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Frustrated about weight loss

Don't laugh when I say that I feel I am not losing as much weight as I feel I should be!


I know we all feel that way when restricting food!  I must first say I am not weighing myself.  I decided the scale made me crazy and wasn't going to let it ambush me.


But I have been restricting my eating pretty seriously for about 6 months.  I feel frustrated that I haven't been able to feel it more in my clothes.  And just a body feeling overall.


I have been doing a little reading.  I am a type 2 diabetic and take Metformin and Levemir insulin.  I am reading that insulin itself may tell the body to keep fat.


Yes, I know I must consult my doctor about any medication changes.  I am wondering if anyone else has come across this issue.  The reading I have been researching seems to say use as little insulin as possible.  Not to let your BS go high so you start losing weight!  I mean that insulin itself might be a culprit in this.



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Re: Frustrated about weight loss

@hyacinth003 wrote:

Don't laugh when I say that I feel I am not losing as much weight as I feel I should be!


I know we all feel that way when restricting food!  I must first say I am not weighing myself.  I decided the scale made me crazy and wasn't going to let it ambush me.


But I have been restricting my eating pretty seriously for about 6 months.  I feel frustrated that I haven't been able to feel it more in my clothes.  And just a body feeling overall.


I have been doing a little reading.  I am a type 2 diabetic and take Metformin and Levemir insulin.  I am reading that insulin itself may tell the body to keep fat.


Yes, I know I must consult my doctor about any medication changes.  I am wondering if anyone else has come across this issue.  The reading I have been researching seems to say use as little insulin as possible.  Not to let your BS go high so you start losing weight!  I mean that insulin itself might be a culprit in this.




i think you should consult your doctor. He will give you the correct diagnosis. I wish you the best.  Weight loss is not easy and takes patients and discipline. Best of luck.

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Re: Frustrated about weight loss

it's age and medical.  keep trying, don't obsess, it's a daily thing. never ending........

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Posts: 18,415
Registered: ‎11-25-2011

Re: Frustrated about weight loss

[ Edited ]

I feel so sad when I read OP posts, like this.


A change in diet can yield,

-the reduction/elimination of insulin, 

-reversal of T2 diabetes,

-weight loss AND

-no restriction of veg/fruit/starches/beans


For many, the change of diet can be extremely difficult, though...

enough where many choose to live with illness than make 

a ‘180-Change’ with diet/lifestyle. The results are literally

the difference between life & death. Everyone deserves the best,

most vibrant, life which was given to you. Make it the best!

The end results will be so worth it!


But at the end of the day, it’s a choice


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Posts: 13,172
Registered: ‎11-16-2014

Re: Frustrated about weight loss

@hyacinth003 wrote:

Don't laugh when I say that I feel I am not losing as much weight as I feel I should be!


I know we all feel that way when restricting food!  I must first say I am not weighing myself.  I decided the scale made me crazy and wasn't going to let it ambush me.


But I have been restricting my eating pretty seriously for about 6 months.  I feel frustrated that I haven't been able to feel it more in my clothes.  And just a body feeling overall.


I have been doing a little reading.  I am a type 2 diabetic and take Metformin and Levemir insulin.  I am reading that insulin itself may tell the body to keep fat.


Yes, I know I must consult my doctor about any medication changes.  I am wondering if anyone else has come across this issue.  The reading I have been researching seems to say use as little insulin as possible.  Not to let your BS go high so you start losing weight!  I mean that insulin itself might be a culprit in this.



@hyacinth003 Insulin is a fat building hormone. Levemir is a basal insulin that has properties that can discourage weight loss. It is well known in the diabetic community that insulin makes losing weight more difficult.


Try eating fewer carbohydrates which drive up your need. With every pound you lose your insulin usage will decline. Keep on track and read "Think Like A Pancreas". I found it very informative even though I have been dealing with Type 1 diabetes for almost 50 years. There is always something new we can learn.


If it is any consolation, I have heard your story of slow weight loss with insulin in many Support group meetings I lead over the years. You can do this! It may be a difficult road but keep at it....


I wish you well....

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Posts: 77
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Re: Frustrated about weight loss

Dear Hyacith,  


Very good information and advice from Trinity 11.  I feel your pain.  I am on two types of imsulin and find losing weight next to impossible.  I was on Victoza and lost 20 lbs but ended up in the hospital with pancreatitis so I am back on insulin and up 20 lbs again.


I have found that the more exercise I do (walking) the less insulin I need and I have lost a pound of two but it is a constant struggle.  Hang in there girl, I feel your frustration.  We are in the same boat and it is a bumpy ride.



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Posts: 13,172
Registered: ‎11-16-2014

Re: Frustrated about weight loss

@NWOL wrote:

Dear Hyacith,  


Very good information and advice from Trinity 11.  I feel your pain.  I am on two types of imsulin and find losing weight next to impossible.  I was on Victoza and lost 20 lbs but ended up in the hospital with pancreatitis so I am back on insulin and up 20 lbs again.


I have found that the more exercise I do (walking) the less insulin I need and I have lost a pound of two but it is a constant struggle.  Hang in there girl, I feel your frustration.  We are in the same boat and it is a bumpy ride.



Thanks @NWOL. I am with you on the difficulty of losing weight with insulin. I am on heart meds that made me gain weight and I am finding it near impossible to maintain the weight I feel best at.


Sorry to read that you had pancreatitis. I hope you are feeling better..Heart

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Posts: 17,739
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Frustrated about weight loss

I walk a mile a day. You might try this ,if you are able. I haven't lost any weight, as far as I can tell, but I have whittled off some inches


I think I have replaced fat with muscle. I wasn't overweight to begin with , but I am trimmer, than I was . The most important thing is to be consistant...If a mile is too much for you aim for a block...

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Posts: 14,592
Registered: ‎01-02-2011

Re: Frustrated about weight loss

@Trinity11, do you know if any of the insulin substitutes for Levemir have less of the weight gain issue?  


@hyacinth003, my sympathies.  You are correct about the insulin, although I thought the metformin was supposed to help with weight loss.  I can’t tolerate that med.


Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,971
Registered: ‎07-10-2011

Re: Frustrated about weight loss

[ Edited ]

I was also on insulin and Methformin. My new Dr took me off of the insulin and increased


the Methformin. She also told me that its difficult to lose weight while on insulin.


My weight has stayed almost the same but my clothes are falling off. She said I am


gaining muscle and thats great. The last 3 AIC tests are the same 6.5 so Im hoping


she will decrease the Methformin soon. Methformin helps me lose weight also.