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Anxiety-do you have a favorite quote to help you?

I have anxiety. Some days after better than others and some days are a struggle.

I am not on medication, nor do I want to be. ( I won't rule it out as a last resort)

I read, have therapy, exercise, eat right and seek help on forums etc.

What is your favorite quote or self help tip to keep you on track with healing this strange

mental health issue?

My favorite: this too shall pass and all is well.

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Re: Anxiety-do you have a favorite quote to help you?

""No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"" - Eleanor Roosevelt ""Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway"" - John Wayne
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Re: Anxiety-do you have a favorite quote to help you?

I am so sorry you suffer from this. I very much understand. It runs in my family as well. I find this comforting:

Freedom From Anxiety by Joyce Meyer - posted November 21, 2014 Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God. —Philippians 4:6 I highly recommend speaking the Word of God when a "worry attack" comes upon you. Doing this is what it means to wield the two-edged sword against the enemy (see Hebrews 4:12 and Ephesians 6:17). A sword in its sheath won't do any good during an attack; God has given us the sword of His Word so we can use it! Learn scriptures like Philippians 4:6, and when the enemy attacks, counter his attack with the same weapon that Jesus used: the Word. The Word coming from a believer's mouth, with faith to back it up, is the single most effective weapon that can be used to win the war against worry and anxiety. Power Thought: I am free from worry and anxiety.

Posts: 46
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Anxiety-do you have a favorite quote to help you?

Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming Smile

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Re: Anxiety-do you have a favorite quote to help you?

Here is a favorite of mine. May you find the comfort you need today. Blessings to you:

2 Timothy 1:7

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Posts: 34
Registered: ‎06-09-2010

Re: Anxiety-do you have a favorite quote to help you?

""Time and the hour run through the roughest day."" - William Shakespeare

I memorized this when I was in high school and still recite it to myself when needed.

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Re: Anxiety-do you have a favorite quote to help you?

I DVR Dr. Oz shows and saw this guy last week advise on people who can't turn off their brain at night, making sleep difficult. He said to try repeating "I am at peace." It makes your brain focus on the words, which happen to be positive, BTW. I've tried it a few times since and did fall asleep. Maybe I got up once and made some midnight food to carb myself to sleep, though, lol.

I'd use it for anxiety. You turn inward and put a little protective, peaceful shell around you. The troubles are still there, outside of you, but you are wading through them, at peace. - Bird

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Re: Anxiety-do you have a favorite quote to help you?

""Your faith behind you is stronger than any problems ahead of you...""

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Anxiety-do you have a favorite quote to help you?

""Everything will be all right in the end... if it's not all right then it's not yet the end""

It's God's job to judge the terrorists. It's our mission to arrange the meeting. U.S. Marines
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Re: Anxiety-do you have a favorite quote to help you?

"I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me."