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Shredder is not cutting the way it should. Bummer. I killed it. So my brother recommended a Bonsai shredder. Never heard of it but ordered it from Amazon. Coming tomorrow. I have a habit of saving all of these thank you points so it cost me nothing. I'm disgusted with myself since I let all of this ride for so long. The work is tremendous. 


Got my bags. One is so large I can put my apt in it. What was I thinking. 


Hope you are all well and having a wonderful weekend.

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I cleared out papers earlier in the summer both here and at mothers.  It wasn't too bad.  Sounds like you have years and years of papers.


Storm was bad in CT.  Sisters place, of course, has a generator.  They lost power 1 day, but they lost cable on Tues and it's still out.  Mother and the children lost power on Tues and are still without.  Word is far and few. Children haven't answered texts.  I got one text back saying they were going over to see mother.  They used to have a generator, but I can't make heads or tails if they still have it.  What I read online, they may not have power until Tues.

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GC I'm sorry to hear about the problems yor family is having in CT with the storm. We lucked out where I live. Not all areas just where I am.  


Lord I come from a family that saved all papers. It didn't  compute  that most of this stuff I can find online. So once it hit me I went to town and got rid of it. Received my new shredder today. It's wonderful. So quiet. 


Getting crazy for a change. Oncology appointment is next Monday. And she's only going to examine me nothing more. I hate going there because her office is right near where the chemo place is. Can someone say. PTSD. I'll be normal sort of by Monday.



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Re: Cancer survivors

[ Edited ]

.    Jackie, I know what you mean by getting anxious going near your chemo center.  My orthopedist is in the building next to my breast center.  They called on Friday and I have to go back for more xrays on Wednesday on my arm and wrist. Thank you for mentioning your new shredder I have been looking for one!  Which model did you get , there are so many ?Em

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Em I bought the Bonzaii shredder 3S23 on amazon. It's a heavy duty one.

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@HerRoyaLioness wrote:

Good news Thursday!!!

Had my first bi-lateral mammo in a year this morning and it is neg for both breasts, YAY!!! That atypical ductal hyperplasia in my "good" breast has not morphed into cancer yet. I don't believe I could get more cancer this soon anyway, for all the chemo that went through my body. It wouldn't dare come back, right?

Hi to all, thinking about everybody and hope you're all doing well. It's been a true frozen tundra here, below zero almost every night - brrr!

Take care,



So glad you're okay and the test it negative.  Six years ago I was hit with a door accidentally and after a few days I began to feel a swelling in my right breast.  I had a mammo done and it came out not good, had to do biopsy.  It was positive.  They said it was probably stage one to two.  They tested the "sentinal node" before surgery and it was clean so it was stage one and did not spread.  I was lucky.  I had been taking a drug called premphase to regulate my monthly.  Before I took that drug my mammos were always negative.  After a few years of taking that they began to see something but nothing they wanted to test.  I found out that this drug has a black box warning from the FDA that it can cause breast and endometrial cancer.  I believe birth control pills are not good.  Estrogen and progesterone are free radicals and NOT good for the body.  I was very lucky and have not taken that drug for years before I was diagnosed.  Anyway, I'm so glad you're okay. XXOO

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@77yangya - well, I am glad you are doing ok too!


My breast cancer was not estrogen positive, but I hear you about taking those hormones.  You have to really be careful, I had to be taken off them because I developed blood clots.  They sure did work to help with menopausal symptoms though!


My post was an older one, but my last mammogram was negative this year also, so I am still celebrating!!  Cancer free for 71/2 years now! Can't hardly believe it!


Wishing you the best! Heart


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Belated congratulations on the grandson @JackieHN 

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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The CT people got electric back yesterday around 5pm.  8 days.  Mother said it was horrible.  Niece came over everyday with take out.  She'll be alright in a day or two.


Well you will get your monies worth with the shredder.


When I saw the chemo Dr last month, it felt foreign being there.  I had to have bloodwork while there.  That was even worse sitting in the chair where so much blood was drawn.  I felt like a dream.  Of course at the time, it felt like it would never be over.I


Warm here.  Can't get rain anymore.  Not that long ago it rained 8 days a week.


Hi Lion.


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Hi GC!

This summer has been hotter than normal and you're right, rain is eluding us.  Goes above or below us lately.  Have had my air conditioning on more this year than any other since I moved here 4 yrs ago.


I was able to take my A1C blood test at home and will send it to my primary care dr. I have an appt with her in Oct and will need to go to it, as I have not been in to see her for a while and I know she will not renew prescriptions otherwise.  I will also need my flu shot. I saw my cancer dr before the virus, thank goodness.  


8 days without power, wow, that's a long time!  Can't imagine all the things you have to deal with.


Haven't had a hair cut for almost 6 months.  Am thinking of getting a perm when I do go in.  Can't stand this straight as a stick cat hair that I have, can't do anything wit it.  I need some body and curls in my hair.


So are you at home all of the time, or do you go in the building sometimes?  This is such a different time we're living in.  State mandate for masks tho, about time. Even with that there are some who won't listen.