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Did anyone get hurt during physical therapy ?

I had a groin and hip injury from exercising (something not sure what I did). I do low impact exercise. In the evaluation I told the PT, I had a meniscus tear in left knee many years ago and have weak knees. I started PT and after the 2nd week, they had me doing Leg press 80 lbs and lunges with a medicine ball. I told them after 1 week it was too much, my knees hurt. They asked me what do you think you can do ? I said stupidly said that I could do some things !! Well, now my both knees are swollen even after 3 weeks. Has this happen to anyone ?? It feels like another tear....I am very upset.

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Re: Did anyone get hurt during physical therapy ?

I am so sorry you had this happen to you! I have often thought pt can really push people too far. My niece had a tendon on the bottom of her foot that pt really hurt instead of helped. Medicine balls and lunges just don't sound right with knee issue. Your knees shouldn't be swollen...check back with your dr and say no more painful pt!! Good luck and keep us posted.
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Re: Did anyone get hurt during physical therapy ?

I just had knee arthroscopy 8 weeks ago. My ortho told me to avoid ALL impact activities. He even showed me exercises to strengthen my quads. He told me if I wanted to go to P.T. he would write our the order but, do swimming and biking. Oh, I torn the meniscus in 2 spots and he told me the knee was loaded with arthritis that did not show up on x-rays. I am still recuperating although slower than I would like. My friends and family "gently" remind me that I am 61 and not 21 any more.

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Re: Did anyone get hurt during physical therapy ?

Yes, before I even knew I needed new hips, I had PT pulling and pulling on my one leg because of the difference in lengths. hurt like the devil. My doctor only wanted lumbar traction. I never went back to them. The people that work with you are not real physical therapists....they are only assistants so, in my opinion, I don't think they know much. They need to stick to the treatment plan written up by the actual physical therapist. Gail

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Re: Did anyone get hurt during physical therapy ?

Is this physical therapy or are you working with a personal trainer?

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Re: Did anyone get hurt during physical therapy ?

I am going through PT right now for low back pain and a misaligned hip. Fortunately, I do have licensed physical therapists, the assistants do very little except monitor your time on equipment, etc. The goal was to bring the hip back into place, minimize pain and give me the information and tools to deal with any future pain. I also requested as a goal an exercise plan that I can actually do post-PT that does not aggravate the current problem and work with my fibromyalgia.

I go 2 times a week for 1-1.5 hours. Several different treatments were tried and all have helped except for the traction and I was sure to be truthful with the therapists and immediately it was discontinued. Also, the exercises have been working along with the TENS and massage therapy. I was warned that if anything within the program hurt while I was doing it, to stop, let them know and they would modify the movement or treatment. The purpose is to make me feel better, not worse. I guess I've been lucky.

I did have a personal trainer several years back who was aware of the fibro and also had me doing lunges across the gym and then put 60 pound weights on the machines for my legs and arms. I thought I was going to die for the next week with pain and I didn't have an injury trying to heal. If the O/P is not getting the care she needs and her condition is worsening, let her doctor know. Don't just endure it be vocal and get well soon.

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Re: Did anyone get hurt during physical therapy ?

Speak up. Speak to your doctor.

I went to PT for sciatica and he gave me bursitis when he wanted to ""try something.""


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Re: Did anyone get hurt during physical therapy ?

OP needs to go back to her dr. right away to assess her situation and help her get therapy that is helping her, not causing further injury and pain.

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Re: Did anyone get hurt during physical therapy ?

I have gone to PT after back and knee surgery. In my experience they are too sports oriented. I wasn't a basketball or soccer player before so how about some conditioning and strength training related to my age? It was very frustrating. And they often acted bored.
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Re: Did anyone get hurt during physical therapy ?

I had PT in a vain attempt to "improve/cure" my Achilles tendinosis - a condition where even orthopedists admit there is little that can be done. So PT is one of the things they 'throw at it.' I quit after all the stretching they had me doing, increasingly aggressively, was causing nightly major muscle cramps in my calves and feet, and even cramping in my inner thigh muscles (now THAT is PAIN at 2 a.m.). Many sleepless, pain-filled nights.
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