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Re: Anybody get the J&J vaccine?

All the vaccines are TRIAL  But of course the OP should make a decision based on her personal health. 

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Re: Anybody get the J&J vaccine?

@Alexa6352 I'm very much aware of all of that.  I can't really go into detail into why I made the decision I did because it involves things that aren't allowed to be discussed here.  Suffice it to say I want to stop wearing the mask without lying (either outright or by impression) about whether I had the vaccine or not.  It's actually harder now that a lot of places no longer require it because it is so much easier to forget and leave it at home.  Luckily, I keep a backup in my purse at all times.  


I will say I chose the J&J vaccine specifically because it is not the mRNA technology.  I don't plan to argue the pros and cons of that.  I feel like since I am making the compromise to get the shot, then I should be able to choose the shot I get whatever my reason is.  


One of the questions on the form everybody has to fill out when getting the shot regardless of which one you get is a question about genetic blood clotting disorders, so I did discuss it with the pharmacist.  The only reason I even know I had this issue was because my father, aunt, and grandmother all had thrombophlebitis, so my surgeon suggested I be tested before a surgical procedure.  The blood doctor was actually surprised and a bit arrogant and said I would have to get the gene from both parents.  He was a bit less arrogant when I came back with positive test results for an abnormality.  I don't know if it's the same issue since my issue makes me only about 5% more likely than the general population to have a blood clotting issue.  I don't consider that a high probability.  I'm a good bit older than 49, and I also feel like the blood clotting issue with the J&J vaccine has nothing to do with my issue since the treatment is totally different.


The pharmacist also told me that she got her shots in January and was a bit scared to do so, and that her fiance refuses to get it.  She also agreed with me that she had no plans to get any boosters. She had a bad experience with hers.  So, I feel like I'm working with someone who sees both sides and would not judge me either way.


Now that I have been vaccinated, in 2 weeks I plan to act like it and stop wearing the mask.  Whether you actually believe masks help or not, there is absolutley no science to indicate a fully vaccinated should wear one, so I won't be.

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Re: Anybody get the J&J vaccine?

I got the J&J vax back in mid-March.  It was when getting a shot appt. was hard to come by in my area, so I signed up for whatever I could get & the J&J was all they had.  I had zero problems.

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Re: Anybody get the J&J vaccine?

I had the J&J vaccine a day before they put it on pause.  It was the only vaccine available in my area.  I too have a genectic clotting disorder.  The only side effects I had was mild flue like symptoms 12 hours after the vaccine that lasted about 12 hours and some 24 hour fatigue.


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Re: Anybody get the J&J vaccine?

@Alexa6352 wrote:

@Icegodde Why are you going to get this Shot? You sound like you are doing this because you think you have too? Believe you don't..Please reconsider and wait and see for a little bit more. You said something about a Genetic Blood Clotting Issue. I would seriously think about not taking it right now. You do know this is a TRIAL,they weren't fully are the test.The trials are to be finished in Jan 2023.They then will determine THE SAFETY & EFFICASY OF THEM..Think about it

@Alexa6352   I agree with you.  I will NOT get any of the Vaccines.  They are already talking about boosters.  I am living my life normally.  No Mask and no shot.  I had enough of this. 

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Re: Anybody get the J&J vaccine?



Late to the party, per usual.  DH of a friend got this one and like a guy, only mumbled about people complaining.  So think all was well.


Hope you do good too.

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Re: Anybody get the J&J vaccine?

@Still Raining my arm is slightly sore, but nowhere near as sore as it was when I got the shingles shot.  Other than that, nothing.  

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Re: Anybody get the J&J vaccine?

@Icegoddess wrote:

@Still Raining my arm is slightly sore, but nowhere near as sore as it was when I got the shingles shot.  Other than that, nothing.  

Ha, I got the flu in one arm and shingles in the other and it was the flu that got me.  Just goes to show.

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Re: Anybody get the J&J vaccine?

My brother and his wife got this one, and no issues. They are in their 50's and very active, fit and healthy. Not a glitch 


Their 29 year old son got Pfizer I believe, and was knocked off his feet for a day or so following the second shot. Their daughter took the same, and no ill effects whatsoever.

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Re: Anybody get the J&J vaccine?

I'm scheduled to get it on the 30th at Stop & Shop.  Was supposedly signed up for the J&J at CVS, but when I hadn't heard anything, signed up online.  


Not looking forward to it!  But, don't want to wear a mask in places when my friends are not!  Hate the pain but want to blend.....