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I drink at least 8-12 glasses of 8 oz water per day. Not hard for me since it's just about the only thing I drink. It has to be super cold with ice or I'm not drinking it.

We have a reverse osmosis system. I hate when we travel & I have to drink bottled water. From what I have heard it's not any different then your tap water. I have seen some bottled water that does state reverse osmosis on it which is what I look for if I have to drink it.

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The first thing I do when I get up is go to the kitchen for a glass of water.  I drink water all day long, I don't know how much, it's just my beverage of choice.  I have 2 cups of coffee a day, and a cup of almond milk with my oatmeal. Other than that, water is the only thing I drink and have to remember to not drink too much past 6 p.m. if I want to have a relatively uninterrupted night's sleep.  I usually get up once during the night, around 4 a.m.

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Registered: ‎07-20-2014

@pepes mom wrote:

I was someone who learned a little to late about the water game.  I detest water.  I prefer tea (hot and iced) pop/soda, or lemonade.  I used to drink about 24 ounces per day.


Then came my first kidney stone.  My doc suggested that I needed to drink 2 liters of fluid a day and expel close to 2 liters of fluid a day to keep my kidneys flushed.  So, I have learned to gag down 1 liter of plain water or squeeze a fresh lemon into it and have the other liter of lemonade or some sort of MIO additive.  I always feel like my eyeballs are floating, but, knock wood, no new kidney stones.


If you are someone who doesn't drink much, please consider adding some additional fluid to your intake.  Your kidneys will thank you.  May you never get hit with stones.  People who have never had them- you want to keep it that way.  I was the only person in my family to get them.  I hope that I never experience that ungodly pain again.

@pepes momMy mother used to get them, and I vividly remember how much pain she was in.  I hope that never happens to you again!

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@Noel7 wrote:

The original study that concluded 64 oz of water a day included water we get from foods, he didn't mean it had to be 8 glasses.


Tea, coffee, juices etc. all count because they are a water base.


I have trouble drinking a lot of liquid, it can keep me up at night.


Yes! In the warmer weather, I drink mostly iced herbal teas and some black teas and I always count that. I love to stuff two Celestial Seasonings tea bags into my Keurig and brew over a huge cup of ice. At the office, I'm more likely to drink plain water because it's much easier.


If I don't drink enough liquids I get headaches. I try to "front-load" my liquid intake by drinking more in the morning and at lunch. If I drink too much in the evening, I'll be up and down all night.

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@Nightowlz wrote:

I drink at least 8-12 glasses of 8 oz water per day. Not hard for me since it's just about the only thing I drink. It has to be super cold with ice or I'm not drinking it.

We have a reverse osmosis system. I hate when we travel & I have to drink bottled water. From what I have heard it's not any different then your tap water. I have seen some bottled water that does state reverse osmosis on it which is what I look for if I have to drink it.

I used to refill my bottles at Whole Foods where the

water-of-choice was RO.  I love the taste!  

My BFF asked what made it different.

I said, ‘Reverse Osmosis water taste like the color lavender.’



@Nightowlz How would you describe it?


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Posts: 15,813
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

@sidsmom wrote:

@Nightowlz wrote:

I drink at least 8-12 glasses of 8 oz water per day. Not hard for me since it's just about the only thing I drink. It has to be super cold with ice or I'm not drinking it.

We have a reverse osmosis system. I hate when we travel & I have to drink bottled water. From what I have heard it's not any different then your tap water. I have seen some bottled water that does state reverse osmosis on it which is what I look for if I have to drink it.

I used to refill my bottles at Whole Foods where the

water-of-choice was RO.  I love the taste!  

My BFF asked what made it different.

I said, ‘Reverse Osmosis water taste like the color lavender.’



@Nightowlz How would you describe it?


@sidsmom Too me it tastes clean & fresh with no odor. You can really taste the difference.

We used to have RO Stations where you could go fill up jugs for .50¢ but they eventually closed all of them so we installed one under our kitchen sink.