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Pam, how can your rib pop out????? Did you ever have a fracture there. Well glad you went for treatment. 

If you hate spiders you would hate Australia. They have red backs there that are poisonous. I use to hose them down in the morning. Disgusting. Remember everyone hangs their clothes out to dry there and you have to be careful where you put things. I told my husband he better get some anti venom in that house before I end up in the hospital. Funny thig is the spiders and insects don't bother most Australians. Only crazy Brooklynites like me.

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Re: Cancer survivors

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Pam, keep your eye on the prize.  You're not taking your pill, so you can have surgery and get on with things.  It's all good.  😸😸😸


Jackie, are you falling apart too?  A girl that works in our building is on a business trip to Australia.  She posted on Facebook that it took three flights and 19 hours to fly there.  I changed my mind, I can't go.  😽😽😽


Goldie, when is your oncologist appt?  You are running out of days, tomorrow is Thursday.  😀😀😀


Saw my new family Dr today.  I had a list to discuss with him and he answered everything on the list.  He told me if I have a list like that again, I need to schedule a separate appt from the physical.  He said the person after me canceled, so he could spend as much time as I needed.  I'm on the fence if I like him.  


My knees been hurting a little.  I fell on black ice a bunch of years ago.  My knee hasn't been the same since.  He sent me for xrays.  It showed mild arthritis.  He recommended physical therapy.  I'm going to call and ask some questions about it.  


Had a massage after work.  It was very relaxing.  I have one more group on to use.  I have that massage scheduled the second week of Nov.  I don't know why I was so scatter brained today.  I went to the wrong location for the massage.  Luckily I had this feeling something was wrong and went to the other place.  I was 15 minutes late.  She shortened my massage by 15 minutes.





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Not the actual rib that pops out, just all the stuff around it that gets pinched and inflammed. But it feels like there is something poking out. And it is where my rib is at the spine: you know when you take a deep breathe and you can feel that in your spine----really painful. And no, no fracture.Have done that a few times. Still sore in tht spot today but better. and what a horrible night I had, last night. I forgot to take my Tylenol before bed and woke up feeling like I had been beaten. That is what the tamox does to me and why I take the Celebrex. 


And that is why I would never make it in  Australia!!!! Makes me cringe just hearing what you went thru.



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grc--yes I am keeping the prize in mind-----everytime I look at Countess Boobala, I say, your days are numbered!!!! 


New drs are a trip, aren't they? I have a new onc dr and a new cardi dr too. I like the heart dr but still on the fence about the onc dr. but since I really only have a few more appts with her, I'll not change. It will be 5 years April of 2017 that I was DX. Now I see her every 6 months and blood work every year and pretty soon----NO MORE MAMMOS-----oh, happy dance, happy dance!!!!


PAM---hoping our ladies with appts check in. Wishing them the best.

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I cn understand about going to new Dr's. Honestly my new radiology oncologist is a sweetheart. My other one I felt like I had to take care of him. Complained about every ache and pain. Basically we need the medical oncologist to keep the scripts going and to get a fast followup. More complicated with you GCR. 

OK Pam now I understand. When you said rib poppedf out I said what is going on. Lucky you with no more mammos. I swear this once a year mammo is going to make me bonkers. 

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Re: Cancer survivors

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@GCR18 I love that last one by Kurt Vonnegut.


Now that I'm retired, I can learn to be softer again, and have more to give to others.

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That's great @maestra.  You go girl.  You are likely more critical of you than others are.  I think though we all have to reevaluate ourselves and tweak things from time to time.  💙💚💗💜💛

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Registered: ‎07-03-2013

Re: Cancer survivors

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Lunch with lioness was great.  Lioness was looking good, as usual.  She even brought me a bag of gifts.  We went to a new gastropub.  Seems to be the new thing here.  It's a upscale bar and they plate food uniquely.  I could easily live the life of ladies that lunch.  Maybe in my next life.  It was fish fry Friday.  We had fish special.  Of course, there was dessert.  Fun was had by all.


Lioness unsuccessfully tried to get the food runner to show us his chest.  Just as you predicted Jackie, one of us almost got arrested.