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Re: Any one dealing with lower back and hip pain?



Bless your heart!  What a terrible ordeal you had to deal with.

Keeping you in prayer.

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Re: Any one dealing with lower back and hip pain?

@ECBG : Thank you. I will be praying for you.

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Re: Any one dealing with lower back and hip pain?

@SouthernBee You hung in there and got it done!  Kudos to you.  I had my epidural today for my lower spine.  I agree that the positions we have to hold are difficult as I had to lie on my stomach (which I don't like to do) and the room got pretty warm.  These are fluoroscopy guided injections so they take a bit of time.   The doc was great and kept me informed of what he was doing and asked for my feedback as we went along.  Whew, we did it!

If my dog doesn't like you, neither do I.
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Re: Any one dealing with lower back and hip pain?



I am so sorry for all your pain and the situations you have had to endure.  I wish you much pain relief in the future.  Yes, I have hip pain.  I have knee pain.  I need both replaced but other situations in my life were much more serious.  Including myself, 6 of our immediate family have had cancer over the past 2 years.  So, sometimes I put my needs on the backtable for family and have to put one ahead of the other.  I have spinal stenosis, osteoporosis and several bulging disks, bone-on-bone knees and critical hips due to the severity of osteoporosis.  I do have pain but I can always have to look to others, like you and members of my own family, who have worse.  Then I realize I am blessed to have the longevity and health as good as it has been and recuperating at the present time.  Albeit I have recently undergone surgery and acquired shingles during the healing time, I am blessed to be rid of a cancerous situation.

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Re: Any one dealing with lower back and hip pain?

@Jk9 wrote:

@SouthernBee I don't know why you dread getting a CT? CT scans aren't loud (like the MRI is) and don't take that long either.   You do go in a tunnel, but the actual scan isn't painful.  I recently had CT's and MRi's of my spine and I didn't have to wear a hospital gown.  I was able to wear my normal clothes (didn't wear a bra with any metal as I wore an Ahh bra and you remove your jewelry).  You don't normally drink any contrast for a CT of your spine so I don't think that should be an issue.  They would have told you if you're getting a CT with contrast so you should know about that in your order.  I am going through treatment for lower spine and cervical spine issues, including degeneration and nerve compression.  

@SouthernBee I agree with Jk9, you should not be required to wear a hospital gown.  If you were to undergo contrast, they would have asked you to hold any food or drink after midnight the night/morning before the procedure.  You are likely going to have to lie flat for a very, very short period of time.  Wear comfortable clothing without jewelry and any accoutrments.  If it were me, I would probably wear pull-on slacks and a popover top with a sports bra for comfort.  You can even keep your shoes/socks on.

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Re: Any one dealing with lower back and hip pain?

@Jk9 : When you mentioned the epidural and not familiar with this decided to research. 

I know you are glad to have that done. I understand you being uncomfortable during the procedure . I will be praying for you and that you will receive the relief that you need.

I was also concerned yesterday because the last few days really difficult to stand up straight because from the front of my legs on the top down to my knees , everything hurts and very stiff and keeps me in a bent over position. I haven't been using my cubi  Jr 2 to exercise my legs for strength and circulation, afraid of hurting my back. I will see my doctor on May 9 for the test results and will ask if ok to use this for exercise. 

I will continue to pray for you.

I love your avatar. What breed of dog and name please?

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Re: Any one dealing with lower back and hip pain?

@Nonametoday : We are both Blessed. I am amazed at everything you have done and dealing with that much pain but determined to be the dependable care giver for your family. I witnessed a dear elderly friend and neighbour suffering with shingles. Last night watching tv and the shingles shot commercial was on and said a prayer of thanks for the shot and having that done.

I will continue to pray for you.🤗❤🙏

@Nonametoday wrote:



I am so sorry for all your pain and the situations you have had to endure.  I wish you much pain relief in the future.  Yes, I have hip pain.  I have knee pain.  I need both replaced but other situations in my life were much more serious.  Including myself, 6 of our immediate family have had cancer over the past 2 years.  So, sometimes I put my needs on the backtable for family and have to put one ahead of the other.  I have spinal stenosis, osteoporosis and several bulging disks, bone-on-bone knees and critical hips due to the severity of osteoporosis.  I do have pain but I can always have to look to others, like you and members of my own family, who have worse.  Then I realize I am blessed to have the longevity and health as good as it has been and recuperating at the present time.  Albeit I have recently undergone surgery and acquired shingles during the healing time, I am blessed to be rid of a cancerous situation.


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Registered: ‎09-16-2010

Re: Any one dealing with lower back and hip pain?

@sugarbee : Thank you. You are dealing with a lot . 

My DH had neck surgery and had the pain management. Dh  said for him that it was more stressful going to the pain management than the benefits he received.After the healing process he said the neck surgery made a difference.

I will be praying for you. I love your avatar. Doggie breed and name please?🤗❤🙏🙏

@sugarbee wrote:

I also have back and neck issues.  Had neck surgery five years ago to replace two discs and it went well.  Also many sessions of physical therapy but now going to pain management appointments. I cannot take any strong medications due to the possibility of kidney issues.  Some bad days, some good days and some ok days. Tests are needed so you and your health team will know how to proceed.  I wish you the very best.   


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Posts: 8,704
Registered: ‎09-16-2010

Re: Any one dealing with lower back and hip pain?

@LuvSoCal : Totally understand. We never know when a back injury can happen considering trying to be very careful.

I researched the vitamin B complex and suggested to consult with doctor if you have ulcerative colitis and I will ask him.I will be praying for you.🤗❤🙏

@LuvSoCal wrote:

I hurt my lower back in a Pilates class about 4.5 years ago and have to be very careful not to aggravate it. I've had 3 lower lumbar injections which helped immensely. I haven't had one in apprx 1.5 yrs and I'm doing well. I have occasional sciatic nerve pain in my legs but it's nothing I can't deal with. I take a vitamin B complex supplement that helps.


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Registered: ‎09-16-2010

Re: Any one dealing with lower back and hip pain?

@AuntG : Thank you.Any body pain is difficult to deal with. I will be praying for you.🤗❤🙏

@AuntG wrote:

All I can offer you is encouragement @SouthernBee  because I don't suffer significant back pain. I think your scan will go better than anticipated. Hope you find relief.