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Re: Drinking enough water

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@on the bay

@Group 5 minus 1


I've seen some material published indicating that  many older people do not  or cannot always recognize thirst when it happens.  I think I'm in that category and try never to walk by my water glass on the counter without drinking the water I keep refilling.  


I agree, too, that  ice water tastes better!


My DH was recently advised to drink Gatorade or another similar electrolyte drink to make sure his fluid intake and chemistry is appropriate.  Too much water can indeed deplete certain vital electrolytes in the blood,

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Re: Drinking enough water

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Worked in a 100°+ factory for over 30 years, and then would go home and run miles in hot weather. Be an athlete most of my adult life, and as such I always drink a lot of water. Always drink at least a half gallon, but yesterday I ice skated for 2 hours and then did my Abdominal workout when I got home. Needed at least that gallon to keep my body fully hydrated.


Water has always been my drink of choice, with milk being a close 2nd. As an alcoholic, my drink of choice was mostly beer, but mixed drinks were also fairly common. Going on 30+ years of no alcohol, so now it is primarily water/milk, and an assortment of natural fruit juices.


When I was diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure(CHF)I was limited to a total of any liquid, per day, of 64 oz. That was a tough time for me as drinking water has been an ongoing thing for most of my adult life. 


fortunately was able to raise my Ejection Fraction(EF) number high enough to no longer fall into the CHF category. That took close to 9 months, and boy, was that good news to my ears. What I ate pretty much followed the suggested dietary foods, so that part was easy for me.





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I have a history of kidney stones so it ‘s important for me. Try as I might, I don’t always drink enough. Sometimes it depends on your schedule and if you will be near a bathroom. Car trips are murder on my schedule. I do have app that helps me keep track of what I’ve had. Just had a urologist check up and she said not to stress about it as you can’t be perfect 7 days a week.

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So True and thank you for mentioning that!

I should have added too that older people often don't recognize when they are thirsty.

I know my mother doesn't always.

She can go a long time without drinking.

But awhile ago she was also drinking too much water (as advised by a non medical person) and her sodium levels dropped too low making her disoriented and depressed and not feeling well at all.

Another elderly lady I know now only drinks gatorade now because her electrolytes get easily out of wack.

She also gets dangerous low sodium levels.

I guess it is a very delicate balance with the elderly.

And a good reason to have a very good and knowledgable geriatric doctor for the elderly.

A nutritionist told her once in the hospital how many ounces to have a day, including any liquids like tea or soup,etc but I forgot what she said!

And I know its most likely different for each person.

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@on the bay


My DH recently was advised to drink some electrolyte-rich drink such as Gatorade, so he now drinks it daily.  I've been on him for years about drinking enough fluids, but he pays me no mind on that subject.


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I drink 100oz. of water and/or sugar free/caffeine free drinks a day.  I've been doing that for almost 3 years now since I started a wellness program so it's not hard and I don't even have to think about it.  I drink bottled water throughout the day, I always have an 8oz bottle of cold water near me.  I find that I'll chug the 8oz bottles but I won't finish the 16oz bottles.  Weird.  I drink a huge cup of caffeine free tea while I am watching tv.  I have a couple of diet Cokes a day too.  I won't lie, it was hard at first.  The goal was 64oz a day and it took me months to work up to that and then make it a part of my life.  The 100oz. just happened on it's own.

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I drink one of these in the a.m., when I go to the gym (25 oz).

Then, througout the day I try to polish off one of these (60 oz.) and then maybe more refills when I get home.



The advice I read was to divide your current weight in half.  That is the number of ounces of water to drink daily, plus an additional liter per hour of exercise.  


Love these. Brand name please?

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Thank you.

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I drink 3-4 liters of water a day. I don't drink soda or any other sweet drinks. I sometimes drink Zero vitamin water, which has NO sugar.