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Endoscopy and Colonoscopy in same day next week.

Dr. gave me Supprep... Reading horrible reviews on the stuff.... Anyone who has tried it let me know what could I mix so I don't get sick...

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Re: Endoscopy and Colonoscopy in same day next week.

Because there was colon cancer on both sides of my family, and both were female who suffered, I just figure each time I get that stuff that it's got to be better than what I'd go through if I didn't take it. 


I wish I had a better suggestion, but each of the 4 times I've done it, I've steeled myself and swallowed.  Hope someone has a better idea.


And may the outcome of your tests lead to good health!

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Re: Endoscopy and Colonoscopy in same day next week.

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I had the same type of tests about 5 years ago.  I had the gallon jug of powdered drink, just add water.


My DH had his colonoscopy in Dec and had the gallon jug of powder, just add water.


Just plug your nose, if you have to, get it down and you will be done.  It doesn't look like all that much liquid to get down, you can guzzle water after it.


The test is done in what seems a minute and you are waking up ready to go home or even get a light lunch.


I wouldn't dwell on it too much, it's not worth it.  I did use ginger ale and water inbetween.


You'll be just fine.  As someone suggested here before, it will probably help to eat light meals for a few days before you start the prep.


Good luck to you.Heart

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Re: Endoscopy and Colonoscopy in same day next week.

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@hondagirl     I had both procedures done same difference. Chill your gallon of  prep night prior to the day you consume it so it is very cold.   Add three to four  packs of Chrystal lite Lemonade ( not pink) flavor into gallon.....and shake very well.   Drink the 8 ounce portions down with a straw at the back of your throat as fast as you can.


this is what worked for both my husband and myself.



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Re: Endoscopy and Colonoscopy in same day next week.

Dont go by reviews as people tend to post the most horrible experiences. I honestly didnt have a real good time with it and the "flavored" prep they offered me was no better. Luckily I didnt have to take the entire 2 jugs as I started to vomit. I had some Linzess on hand and finished the job. You are basically cleaned out when nothing but water exits the back end (smiles) Hey I had a 2-in-1 experience too and when I am nervous I tend to crack jokes so here is one for you hoping to make you smile. I told the Doc before my anestheisa that "Hey Doc I hope you are not fixin' to use the scope in my mouth that you just pulled out of the other end" He had an equally nutty sense of humor and said "Hey now that you mentioned it would be cost savy" LOOOOOOOL You will be fine and dont worry.

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Re: Endoscopy and Colonoscopy in same day next week.

I just had my second colonoscopy recently, my gastro doc let me pick my own prep, I chose citrate magnesium pills, I am not good at drinking anything that is foul, I have a terrible gag reflex, this was very easy. I wish you luck!!!

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Re: Endoscopy and Colonoscopy in same day next week.

[ Edited ]

@Hondagirl wrote:

Dr. gave me Supprep... Reading horrible reviews on the stuff.... Anyone who has tried it let me know what could I mix so I don't get sick...






I have had many of both, twice upper and lower together. Not much of a prep for Endo, no drink/no eat, simple.  


Have no idea what Prep you are talking about. For my 20 lower(colon) procedures, my Gastro Doctors give their patients no choice. It is GoLytely or NuLytely, pretty much the same. One comes with more flavoring packets than the other.


In October 2015, I drank gallon number 20 of the combination of the 2 that I mentioned above. I  managed to get all 20 gallons down, and kept all of it down.


Not my most pleasant of times, but no horror stories from me. Too many more serious issues for me.


Wish you the best, now? "Bottoms Up"!





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Re: Endoscopy and Colonoscopy in same day next week.

I just had my colonoscopy a couple of weeks ago.  I have no problem drinking the Supprep.  Not sure why.  I just don't find it all that bad.

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Registered: ‎07-07-2012

Re: Endoscopy and Colonoscopy in same day next week.

Will get back with my results on Thursday when I get back to work....Will talk to the pharmacist about what I can mix with Supprep... I gag very easy.... Ugh...

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Endoscopy and Colonoscopy in same day next week.

@hondagirl I have to get both done same day, one after the other, every 3 years. You're in the actually procedure room about 15 mins or so. The procedures are nothing really...the prep is always the hard part.


Suprep was my most recent prep. It's nasty and expensive (co-pay) BUT it's super effective. If I remember correctly, I  got 2 small bottles in the kit, and you do one bottle the night before and one the morning before. They work really fast. The bottle stuff is icky tasting BUT the taste is gone pretty quick with the water you have to drink after it. It's NOT the worst tasting prep I've ever had...but it is the most effective and fastest acting stuff.


A good prep means they're able to do the procedure. A bad prep means you'll need to redo the whole thing. So doing it right the first time is right up my alley!


Good luck!

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
~ Ian Maclaren