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Re: Admins in doctor's offices

@151949 wrote:

@KarenQVC wrote:

Plan F abuse does happen.  My docs feed me lines to get some cosmetic work done.

I have friends who are financially very secure - they have plan F supplement - they go to the plastic surgeon for every little cut or scrape so they don't get a big scar. Instead of getting a pedicure they go to the podiatrist to get their toenails cut - for free - and they are NOT diabetics. My DH & I go to the podiatrist to get toenails cut because qwe are diabetics and we have to pay a $50 co pay. IMO - ALL medicare patients need to have to pay copays because copays really slow down the abuse.

151949, I don't understand your reasoning.  You have Medicare Advantage.  You chose it over Traditional Medicare and a Supplimental program.  Advantage is cheaper.... A lot cheaper.  The OP pays for Medicare Part B plus she pays for Supplimental Plan F is is expensive, therefore she has no deductible or copays.  She gets what she pays for and so do you and everyone else who is Medicare age.  It's a personal choice.  YOU chose to pay $50 for a visit, your friends chose to pay more upfront and not have to pay for a co-pay


Maize and Blue, There is no way anyone can abuse Supplimental Plan F.... NO WAY.  Medicare must pay first, the Supplimental plan only pays the deductibles and coinsurance left over after Medicare's payments.  If there is abuse going on, it's the doctors doing the abuse and committing fraud against Medicare.


151949, Since you have stated many,many times on these forums that Advantage covers everything Traditional Medicale does, why are you complaning?  You have the same coverage, you just chose to save money upfront and pay co-pays.


I do not like most doctor's and I don't trust them any further than I can throw them.  I have worked in health insurance over 20 years and I have seen the medical records of doctor's nurses and other medical professionals.  Many of them are addicted to drugs and or alcohol and many seeks mental health for their personal and professional problems.  They are no different then the rest of the population.


They make mistakes, they have bad days, they get lazy and lax or just plain burned out.  Everyone is responsible for their own health.  I, like Liliac Tree, would go to get a second opinion, or just go to a different doctor to set my mind at ease.  I pay for my insurance, and I have super great insurance too.  I don't care what anyone else thinks or how much they complain that I would be abusing insurance. 


I am so sorry that the OP got the run around trying to find a good doctor that she feels she wants and needs to see.... for her peace of mind and health.  Liliac Tree, go for it.  Take care of yourself and your health the best you can.


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Re: Admins in doctor's offices

@Trinity11 wrote:



@Trinity11, I'm familiar with the OP's history as she has given it on the forums. I sympathize with anyone who has a chronic disease and/or chronic pain.


However, there are quite a few people on these forums who have chronic diseases and/or chronic pain, and they still manage to read and learn, accept different opinions and POV, and are rarely routinely antagonistic.


While I understand having a bad day and *occasionally* lashing out or overreacting, I don't give anyone a pass for routine, consistent rudeness because they are in chronic pain. It's just not a given that the two go hand in hand and must be accepted.


Moonchilde, of course you are entitled to your opinion of Lilac but quite honestly if I thought of someone as being antagonistic (your words) I would try and avoid them at all costs and never reply to their posts. What possible gain is there in admonishing someone sick and in pain?



Since you keep bringing this up -


I avoid NO ONE "at all costs" on any internet forum anywhere, unless they have demonstrated themselves to be a genuine troll.  Internet forums are for discussion, expressing POV and our opinions - all opinions, on all subjects. I respond in any thread where I have either knowledge or interest. I don't avoid such threads because there might be someone who might not like what I have to say, or who might be rude to me.


There are posters who cannot/do not wish to hear anything but agreement. It is not my (or anyone else's) "responsibility" to cater to that on the forums.


And I apparently must repeat - there are many on these forums who are sick, in pain, or even dying, and they do not express themselves unpleasantly. Most of the time, we don't even *know* they are in poor health because many don't mention it, or rarely mention it. Certainly, *they* don't feel they'll get a pass for being unpleasant, so what the heck.


You seem to be flirting with the suggestion that I am seeking out a poster simply to harrass them. Nothing could be further from the truth. 

Life without Mexican food is no life at all
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Re: Admins in doctor's offices

@Carmie wrote:

@151949 wrote:

@KarenQVC wrote:

Plan F abuse does happen.  My docs feed me lines to get some cosmetic work done.

I have friends who are financially very secure - they have plan F supplement - they go to the plastic surgeon for every little cut or scrape so they don't get a big scar. Instead of getting a pedicure they go to the podiatrist to get their toenails cut - for free - and they are NOT diabetics. My DH & I go to the podiatrist to get toenails cut because qwe are diabetics and we have to pay a $50 co pay. IMO - ALL medicare patients need to have to pay copays because copays really slow down the abuse.

