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On 1/1/2014 bluejay said:

Losing my precious bunny has been very difficult and made even more unbearable with the possibly of having cancer.

After all the testing, I found out that they cannot determine whether or not I have cancer, so I have to have surgery.

I have to gather the strength for the surgery and also for any other treatment that may be necessary. I should be alright in the long run, but it may a a rough road ahead.

I would sure appreciate continued prayer for my health and healing...

Thank you much for your kindness and your prayers!

bluejay.....blessings to you! I'm so sorry for the loss of your bunny and your loss at this time especially has to be very difficult. Cancer does make us face our mortality. Just try as hard as you can to "stay in gratitude" for what you can and deal only with whatever is necessary to deal with in the moment. This is what I try very hard to do and it helps me to get thru the bad times....these difficult things takes us to our knees, but you will get thru this one moment at a time. I know your bunny was just as fortunate to have you in his/her life as you were to have your bunny. You are in my thoughts and prayer.
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Happy New Year to all!!! I feel fortunate to know that y'all are here....always ready to lend a helping hand with kind, healing advice. May we all be richly blessed this year and may we let love overcome whatever we may fear in 2014. Smiley Happy
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Good news Thursday!!!

Had my first bi-lateral mammo in a year this morning and it is neg for both breasts, YAY!!! That atypical ductal hyperplasia in my "good" breast has not morphed into cancer yet. I don't believe I could get more cancer this soon anyway, for all the chemo that went through my body. It wouldn't dare come back, right?

Hi to all, thinking about everybody and hope you're all doing well. It's been a true frozen tundra here, below zero almost every night - brrr!

Take care,


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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Hi everyone and Happy New Year one and all...

Getting back into the swing of things, post Christmas. Decorations (except for tree) are down and away. Tree will follow this weekend although I truly do love to just sit in my darkened family room lit only by the glow of tree lights.

We are expecting a major storm to come rolling in any minute now. Predictions stand anywhere from 6-8" with blizzard happy to be safe and warm. Had my bi-annual breast radiation checkup scheduled for tomorrow morning but now rescheduled for Feb. 3rd. I am not leaving this house tomorrow morning while the worst of this storm is raging, checkup will just have to wait another month.

bluejay: I am so sorry to hear about your bunny, I know how much it hurts to lose a much loved pet, I think most of us do. I wish you better days ahead and happy memories of your beloved bunny.

Sending out sincere good wishes for a happy and healthy New Year to all. May it be a year of only good health, great test results and unbridled hope.


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Hey Lannie, cyber drink. Please note that the new study that just came back states that hyperplasia cells rarely turn into breast cancer.

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On 1/2/2014 JackieHN said:

Hey Lannie, cyber drink. Please note that the new study that just came back states that hyperplasia cells rarely turn into breast cancer.

I took myself out for lunch. I don't just have hyperplasia, I have atypical ductal hyperplasia which raises my risk. American Cancer Society :

" Mild hyperplasia of the usual type: This does not increase the risk for breast cancer

  • Moderate or florid hyperplasia of the usual type (without atypia), also known as usual hyperplasia: The risk of breast cancer is about 1½ to 2 times that of a woman with no breast abnormalities.

Atypical hyperplasia (either atypical ductal hyperplasia [ADH] or atypical lobular hyperplasia [ALH]): The risk of breast cancer is about 3½ to 5 times higher than that of a woman with no breast abnormalities."

Johns Hopkins says about the same. So, my oncologist is making sure they keep a close watch on me. If they do ever find anything suspicious, it's off with both of them.....

FYI - you have a blizzard headed your way - hunker down and take cover!

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OK I stand corrected.

It's snow. It happens every year. I don't know why people get crazy over it. They should be used to it by now. My husband said that he got the last two baked potatoes at the supermarket. Not one english muffin to be had. People get crazy. We're not rural this is an urban area. NYC. You would think they would have it down to a science by now.


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bow regard - thank you for your kind and wise words and your prayers. This has taken me to my knees and trusting in Him. That is the only thing that has been bringing me any peace to deal with all this. I am looking forward to getting this surgery overwith and getting my health restored. Hopefully without cancer...

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On 1/2/2014 JackieHN said:

Bluejay they want those nodules out because if it becomes big enough it can press on your windpipe. Not a good thing. But there are benign nodules that just happen. My thing is if it doesn't belong there out it comes.

That makes sense...

I am getting to the point where I just want to get the surgery over with. I am praying that I don't have cancer...

I will let you all know when I get my surgery scheduled.

Posts: 50
Registered: ‎09-24-2012

Hi everyone. 1 year ago today I got that horrible phone call - you have cancer. Yikes - how time flies when you are having so much 'fun'!

I hope everyone has a very healthy 2014 and I pray that none of us receives that call ever again! Have a great weekend.