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Researchers at Johns Hopkins reported today that early results show the phytochemical sulforaphane, found in broccoli, cabbage, kale and Brussels sprouts, reduced Covid-19 replication by 50% in mice.


Interesting. No mention of how many cabbages you have to eat per day.


source: Deseret News

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Too bad we aren't mice and cant take advantage of eating tons of broccoli.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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I read a bit about sulforaphane's anti-inflammatory action and ordered a bottle. By Monday the price will probably triple.


I bet sulforaphane also keeps elephants away.

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I eat Brussels sprouts about every other day. I also put dried kale powder in my green drink everyday. No problems with gas either. Once your system gets used to frequent consumption then it becomes less of a problem. Same goes for beans.

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Rarely kale, sometimes cabbage and cauliflower, but asparagus, spinach, broccoli and Brussels sprouts multiple times a week.  Love 'em!

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I can do broccoli and cabbage, but I draw the line at kale and Brussels sprouts. 🤢

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I wish I could eat things like salmon, broccoli, Brussels sprouts.... it I can't get past my gag reflexes. Doesn't smell good to me, I just can't eat it. Pudding smells good though.

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I buy fresh broccoli, cauliflower, carrot mix from Pero Farms. This steams right in its bag. So easy. I eat it three times a week.



Note: If you have thyroid disease, you should use caution with eating this because of the goitrogens.

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I like all those veggies and I put all  of those in my smoothies in the a.m. I buy the cabbage and the broccoli in slaw form, as well as the chopped kale and shaved brussel sprouts-- freeze it and then package it in zip top bags for my freezer, then a handful of each into my smoothie--there is no taste at all--have been doing that for the last 10 years at least. now I don't put a handful of all in at one time---but rotate each day between a couple ---

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I eat mostly vegetables.  A few years ago I started a journey of eating better and while I am not a vegan, I try to eat mostly veggies, whole grains and the such.  Best decision.  I feel better, sleep better, don't get sick as often, lost 30 lbs.... So I am not surprised it would help your covid response.