My doc told me the same and said you may have different issues after it's removed. Gastro doc told me same thing. No 2 people's systems are exactly the same.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 515
Registered: ‎07-12-2020

Re: Having A Bit Of Difficulty

I had my gallbladder removed twelve years ago and now have lots of stomach issues. When the gallbladder is removed, the liver sends the bile straight into the duodenum. Bile is part of digestion. Normally, the gallbladder sends it out little bit by bit but perhaps your nausea is from the liver shooting out a lot of bile on this meal. With some people, they will have dumping when they eat a lot of grease or fat. Salad dressing with oil does it to me or even a lot of healthy fat like avocado or salmon two days in a row. Dumping is like diarrhea and you might notice a lot of yellow in the toilet bowl, that's the bile. You can try digestive enzymes with each meal. I like vitamin shoppe brands because it has a lot of the fat digesting enzymes but there are many options. 

Detachment isn't the absence of love but the ability to take care of yourself in the midst of someone else's choices.