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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Hallux Rigidus: what to do?!?

I thought I had a bunion above my big toe, went to a podiatrist who x-rayed it and told me I had this horrible diagnosis. His prognosis was "it will just get worse to the point of excruciating pain and you might as well have surgery now." Well, I'm not going with the first opinion. I'm just scared and not really in that much pain. I need to walk for my back health and have considered going to a special orthotic store to see what they have to help me.

Anybody with experience with this?? TIA.

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Posts: 647
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Hallux Rigidus: what to do?!?

I was diagnosed with this many many years ago. One podiatrist told me to have surgery and I declined and I was SO glad I didn't have surgery. This may sound strange but once I bought shoes that have a wide toe box, the situation got better and better. I had seen ortho Drs and another podiatrist. I did have orthotics made but they were uncomfortable and I never wore them. I don't know your age but I was diagnosed with this when I was in my early 50's. Now I am 74 and that big toe problem is virtually gone. I can't flex my toe or raise up on that toe all that much but it doesn't hurt. I don't wear heels anymore but I am really glad I didn't have surgery. Get another opinion as another podiatrist told me never to get surgery. I like Propet walking shoes. It really helped when I bought a 1/2 size larger than I usually bought. I have a narrow foot but still needed more toe room to accommodate that condition. Hallux is the medical name for the big toe and " rigidus " means you just can't flex it. It really isn't a horrible diagnosis.

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Posts: 1,160
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Hallux Rigidus: what to do?!?

Thanks so much, elruth. Seeing that podiatrist was so scary, and I have a little bit pain. Those Propet walking shoes look really great.

If you can dream it you can do it--Walt Disney