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HI Pink---any more news about your blood work? And why can't you find a new dr? Just not one available or you need a specialist. I stillneed to go get my labs checked --have been on an injectable for my high cholesterol these last 4 months and just can't seem to go do it. 


So tell me--when was the last time you had a bee sting you? For me, it's been 44 years...... well I got stung a few days ago on my 2nd or 3rd toe on the bad foot--where I broke my ankle last Oct---and OMG, does that thing still hurt!!! didn't see or hear it--it was a hornet or yellow jacket but it fell onto my foot--I guess?.... and stung me--was excruciating pain in an instant and my toe swelled up,

turned a red purple and throbbed all day long. Finally by bedtime it was managable and by the next a.m. it was ok.  But now it itches like crazy!!!  I had so much to do that day too,  but couldn't walk on my foot, so I iced it and rubbed some Voltaren gel on it---such a weird thing----but there have been those bees buzzing around the back deck for awhile and the apartment guys have sprayed it with bug spray--think an exterminator is in order myself---


Hoping everyone is doing well--this weekend is going to be lovely for the last days of summer---DD is going away for the weekend with friends and I will get to eat my fave foods while she is gone---she can't eat dairy and doesn't like a few things I am craving. Tonight I think will be salisbury steak and mashed spuds, tomorrow maybe a chicken,rice, broccoli cheese casserole---yummy!!!Woman Wink



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Re: Cancer survivors

[ Edited ]

Hey @wagirl No I can but I'm waiting for my primary to retire.  He can do all the tests a hematologist can and he did so many.


I'm kind of freaked.  You know I had sepsis due to perforation of small intestines from surgeon in 2021.  Well my kidney function stopped and it's never been the same.  This is what happens  The body shuts down, kidneys first.


Long story short, my EGFR test which monitor's kidney function went down really low and fast in 6 months.  I had to wait until yesterday to talk to doctor.  Yes the number is very low but he is concerned how quick it dropped in 6 months.  Am I going into kidney failure?  I don't know.


I do not hydrate (drink water enough).  Here's the plan.  I am drinking a litre of liquid a day and in a mnth we will repeat the test.  He says even though that number is low if it does not move I could be ok.  I could not handle kidney failure.  A bit sad as this did not have to hapen had the surgeon not cut me.


Now I know why there was a nephrologist in my hospital room for those 45 days.  Smiley Sad


So now again here is a one month waiting game...It's the worst Pam and Gracies Mom as we all know.Heart


PS.  I never thought it would be my kidney's that would do me in.

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@Pink123 --I am very sorry about all this for you. So 1 litre is about 32 oz which is 2 water bottles a day, right? That doesn't sound too terrible to have to do. I don't drink that much either, a day, but need to and more really. Used to drink a pitcher full of ice tea when I was going tru chemo. So just drink!!! And go about your days.

I can't imagine all the trauma you went through either!! I hate the waiting---so much waiting---


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Registered: ‎07-10-2019

Re: Cancer survivors

[ Edited ]

@wagirl  hey, no it's not that bad.  I am using those little 8 ounce bottles.  Mentally it does not overwhelm me.


Since I have severe GERD and Barrett's I cannot drink juices unfortunatley.  It could be any liquid.  That's why I am missing out as I just never liked water.  Again, even coffee is considered a liquid, darn.  I take 2 sips of coffee a day just for the flavor. lol....seriously.


Just a word of warning for all.  He asked me if I'm taking any iduprofen or aleve type med's.  I said no of course because of the reflux.  These pills are very hard on the kidneys and I do not suggest taking them if at all possible.


I have low blood sugar, this is not diabetes related in any way.  It's that darn sepsi that caused it.


So we were going to Boston, cape cod etc this week but casncelled due to Hurricane Lee.  It was a tedious, long job with all the cancellations.  So BF says hey let's go October 12th if you like.  


I said huh?  No. I'm told that stress is another factor in this whole thing.  Plus I will be retested at that time.  whoopee. I told him look...if you want to go I agree.  You make all the plans and rebook.  I've had enough.Woman Frustrated


PS.  he got very quiet because he know's it's a big job going to many places in such little time with all our credit's everything to straighten out. I need to stay quiet. lolol!

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Hi Ladies!


Not much action on this thread--where is everyone? I'm surprised that Jackie hasn't written---anyone know if she is OK?


I had a PET scan last week--six months since my procedure after my cancer came back. Thank goodness---my scan was clear---YAY!! Have to stay on the estrogen inhibitor, although my oncologist gave me the choice of switching to a different one becase of the side effects I'm having. I told her no--I will stick with it. Even if switch, the next one could give me the same side effects and might not keep my cancer away--so will stick with what I'm taking for now. Back to having a PET scan every 3 months. Not my idea of a good time, but am grateful my docotrs are keeping a close eye on me and are doing their best to catch any recurrences early so they can be taken care of.


Hope everyone is doing well!!!!




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@Gracies Mom --so glad to hear from you as well as your great news from your last scan!! 


Haven't heard from jackie for months ---hope you are ok, jackie!!


I did have side effects from taking the tamox too, but only for a few months,--- aching body/joint pain, fatigue but no hair loss and it did quiet down --was on it for nearly 9 years. I did take tylenol everyday and that kept the achiness at bay. And of course, just from having all those treatments made my whole self different and not like I was before. Still don't have alot of stamina and my sleep is awful--but then I am no spring chicken either. 


Yes I am doing ok--in fact--it will be 1 year since I broke my ankle on the 12th!!! I cannot believe how fast time is going especially enduring such a horrible event. Was thinking I might need to have the plate and screws removed as my foot and ankle bone up my leg was in such pain --but these past few weeks, all that pain has vanished!! Not sure why, but I prob won't be needing that surgery after all. My dr said it would take a solid year for healing---maybe he does know more than meWoman Wink I go back to see him later this month.


Say hello to your super hubby and of course, little Remy.



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Good morning all!! Was hoping to see someone posting here--hope everyone is doing ok!! Am very sad tht no one writes here anymore!! Woman Sad



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After having a benign cyst removed from my ovary in 2022, I did not dread annual checkup.  Then my doctor advised uterus just did not look normal and further testing necessary.  Four months later I am facing a hysterectomy for cancer in a week.  I have been assured by doctors that its in early stages and panic has not set in yet.  Prayer is comforting ....hope anxiety keeps away.  keeping busy until then. 🙏

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@Twins Mom --am sorry you are going thru all this!! But thank heavens you got to this so fast--that makes all the difference. Yes----keep panic and anxiety at bay---no need to go too crazy yet---I know, easier said than done. I had breast cancer dx in 2012--wish I had found it sooner but no need to waste time on that. Am amazed at how far cancer  treatments and knowlege has advanced in those few years--I always hated the waiting part of going thru this. Yes keep busy and of couse, good luck--come back to chat here.

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Hi Twins Mom!


I had uterine cancer in 2011--had a complete hysterectomy with lymph node removal---there was no spread of disease.My surgeon was not too good and I had issues since--make sure you use the best. I switched to a different hospital and oncology group--now I go to Memorial Sloan-Kettering (I'm in New York) and they are the BEST at what they do. I've had three recurrences, but am now cancer-free again. There is life after cancer!! Hopefully all you will need is the hysterectomy and that's it--quite a few of my friends had uterine cancer and their surgery cured them. I am not one of them, however, I am a survivor---I go for all of my tests on time and catch anything that might pop up quickly.


I know it's nerve wracking, but believe me, you will be fine. I will keep you in my prayers--and please let us know how you make out.


