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New medical problem has surfaced. Fingers crossed that it can be resolved prior to my long awaited cruise July 8. 
FWIW, acute upper abdominal pain. Went to urgent care Friday. CT scan shows dilation and blockage in common bile duct. MRI will be done this week to get a better look. I no longer have a gall bladder but stones can form in the duct regardless. Like Rosanne Rosannadanna used to say, "It's always something. If it's not one thing it's another" 😁

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@fairydogmother Definitely hope it gets resolved by your cruise.


I did not know that stones can form in the duct after the gall bladder is removed, not fair.

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@fairydogmother - What a disappointment for you! I hope they can take care of this quickly, so you will be able to go on your cruise and be comfortable. I will be thinking of you and praying for you.  

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Best wishes for a quick and easy resolution- ❣️❣️

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@fairydogmother Our best wishes and prayers are heading your way....

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@We rescue cats wrote:

@fairydogmother Our best wishes and prayers are heading your way....

@fairydogmother @We rescue cats  Add me 100 percent to what We rescue wrote!  Good wishes and prayers are powerful! 

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Sending you good wishes and hopes that this can be resolved easily and you can be on your way to that beautiful Caribbean Smiley Happy

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Sending a prayer for you @fairydogmother that your recovery will be swift. Rest, relax and think positive. You have a few weeks to beat this.💕🌸🌺

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@fairydogmother , bad timing.  I hope you can have this dealt with before you travel.  A note to consider.  This can affect your travel insurance.  I had kidney stone incidents and I had to advise them if there was any change in my condition prior to travel.  Thankfully it wasn't an issue but a heads up for you.


I hope you get through this with ease and have a great trip!  

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Start drinking a little fresh lemon juice every day.  It'll break up the stones.