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Re: Anyone here ever have a root canal?

Thank you so much, everyone!  Yes, the last dentist I went to hurt me good.  I'll never forget it.  It's good to know they can give you anti-anxiety meds.  Wish I had some now, lol! 


My poor husband ~ I had a bit of a panic attack after I first posted this.  It's been a rough couple of weeks.  I just want to feel better and have days ahead that are pain free. 


Thanks again ~ I appreciate each and every one of you!

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Re: Anyone here ever have a root canal?

I have broken a few back teeth over the years.  Most were just crowned and only one needed a root canal.  I also had heard horror stories about root canals so I made my appointment with the endodontist he recommended with great trepidation.  Imagine my surprise when it did not hurt a bit - in fact the endodontist entertained me the whole time he was performing the procedure - h should have been comedian.  

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Re: Anyone here ever have a root canal?


Are you saying you have had this pain for 2 weeks? You need to see someone ASAP. It sounds like you may have an abcess already. I don't know how you could stand the pain if it has been 2 weeks. 

You call a different dentist if you don't like your current one, but you will have to tell them you need to see someone right away. 

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Re: Anyone here ever have a root canal?



I had some very bad experiences due to the fact that my anesthesia doesn't seem to last. They then have to take extra steps. I had some dentists who were dismissive. If you have this problem, tell the endodontist.


Yes, some general dentists can do it, but try to get an endodontist. Those root canals seemed to last longer than those done by general dentists (and students!)/


Hang in there. This can be fixed. Feel better. Let us know how it goes! Smiley Happy

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Re: Anyone here ever have a root canal?

@Leeny ~ Honestly, (and I write this sheepishly), I broke the tooth maybe 3 weeks ago.  I didn't have any pain and given what happened in the past I wasn't in any hurry to call.  (I know I should have called right away).  I think the reason I am hurting so bad is because I have started to grind my teeth again.


When I mentioned a rough couple of weeks it is because everything that could go wrong has gone wrong.  I could barely walk due to knee pain.  I went to the orthopaedic doc and he basically told me it's the beginning of a "low grade" arthritis.  Comes with age, you know.  I'm thinking, 'Dude, I'm 45!'  I left there still in pain and now feeling depressed.  He made me feel old.  I also felt he didn't really take me seriously.  Take a couple Aleve when you hurt.  Ummm, I hurt all the time.  That's why I came to see him.


Then a lot of things going wrong in the house.  Then the car wouldn't start.  Our SUV is inside a pretty tight one car garage.  It was a nightmare getting it jumped and to the dealer.  Also, our oldest dog needs to have a second dental surgery due to a cleaning that went wrong.


Sorry about the lengthy post.  I guess all of this would explain why I'm grinding my teeth...

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Re: Anyone here ever have a root canal?


@Leeny ~ Honestly, (and I write this sheepishly), I broke the tooth maybe 3 weeks ago.  I didn't have any pain and given what happened in the past I wasn't in any hurry to call.  (I know I should have called right away).  I think the reason I am hurting so bad is because I have started to grind my teeth again.


When I mentioned a rough couple of weeks it is because everything that could go wrong has gone wrong.  I could barely walk due to knee pain.  I went to the orthopaedic doc and he basically told me it's the beginning of a "low grade" arthritis.  Comes with age, you know.  I'm thinking, 'Dude, I'm 45!'  I left there still in pain and now feeling depressed.  He made me feel old.  I also felt he didn't really take me seriously.  Take a couple Aleve when you hurt.  Ummm, I hurt all the time.  That's why I came to see him.


Then a lot of things going wrong in the house.  Then the car wouldn't start.  Our SUV is inside a pretty tight one car garage.  It was a nightmare getting it jumped and to the dealer.  Also, our oldest dog needs to have a second dental surgery due to a cleaning that went wrong.


Sorry about the lengthy post.  I guess all of this would explain why I'm grinding my teeth...

You poor thing.  You might be able to deal with all the other things if you were feeling better, so teeth first.  Maybe you don't even need a root canal.  Maybe you just need a crown and those don't hurt.  As for your knee, get a second opinion.  I too simply can't stand to hear "it comes with age."  yes, things do come with age but that is not a solution.  I recently twisted my knee while bending down to reach for something I dropped.  Didn't even know I did it at the time.  It began hurting for a couple days and got worse and worse.  I finally went to a bone and joint doctor, explained what I did and they did an x-ray.  I had a torn meniscus.  So see, it's not always age-related.

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Re: Anyone here ever have a root canal?

[ Edited ]

@Julie928  First, if you have not seen a dentist you may not need a root canal.  

I have had several and had no pain.  It was no big deal.

You also should look into sedation dentistry if you are that afraid.

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Re: Anyone here ever have a root canal?



I’m sorry you have so much going wrong right now!

I still say call the endodontist, especially if this endodontist comes highly recommended. They can really be true artists at their craft.

Mine had a nurse dedicated to speaking with patients and addressing their concerns like yours.

Best of luck and maybe think “handle one problem at a time” if you can.

Hugs to you and you can’t do anything with a hurting tooth!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: Anyone here ever have a root canal?

@makena ~ Thank you for your kind words.  Obviously I'm not one of those people that handle stress well.  I forgot to mention that I asked the orthopaedic doc if I would ever walk normal again.  His response?  (You're gonna love this one), 'I don't have my crystal ball with me so I can't give you an answer.'  Ah, the bedside manner.


That same night, about 10:00, I was in bed and couldn't breathe.  I tried to call out to my husband (he was in the back of the house) but couldn't.  The pain in my chest and shoulderblades was excruciating.  I rushed over to urgent care, they took an EKG, and ultimately?  Stress.  Now this.  I don't mean to sound like such a baby, but the fear is real.  I never heard of sedation dentistry before.  Thank you, @Pook for mentioning this. 

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Registered: ‎08-13-2010

Re: Anyone here ever have a root canal?

Everyone (including me) after root canal we also need a crown on top of it. Not pain just drilling the tooth down but really no pain. The dentist should highly suggest a crown because root canal the tooth is dead & weak the crown helps support it. I have dental ins. but still it's expensive most dentist will work with a monthly payment plan. Don't ignore it because the gum will get infected & then antibodics before he can even do anything. Trust me, it happened to me and that infection was bad & painful more than the root canal.