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On 4/3/2014 Glass Lady K said:

Thank you Rebecca. If we can just make up our minds now...when , where, etc. We just sit there and stare at each other blankly. I have no idea where to start. {#emotions_dlg.confused1}


Well, if you need help organizing or just getting things going, go no further. Meet me: Event coordinator of some repute (I'm not being very humble here am I...). The last large affair I organized was an engagement party for 2,000 in Las Vegas.

Seriously, I live the equivalant of am 11 hour drive from you. So could make a 3 day weekend trip to get things going. Let me know if you're interested.

God Bless - Rebecca

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Hi everyone, I hope you all had a good week. Mine was busy & very stressful, so I'm relieved it's over and I'm hoping I can have a relaxing weekend for a change because yesterday I went to the doctor and my blood pressure was through the roof high. I'm looking forward to Monday as it's going to be a very freeing day for me....I will get back to that after it happens.

Glass ~ what exciting news that you are getting married....congrats to you & Paul! Planning a wedding can be a lot of work but fun and I guess it all really depends on what you want..... location, formal or informal, how many guests, food, music, video/photographer, flowers, many things to think about. It will all come together though and you will have many wonderful memories to hold from your special day for years to come. I couldn't be more happy for you! I wish we could all get together to give you a bachelorette fun would that be! I'm also happy to hear you are feeling better and the next leg won't be as bad.

Naes ~ I love your idea of the horns to get people moving in the store isles & I now need to fill every pocket with one! It happens to me all the time where people will just stand in the middle of an isle and I can't get past them. What is up with that? They see you standing there and pretend like they don't and won't get out of the way to let you pass. I've noticed recently....probably because I'm having to shop for myself now (Dave used to do it) that the stores seem to try & pack as much in as they can so the isles are more narrow and not more than one buggy can get through at a time....I don't have the patience for any of it or the ignorance of some people. I don't know what it is about cupcakes, I mean, it's still cake but in a smaller version yet I like them more than a big cake......go figure. {#emotions_dlg.blink} {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

Rebecca ~ how are you feeling? I'm sorry but my memory is failing me and I can't you have a surgery scheduled in June for your foot? I don't know how you're managing to keep up with your GD and I keep wondering how I'm going to do it when the time comes....although I won't be babysitting like you are. I wish I could but there's just no way I can do it alone.

I'm sad because it looks like we've lost a few people from this thread. I know that I haven't been here as much as I used to be and when my life settles down I will be back more.....hopefully we will hear from Dorothy, SUZYQUE and some of the others again.....I still think about & pray for them all everyday.

It's been a long day and my back is aching like crazy so I'm going to call it a night. I hope you are all feeling as well as can be and you have a good weekend.

God Bless & take care my dear friends,


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My gosh Rebecca, what an offer! We don't even know how many people to have at this wedding. I want to keep it simple. I don't want any gifts, money dance, garter throw, etc, etc. I just don't think that's dignified at this age. That's what Paul was thinking. Nooo! I just want to get married in the church and have a catered party afterward, you know little sandwiches and etc. I want my friends and family there but not the whole town. (That's what might happen. This is a small town and word gets out. I'll probably have people back to my house, or......just go get married by ourselves.

Paul is loving his new job. He has an old doctor teaching him more and more each day. He reads x-rays, takes blood, everything a doctor would do, except write prescriptions. The thing is, he learns every day and he's busy. So the time passes quickly.

Good to see you Lobster. I hope everything goes well for you Monday. Perhaps if you do your shopping late at night, the stores might not be as busy. I know what you mean about rude people. I think we all have that problem. People don't seem to have good manners lately.

BTW Rebecca, you're welcome any time. We could go shopping!!! This is a cute town.

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Oh, and BTW, the skirt with the bustle is out. I got it today. Not for me! Yikes! But I'll save it for Victorian days, here in town.

