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Re: Anyone on medicare who has had the doctor tell you that your prediabetic....

Poor HH's finger must be on fire!

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Re: Anyone on medicare who has had the doctor tell you that your prediabetic....

On 1/26/2014 Milfy said:

Poor HH's finger must be on fire!

'Inappropriate, Inappropriate! The mean girls are picking on me, again!'

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Re: Anyone on medicare who has had the doctor tell you that your prediabetic....


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Re: Anyone on medicare who has had the doctor tell you that your prediabetic....

HH, not trying to be argumentative but if you aren't in either one of these categories, why did your doctor issue your the RX for it?

Are you saying it is to teach you how to eat to avoid it? TIA

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Re: Anyone on medicare who has had the doctor tell you that your prediabetic....

HH: How's Week 3 going with your classes?

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Re: Anyone on medicare who has had the doctor tell you that your prediabetic....

On 1/17/2014 happy housewife said:
On 1/17/2014 ROMARY said:

Good idea. Also, a simple walk around a couple of blocks or to public transportation helps (if physically able). (We drive too much, IMO). Also, taking a sandwich to work in a lunch bag is a good idea, too. Lots of folks around here spend lots of time 'socializing' and eating all day long at work, from what they say. Anyway, I do like the O/P's information. Have to start somewhere.........

You have to walk a lot further than a couple of blocks and a sandwich is noting but carbs and fats.

Any movement is good. Plus you can make a healthy sandwich.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 21,220
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Anyone on medicare who has had the doctor tell you that your prediabetic....

On 1/28/2014 qbetzforreal said:
On 1/17/2014 happy housewife said:
On 1/17/2014 ROMARY said:

Good idea. Also, a simple walk around a couple of blocks or to public transportation helps (if physically able). (We drive too much, IMO). Also, taking a sandwich to work in a lunch bag is a good idea, too. Lots of folks around here spend lots of time 'socializing' and eating all day long at work, from what they say. Anyway, I do like the O/P's information. Have to start somewhere.........

You have to walk a lot further than a couple of blocks and a sandwich is noting but carbs and fats.

Any movement is good. Plus you can make a healthy sandwich.

The closest place I can "walk" is a Walgreens......over a mile away, on a 7-lane highway, up and down hill............ 110 degree heat, and cars going 70 freak me out........

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