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Cameron Diaz "The Body Book"

I just got this thru Amazon and it was a great read (of course she didn't write or research the whole thing!)

It has some fascinating info on our bodies and how to keep them healthy and fit.

I enjoyed it a lot...I'm typing this standing up, thanks to the tips in the book re: movement!

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Re: Cameron Diaz ""The Body Book""

I have it, and I like it. I just included a copy of the book in my niece's birthday present package.

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Re: Cameron Diaz ""The Body Book""

I've read good things about it and I will probably pick up a copy.

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Re: Cameron Diaz ""The Body Book""

I've started using her ritual of drinking a large bottle of water first thing in the morning, before doing anything else.

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Registered: ‎03-27-2010

Re: Cameron Diaz ""The Body Book""

K ittyLouWhoToo...I do that with lemon water, before I go to bed and first thing in the am. Throughout the day, I make water infusions with any of the following: slices of cucumber, fresh basil or mint leaves, lemons, oranges or anything that looks fresh and tempting. It is so pretty that it encourages you to be drinking water throughout the day. In my goal to get off the blood pressure meds, I've included hibiscus tea throughout the day also. In my reasearch, I have found that high blood pressure can be a result of a dehydrated body. I'll drink to your new found ritual Smiley Happy

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Re: Cameron Diaz ""The Body Book""

This book is very good. Nothing new really but it was a good format and easy to read.

Wrong is still wrong just because you benefited from it.
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Re: Cameron Diaz ""The Body Book""

On 1/30/2014 KittyLouWhoToo said:

I've started using her ritual of drinking a large bottle of water first thing in the morning, before doing anything else.

Me too...and I find it really makes a difference!

That alone was a great idea.

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Posts: 6,628
Registered: ‎06-22-2010

Re: Cameron Diaz ""The Body Book""

On 1/31/2014 phoenixbrd said:

K ittyLouWhoToo...I do that with lemon water, before I go to bed and first thing in the am. Throughout the day, I make water infusions with any of the following: slices of cucumber, fresh basil or mint leaves, lemons, oranges or anything that looks fresh and tempting. It is so pretty that it encourages you to be drinking water throughout the day. In my goal to get off the blood pressure meds, I've included hibiscus tea throughout the day also. In my reasearch, I have found that high blood pressure can be a result of a dehydrated body. I'll drink to your new found ritual Smiley Happy

Adding lemon to your water flushes out the liver and kidneys! :-) I am doing this and using Dr.Schulz's Superfood..trying to heal my body. I was surprised to read that she had smoked for years..! Glad she's on a new path now. She looks great at 41~ My doctor put me on potassium and its lowered my BP. Have you tried it? No way would I use BP meds, too many awful side effects!

Don't cry for a man who's left you--the next one may fall for your smile.
-- Mae West