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On 4/4/2014 Glass Lady K said:

My gosh Rebecca, what an offer! We don't even know how many people to have at this wedding. I want to keep it simple. I don't want any gifts, money dance, garter throw, etc, etc. I just don't think that's dignified at this age. That's what Paul was thinking. Nooo! I just want to get married in the church and have a catered party afterward, you know little sandwiches and etc. I want my friends and family there but not the whole town. (That's what might happen. This is a small town and word gets out. I'll probably have people back to my house, or......just go get married by ourselves.

Paul is loving his new job. He has an old doctor teaching him more and more each day. He reads x-rays, takes blood, everything a doctor would do, except write prescriptions. The thing is, he learns every day and he's busy. So the time passes quickly.

Good to see you Lobster. I hope everything goes well for you Monday. Perhaps if you do your shopping late at night, the stores might not be as busy. I know what you mean about rude people. I think we all have that problem. People don't seem to have good manners lately.

BTW Rebecca, you're welcome any time. We could go shopping!!! This is a cute town.

I wish shopping late at night was an option for me because it would be less crowded, but I can't drive so I have to depend on others to take me. {#emotions_dlg.sad} My dad & sister take me most of the time, he's 75 years old and doesn't drive at night anymore unless he has to because his vision is poor and my sister lives in Canada, not just around the corner. My son works 2nd shift 5pm -2am so he can't take me at night either.

It would be nice if people could just be more considerate of others but I'm disabled and I REFUSE to turn around walk all the way around another isle anymore because someone is too ignorant to move out of my way.....I speak up now & say excuse me, please move yourself & your buggy so I can pass.

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Hi Everybody,

Have been nursing a rhinovirus I got from my granddaughter all week, with yesterday being the worse. I've had a sore throat the entire week, which concerned me, as I don't think I've ever had a 5 day sore throat. However, it's better today, but the rest of me is bleh, my ears are plugged and left side of my head is kind of stopped up. I have no energy, so told DH I wouldn't be doing much this weekend but trying to get better. Today I do want to get a meal in the slow cooker, though. Yesterday I was bound and determined to make a new recipe for Mexican Bean soup, to which I added applewood smoked bacon (because bacon makes almost everything better). Actually, the soup turned out well and really doesn't taste "Mexican," thought it does have 1 tsp of ground cumin in it. I ended up making it yesterday because I wanted to save DD from having to make a meal. She learned Wednesday morning that she's going to have to move her practice, as the athletic shoe store next door is going to expand into her space. DD was in meltdown (since a child, she meltsdown) when she arrived with GD, so I thought the least I could do was make soup. Then yesterday we managed a trip to the mall to get a teensy screw placed in my older stand-by glasses and purchase DD a box of See's candy packed with her favorite 3 candies.

lobstergal and naes: I know what you mean about those %&*$# who are seemingly oblivious of the people around them in the grocery aisle. I think it's a personality defect and/or learned behavior. That said, since like most of you I'm not as mobile as I used to be, I don't want to go around another aisle, etc., either, so I've learned to simply walk up to the person with the shopping cart blocking the aisle and right out ask them if I might pass, please, because back/knee/foot/whatever is killing me right now and I need to get through. I've never had anyone not give me passing space and I always look back and thank them profusely.

What really makes me nuts in the market are the people in the product section who "graze" their way through it. I know I'm sensitive to this, as I grew up in the family grocery business and was taught since a child to look out for people stealing in our stores. One time I was going up the produce aisle in our local supermarket and this 40ish guy in front of me was eating a banana. Dollars to donuts he snatched that from the pile of bananas for a snack. Then when he finished the banana, he tossed the banana peel over his right shoulder and it landed directly in front of my feet. "Hey, you," I said, "you in the brown jacket." He turns around and looks at me and says, "You vant me?" Then I said, loosely translated from Russian to English, because I detected an accent, "You id--t. Stealing and messing up." (My Russian is limited.) I then handed him the banana peel and told (yes, told) him to find a trash container. Also made a rather blunt statement about keeping America clean, etc., etc. I think you might get the gist of the etc, etc. Also had a similar thing happen at my bank one day. I'd parked across the street and was walking in the crosswalk with DD who must have been about 4, when I noted a 5 Series Mercedes parked in the red zone in front of the bank. When I came within 5 feet of the car, a lady rolled down the window and dumped an enormous wad of used tissues onto the street. (This kind of thing makes me crazy. I can't just let it be.) So, I walked up to the car, picked up the wad of disgusting tissues, rapped on the window and when the lady opened it, shoved the tissues back into the car telling her the etc., etc., as above. DH keeps telling me that one day someone is doing to take a swing at me and I say let them try. There are too many folks who take the easy way out these days. OK, I've had my say...

lobstergal: Re my surgery, it's my knee replacement surgery that's scheduled for May 12th. However, I have an appointment, finally, with an ankle-foot specialist to address the fallen metetarsal in my left foot, which is the same side as the knee replacement. If it's the ankle-foot doc's opinion that I should have the foot surgery prior to the knee surgery, then we'll change things around. Thing is, I can't walk normally on that foot, even with the GOwalks, so do need to have that reconstructive surgery, which means 3 months non-weight-bearing. Arrrgh! ***Oh, and I must tell you that my workers' comp has been up in the air since we moved here last July. Some while after we moved, I submitted a notice of change of address and should have heard from the Seattle office, but nothing for months. I had been told by the S.F. office not to call back (in caps), because my file had been transferred to the other office. Well, because nothing was happening for months, I finally got the courage up to call the S.F. office, apologizing profusely for the call, but would somebody pa-lease give me contact info for the Seattle office. Long story short, I received a call from my new claims adjuster on Thursday. He said I should have received correspondence after I sent the change of address letter, but he said someone fell down on the job back east, which is where all admin letters go. So, I had to write a letter asking for change of attending physician to a neurosurgeon my new internist here recommended, etc., and got that off in the mail yesterday. My claims adjuster said he would approve my request as soon as he receives it. At that point, I can then make an appointment with this neurosurgeon, which will probably take 3-6 months, but at least my internist prescribes one pain med for me. Phew. One down, several more to go.

I know you've got a special day on Monday, so pray that it will be a wonderful day with the outcome that you're looking forward to.

Glass: I will get back to you via alternative means. Really, really appreciate the invite and know I'll take you up on it. I do so hope that your leg continues to heal and that Paul continues loving his new job. At least one part of your life is exciting now!!! I continue to be happy for you both. Believe me, it's like a breath of fresh air. Be at you soon.

My thoughts and prayers are daily with you all. As lobstergal said, we're especially remembering SUZYQUE, doobdoo, DorothyToo, BJ, Loves and many, many more.

It's time I got started on my slow cooker Greek Chicken Stew. Hope you have a decent weekend with less pain and quality sleep.

God Bless - Rebecca

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Grr! What button am I hitting when everything disappears? There's something on the left side of my keyboard. I was almost finished with my post and hit??? and poof!, gone.{#emotions_dlg.mad}

Discouraged. I'll be back later.

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Thinking of you on this benchmark day and hope that all went well and that you've jumped one big hurdle and can move forward.

God Bless - Rebecca

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Registered: ‎08-09-2012

Hi Ladies! Thanks so much for thinking abt me! I'm still chugging along...Smiley Happy Nothing much new. Ms Scoots has been doing well for the most part. She sure is a blessing. I'm happy to hear all the good news (wedding, etc) & am praying for you all, too.

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Ahhaaaaaaaaa, Dorothy...-"I don't want to miss y o u ~EVER~ again". ~Do you know how much we missed you? ~ I missed you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO very much~ If I could I would reach out and give you a HUG right now! ....Dear Dorothy, you have been on my mind and I wanted to tell you how MUCH I miss you. ~ The time we [all] spent together was very special to me,` to all of us and I 'hope' we can be together again talking soon. ~HEADBUMPS and soft squeezes for our Ms Scoots. ~SHE IS A BLESSING! HOW VERY WELL I KNOW. {#emotions_dlg.wub}_Naes{#emotions_dlg.wub}