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Another Week of Weight Watches

Another week and another 2.2#'s...I am so excited and amazed.

I came to the conclusion that yo yo I had all during November and December was just my body stopping to "catch up" but now, January I'm going down, and down and down.

I believe it's around 5# total for January but I got my goal for V Day and working towards that.

My mind may be working but if my body doesn't want to cooperate I can't help that one bit. I have found it's just not down down down for me, it's down and down but then, heck wait, and we'll sit here for awhile and then go down again.

The life member next to me tells me she went just down and never stopped, I guess everyone is different so I need that rest.

Some clothing is quite loose, donated those but now I just grab anything out of the closet without looking at it and deciding if it will fit or if it's tight...this is such a good feeling just to grab and go...hasn't been like this in a long time.

Also celebrating in a couple weeks a whole year smoke free and that feels pretty darn good too.

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Re: Another Week of Weight Watches

Congratulations again, nantucket. Slow and steady wins the race.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: Another Week of Weight Watches

Congratulations Nantucket! I did the Simple Start and preferred it over points plus, so am now doing Simply Filling. I have continued to lose, at a slow rate. About one half pound a week, but that is okay. I like cooking and eating the power foods, and use the 49 points for any indulgences. My DH likes it too, so it works out for us even though he is not officially on WW. I know you are enjoying wearing your clothes without having to wonder if they will fit. Continued success! Enjoy.
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Re: Another Week of Weight Watches

Congrats and thanks for sharing, Nantucket. Smiley Happy

I've had success with WW in the past (most successfully after the births of my children). I am now looking for something else to switch things up a bit.

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Re: Another Week of Weight Watches

On 1/25/2014 glmama said:

Congrats and thanks for sharing, Nantucket. Smiley Happy

I've had success with WW in the past (most successfully after the births of my children). I am now looking for something else to switch things up a bit.

Thank you....I'll be on WW the rest of my life even after goal, this is my new way of eating. It's all the normal foods, mostly good and once in a while the bad (sweets) but overall I came to the conclusion this is the way it's going to be and they'll be no going back.

I have a business friend and both he and his wife wished they would of stuck to it but now he realizes he's too old but I said you're never too old to eat healthy.

Tissyanne....I'd swear we would be good friends and WW buddies, your posts sound so much like mine.

Mmsfoxxie: Thanks for the support, once in awhile I need that.

Got my keyring for 4 wks of meetings, that was pretty cool but it does look like a "bull ring" and instead of WW, I think of it as Winning Ways.

It's so nice to walk around, I feel a bounce in my step and not in my body....oh well, feeling good is half the battle, now for the weather, well that's another story.

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Re: Another Week of Weight Watches

Great work Nantucket!

I am in week 5 of maintenance. I reached goal the Sunday before Christmas - not a good time. I put on 2-1/2# Christmas week and this morning I was finally back to my goal weight. Yikes.

I find this way of eating just as easy as my old ways. Last night I went to a sort of pot luck party. To help myself, I brought cut up light cheese, celery and the WW lime chili chips. Those chips were gone before I had a chance to take one. Everyone loved them!

Congrats on your continued success.

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Re: Another Week of Weight Watches

Wonderful news, nantucket shore. I swear there is nothing that feels better than losing weight. Yes, you can feel the spring in your step w/ every couple of pounds. Good luck and stay the course. {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein
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Registered: ‎06-06-2011

Re: Another Week of Weight Watches

Wonderful news, nantucket shore. I swear there is nothing that feels better than losing weight. Yes, you can feel the spring in your step w/ every couple of pounds. Good luck and stay the course. {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

PS: How many total pounds if I may ask?

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Another Week of Weight Watches

I feel I'm being challenged again with things I cannot control, mom went into the hospital so it's back and forth but I think I'll plan and bring food with me. I cannot rely on eating at the hospital, believe it or not, there's more bad stuff there than you can imagine. I looked today and they had some greasy meat sitting in gravy, a tub of mac and cheese that looked like a processed mess, vegetables that were certainly overcooked and it was just sad. I grabbed some popcorn that they pop (that was the best) but stopped after eating a half of bag (small lunch size bag) because it was way too salty and said what am I doing eating this, you can certainly wait until you get something decent to eat.