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Canadian Study Shows Flu Shot Beneficial To Women

I bought a Ladies Home Journal today and it has an article in it that says:

"It is not too late to protect yourself against the flu bug. A Canadian study showed that women who were vaccinated against the flu were 50% less likely to have a heart attack or stroke and 40% less likely to die from one."

I tried to find more about this online and if you want to read more you can go to

This is great news to me.

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Re: Canadian Study Shows Flu Shot Beneficial To Women

Thousands of Americans needlessly die of influenza every year. They are not justbthe old and frail. Many are pregnant women. I almost died of flu 15 years ago. That year, in my town, a 33 year old mother of a two year old did die of flu. I get my flu shots regularly now. There is so much misinformation out there. It really disturbs me that people are more willing to listen to rumor than to scientists and physicians. Get your flu shot, people!
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Re: Canadian Study Shows Flu Shot Beneficial To Women

I don't believe all that stuff about flu shots. No matter what I read.

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Re: Canadian Study Shows Flu Shot Beneficial To Women

I am one of those who has been leery of flu shots. I was always the kid that had reactions to everything so I guess I just figured if something was going to happen it would be to me. Then I had a premature grandchild and I got one so I wouldn't expose her and now my dad is in a home and I don't want to bring the flu to him. Also mom and dad are in their mid eighties and both are still up and walking and they always got theirs and still do. I have studied more on it this year and am not going to "worry" about it anymore. Were all going to die of something anyway and with todays lifestyle and no one staying home from school and work when they do have it, I have come to the conclusion that it is best to get it. I am also in my 60's. I am still not sure how I feel about babies and small children, however.

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Re: Canadian Study Shows Flu Shot Beneficial To Women

This is from an article in the Journal of the American Medical Assoc. (JAMA). The greatest benefit so far has been seen in high risk cardiac patients.

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Re: Canadian Study Shows Flu Shot Beneficial To Women

No thank you. No flu shots for me.

I'll bet they believe we should all be on statins, too. lol...

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Re: Canadian Study Shows Flu Shot Beneficial To Women

On 1/18/2014 willdob3 said:

No thank you. No flu shots for me.

I'll bet they believe we should all be on statins, too. lol...

Statins is something I cannot take. I have a high cholesterol and have for years. They tried several different ones on me and every one made me feel terrible. That was years ago. I won't take them because I have ill side effects. Same goes for Fosamax. It made me sick, too. So, believe me I don't take anything that knowingly hurts me.

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Re: Canadian Study Shows Flu Shot Beneficial To Women

Hi, Jubilant. I have spent time researching the influenza vaccine, and I have discovered that is it not only against my religious beliefs to receive one, but even if it weren't, the flu shot is ineffective and possibly dangerous as well. Did you know that flu researchers right here in Minnesota found that those who took a flu shot two years in a row received no protection against influenza? Sounds incredible, right? Check out this report from CIDRAP, the Center for Disease Research and Policy. Additionally, if you are age 65 or older, the flu shot won't prevent influenza in your age group. I am not making this stuff up, sadly. Despite evidence from numerous new scientific studies, policy makers don't seem to care about actual scientific research, done by influenza experts, no less, if the findings contradict their ridiculous mantra that everyone aged six months and older should get an annual flu shot, or two flu shots in a single season if a child is under the age of 9. I find this refusal to accept what actual scientific data on real people and real animals reveals if it conflicts with current medical dogma, disheartening and very troubling. Flu shots can cause ascending paralysis, aka Guillain-Barré, in approximately one in every 100,000 people.

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Re: Canadian Study Shows Flu Shot Beneficial To Women

Thank you, Jersey Born. Very interesting article. I think this is only the 3rd flu shot I have ever had. Probably what swayed me the most was my dad being so feeble right now. Maybe I need to do a little more research. I have also questioned the billions of dollars this brings to pharmaceutical companies and I do think many doctors are brainwashed on some of these medicines and could possibly loose their practices if they do not comply. I want to reread the article as I only skimmed through so I will do that now. I appreciate the information.

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Re: Canadian Study Shows Flu Shot Beneficial To Women

A few years ago I had flu so badly I nearly died. I now get a flu shot every year. I have not experienced a bad flu since this. I believe it is an individual choice. I believe for my family and myself it is the right thing to do. Many family members and I are in extremely poor health and we feel this helps us. It is not a miracle cure --- nothing is.

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin