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@CalminHeart wrote:


I use Abreva. I also rinse my mouth with 50/50 hydrogen peroxide & water 2-3 times a day. 

@CalminHeart My husband swears by a mix of hydrogen peroxide and water for a lot of ailments!


@I am still oxox Give it a might take a while to clear up but I would try this!

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@Still Raining wrote:

@SilleeMee wrote:

Canker sores are not cold sores (viral contagion) so they will not respond to lysine treatments. Canker sores aren't caused by a virus but are usually the result of something irritating,  from stress or from a predisposition from an existing medical disease. Best thing to do with canker sores is keep them clean.

Lysine is indeed recommended for both oral and genital harpes.  Nothing to do with cold sores.


However, I have run into some suggestions about bone health and lysine.  Have you seen that it interacts with calcium?  Would that be a good to take for that reason?  

Cold sores is herpes simplex 1, a virus.  Lysine is recommended for herpes.  Eating nuts, a source of arginine, can flare cold sores in some people who have the herpes virus. Also, too much sun can cause an eruption.  Stress is another big one.  Shingles, cytomegalovirus, and Epstein Barr are also herpes viruses.  

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Re: Canker Sores

[ Edited ]

I suggest calling your dentist for advice. I cannot  understand or support seeking medical advice fron strangers, likely with no formal medical training, who cannot view the lesions you are describing. You seem to reject these  far-flung opinions, some of which may be valid, in any event. If  you cannot get medical advice from your dentist via phone, take the long ride back to see him/her or see a dentist in the area where you are staying. Google can likely direct you to a source for competent professional care.


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@I am still oxox  I add probiotic yogurt to my diet when I develop canker sores in mouth. It clears within 24-36 hours most of the time. Wish I had found this remedy when I was young as I had them often. Of course, my family did not know about yogurt at that time. The sores are accerbated by too much sugar in diet. Also stress and unbalanced gut microbes; hence, my suggestion to add yogurt or a probiotic drink. Maybe swish your mouth with probiotic drink before ingesting it. Hope this helps.

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@Hilery wrote:

@I am still oxox  I add probiotic yogurt to my diet when I develop canker sores in mouth. It clears within 24-36 hours most of the time. Wish I had found this remedy when I was young as I had them often. Of course, my family did not know about yogurt at that time. The sores are accerbated by too much sugar in diet. Also stress and unbalanced gut microbes; hence, my suggestion to add yogurt or a probiotic drink. Maybe swish your mouth with probiotic drink before ingesting it. Hope this helps.



We are at a hotel while our apt is being renovated. I have Chobani yogurt for breakfast every day I do not know if it is proboitic or not. I do have probiotices with me I am going to start taking them. I rarely eat sugar. I am wondering about the probiotic drink. Thank you for hte info.

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Could get canker sores from drinking sodas or other beverages from cans .


i always got them from cans. 


also sometimes from limes and lemons

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Swishing mouth with warm salt water helps.  Also mayodotcom has good information on treatment.

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@I am still oxox , for the pain I use Orajel medicated mouth sore gel to dab on the sore and use the Orajel Mouth Sores Antiseptic Rinse.  HTH

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I had canker sores years ago. I had read in Good Housekeeping that you could use Alum to heal them. Alum is used for pickling. It is in the grocery aisle with the other spices.  I just put some powder on my finger and put it directly on the canker sores. I think it stung just a bit. I have read you can mix it with a drop of water if needed to lesson that. It healed my canker sores up within a couple of days.. Best of luck to you. I hope they heal soon.

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Just rinse with gold Listerine. You can feel it attacking the canker sore. 

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