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Registered: ‎05-03-2013
My Doctor recommends that I have laser surgery for the removal of my cataract. I would like to hear from anyone that has had this procedure. What was your experience like? Would you recommend laser surgery for cataract removal? Was the procedure uncomfortable? Your advise would be greatly appreciated.
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What a timely question.

My husband just had cataract laser surgery on his right eye on Monday. He was SO not looking forward to doing this and he did great with the surgery and we had his first follow up yesterday morning with our regular eye doctor and he said that there was just a little swelling, which is totally normal for 24 hours post op.

The actual procedure took 5-6 minutes, from what his surgeon told us the week we scheduled his surgery.

My husband had an IV and they put the sedation in it. He wasn't totally under, but well sedated. I asked him if it hurt and he said no- that at one point he felt a tugging, like a bandaid coming off, but no pain.

He had no pain, discomfort or irritation Monday night or last night.

They gave us 3 different drops for him to take. The first two you start 3 days prior to the surgery. 1 is once per day. The other is 4 times a day. Once he had the surgery, they added a 3rd drop, which he uses twice a day for 3 weeks.

They gave us a plastic shield to put over his eye when he sleeps. That's worked great the last two nights. He has to use that at night for 7 days.

Best part of all is that when we saw our regular eye doctor yesterday morning, just 24 hours after the surgery, the vision in his right eye had already greatly improved.

So, we're very pleased so far and I'm so relieved that it's over for him. His other eye isn't quite ready yet.

What part of the country do you live in? We're in Atlanta and used Omni Eye Services.

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
Occasional Contributor
Posts: 19
Registered: ‎05-03-2013
Thank you so much for your response. I'm really not looking forward to having this done but it helps to hear from people that have had this surgery. The part that concerns me is that I will be only sedated but my doctor says I won't feel anything nor will I care about what is happening. Hope he is right! I live in the Memphis area and my doctor is with Eye Specialty Group.
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My husband was a little loopy from the sedation when they finished. I mean, he was fine and could walk and make sense, but you could tell he'd been given something. It wore off very quickly. By the time we got home it had worn off. You will need someone to drive you home. He said the medicine made him very relaxed but he was conscious.

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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On 1/22/2014 gidgetgoeshawaiian said:

What a timely question.

My husband just had cataract laser surgery on his right eye on Monday. He was SO not looking forward to doing this and he did great with the surgery and we had his first follow up yesterday morning with our regular eye doctor and he said that there was just a little swelling, which is totally normal for 24 hours post op.

The actual procedure took 5-6 minutes, from what his surgeon told us the week we scheduled his surgery.

My husband had an IV and they put the sedation in it. He wasn't totally under, but well sedated. I asked him if it hurt and he said no- that at one point he felt a tugging, like a bandaid coming off, but no pain.

He had no pain, discomfort or irritation Monday night or last night.

They gave us 3 different drops for him to take. The first two you start 3 days prior to the surgery. 1 is once per day. The other is 4 times a day. Once he had the surgery, they added a 3rd drop, which he uses twice a day for 3 weeks.

They gave us a plastic shield to put over his eye when he sleeps. That's worked great the last two nights. He has to use that at night for 7 days.

Best part of all is that when we saw our regular eye doctor yesterday morning, just 24 hours after the surgery, the vision in his right eye had already greatly improved.

So, we're very pleased so far and I'm so relieved that it's over for him. His other eye isn't quite ready yet.

What part of the country do you live in? We're in Atlanta and used Omni Eye Services.

My husband had surgery for two very bad cataracts, one in each eye. He also had his surgery done by Omni, but in Maryland. He experienced very much the same as above. Some discomfort for a few days and the constant putting in of eye drops over several days, but in the end, he's delighted with the results and doesn't even need glasses for reading except for small print and he just uses drugstore glasses for that. I am sure you will be pleased with the results. It's a very quick procedure and will be over in no time. You'll be glad you did it. Good Luck to you!

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 19
Registered: ‎05-03-2013
Thanks Gidget & Lola for the encouragement!!
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

It's a piece of cake as they say. Get it done.

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Registered: ‎10-25-2010

I have had catatact surgery on my right eye only. The worse part was a pre-surgical jitters.

I was awake during surgery and it was no problem. I had a new lens inserted to correct my vision. I was so surprised on how bright and sharp colors were afterwards....I was missing out on a lot.

I had a doctor's appt the next day for a check up...and then went to work the same day. I did have to use 3 different kinds of drops for about a week.

Just do it, the benefits are wonderful and the procedure is easy and painless.

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 19
Registered: ‎05-03-2013
Thanks as well Sarpy for the encouragement. I'm going to ""get'er"" done!
Occasional Contributor
Posts: 19
Registered: ‎05-03-2013
Thanks Carmie. You guys are great with all your encouragement!