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Re: Has anyone experienced dizzy spells?


@geegerbee wrote:

For the 2nd time in 2 weeks I have had dizzy spells so bad that the room actually seems to be moving. I have to hold on to the walls to walk to the bathroom. I don't see my doctor until December. I am worried that I might get one while driving. I would have to pull over. I looked on the internet but there are a lot of different causes. Oy  Vey.

I had an episode a few week ago.  I thought I was going to past out and I was sitting down at the time it happened.   Dehydration  in my case.  I have to remember to drink at least 32 oz a day minimum

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Re: Has anyone experienced dizzy spells?

Or go to urgent care.. Yes this happened to me twice. Both times it was a ear infection. Pretty scary I know first hand. And I also hurt a roarring noise with the spells. 

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Re: Has anyone experienced dizzy spells?

[ Edited ]

@geegerbee   You don't have to wait until December to see your doctor.  Call your doctor tomorrow and ask for an appointment immediately.  My doctor always reserves same day appointments for emergencies.  This isn't something to wait on.  It could be something very serious.


I wouldn't waste my time going to urgent care.  

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Re: Has anyone experienced dizzy spells?

[ Edited ]



Don't think the worst but no need to wait.  When it happened to me I got in to see nurse practitioner.  Diagnosis was vertigo and she prescribed some meds and some exercises and within a few days I felt OK to drive and could function normally.  It has come back briefly a couple of times, but never again so badly.  The prescription is good to have on hand.  I did not want to drive either until under control.

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Re: Has anyone experienced dizzy spells?

If you are taking any meds at all, prescription or not, you need to call your dr. right away.  I can have dizzy spells as a side effect of several of my meds, so have learned to manage them. Mine are mostly from bending over and standing up too quickly, or moving my head up too far too quickly. If you take BP meds it is a common side effect also.

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Re: Has anyone experienced dizzy spells?

I am 73 and experienced exactly the same thing in July, middle of the night. Had my daughter take me to ER. I had every test known to man, $25K worth. Turned up nothing, which is good, I suppose. Eliminated all the bad stuff - stroke, brain tumor, etc.

I have had a day here and there since then when I have had intermittent dizziness, especially when turning corners (my condo is all right angles), but never again to that degree. At the time, ER staff said they did not think it was BPPV, different symptoms (?). However, at a recent visit with my primary care, we agreed that it is most likely some kind of inner ear problem. If it persists, I will have more testing.

I wish I had an answer for you. It is very scary to suddenly not be able to stand up straight!
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Re: Has anyone experienced dizzy spells?

Yes, spells so bad I couldn't raise my head.  Tried that maneuver and it actually made me SO sick I vomited for quite some time.  Horrible way to waste a day.  But it turns out my Thyroid was off and as soon as I started medication, it went away and hasn't been back.  Very grateful!! 

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Re: Has anyone experienced dizzy spells?

Since the one that started this thread hasn't been back for 3 weeks? I am guessing she is no longer experiencing these dizzy spells.


Are you @geegerbee




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Re: Has anyone experienced dizzy spells?

I get dizzy spells once in a while since I had COVID.  My balance is off a bit since then too.  I do take a medication that has dizziness as a side effect so the combination of the two probably adds to that COVID after effect.  Hope you feel better!  :-D

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Re: Has anyone experienced dizzy spells?

My grandmother started experiencing dizzy spells and headaches, in her late 50's.   


By the time she went to the doctor, her BP was so high, the Dr. pushed her in a wheelchair the 100 ft to the ER and had her admitted to the hospital.   Untreated high blood pressure is what caused her extreme hearing loss, before she was 60 years old.