151949, I don't understand your reasoning.  You have Medicare Advantage.  You chose it over Traditional Medicare and a Supplimental program.  Advantage is cheaper.... A lot cheaper.  The OP pays for Medicare Part B plus she pays for Supplimental Plan F is is expensive, therefore she has no deductible or copays.  She gets what she pays for and so do you and everyone else who is Medicare age.  It's a personal choice.  YOU chose to pay $50 for a visit, your friends chose to pay more upfront and not have to pay for a co-pay


Maize and Blue, There is no way anyone can abuse Supplimental Plan F.... NO WAY.  Medicare must pay first, the Supplimental plan only pays the deductibles and coinsurance left over after Medicare's payments.  If there is abuse going on, it's the doctors doing the abuse and committing fraud against Medicare.


151949, Since you have stated many,many times on these forums that Advantage covers everything Traditional Medicale does, why are you complaning?  You have the same coverage, you just chose to save money upfront and pay co-pays.


I do not like most doctor's and I don't trust them any further than I can throw them.  I have worked in health insurance over 20 years and I have seen the medical records of doctor's nurses and other medical professionals.  Many of them are addicted to drugs and or alcohol and many seeks mental health for their personal and professional problems.  They are no different then the rest of the population.


They make mistakes, they have bad days, they get lazy and lax or just plain burned out.  Everyone is responsible for their own health.  I, like Liliac Tree, would go to get a second opinion, or just go to a different doctor to set my mind at ease.  I pay for my insurance, and I have super great insurance too.  I don't care what anyone else thinks or how much they complain that I would be abusing insurance. 


I am so sorry that the OP got the run around trying to find a good doctor that she feels she wants and needs to see.... for her peace of mind and health.  Liliac Tree, go for it.  Take care of yourself and your health the best you can.


Thank you @Carmie .  Frankly, I do not have Supplemental Plan F . . . in fact I've never even heard of it.  I have Plans A and B, and D for my prescriptions.  I pay the co-pays.


Thank you for your supportive post.  Not that it will do any good, this group will always find me and once one posts their negativity, the rest hop on.  I don't usually respond, but I just got sick of it yesterday.


Thank you again.

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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Re: Admins in doctor's offices

@Moonchilde wrote:

@Trinity11 wrote:



@Trinity11, I'm familiar with the OP's history as she has given it on the forums. I sympathize with anyone who has a chronic disease and/or chronic pain.


However, there are quite a few people on these forums who have chronic diseases and/or chronic pain, and they still manage to read and learn, accept different opinions and POV, and are rarely routinely antagonistic.


While I understand having a bad day and *occasionally* lashing out or overreacting, I don't give anyone a pass for routine, consistent rudeness because they are in chronic pain. It's just not a given that the two go hand in hand and must be accepted.


Moonchilde, of course you are entitled to your opinion of Lilac but quite honestly if I thought of someone as being antagonistic (your words) I would try and avoid them at all costs and never reply to their posts. What possible gain is there in admonishing someone sick and in pain?



Since you keep bringing this up -


I avoid NO ONE "at all costs" on any internet forum anywhere, unless they have demonstrated themselves to be a genuine troll.  Internet forums are for discussion, expressing POV and our opinions - all opinions, on all subjects. I respond in any thread where I have either knowledge or interest. I don't avoid such threads because there might be someone who might not like what I have to say, or who might be rude to me.


There are posters who cannot/do not wish to hear anything but agreement. It is not my (or anyone else's) "responsibility" to cater to that on the forums.


And I apparently must repeat - there are many on these forums who are sick, in pain, or even dying, and they do not express themselves unpleasantly. Most of the time, we don't even *know* they are in poor health because many don't mention it, or rarely mention it. Certainly, *they* don't feel they'll get a pass for being unpleasant, so what the heck.


You seem to be flirting with the suggestion that I am seeking out a poster simply to harrass them. Nothing could be further from the truth. 

Your words ....not mine.

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Posts: 18,504
Registered: ‎05-23-2010

Re: Admins in doctor's offices

@Trinity11 wrote:

@Moonchilde wrote:

@Trinity11 wrote:



@Trinity11, I'm familiar with the OP's history as she has given it on the forums. I sympathize with anyone who has a chronic disease and/or chronic pain.


However, there are quite a few people on these forums who have chronic diseases and/or chronic pain, and they still manage to read and learn, accept different opinions and POV, and are rarely routinely antagonistic.


While I understand having a bad day and *occasionally* lashing out or overreacting, I don't give anyone a pass for routine, consistent rudeness because they are in chronic pain. It's just not a given that the two go hand in hand and must be accepted.


Moonchilde, of course you are entitled to your opinion of Lilac but quite honestly if I thought of someone as being antagonistic (your words) I would try and avoid them at all costs and never reply to their posts. What possible gain is there in admonishing someone sick and in pain?



Since you keep bringing this up -


I avoid NO ONE "at all costs" on any internet forum anywhere, unless they have demonstrated themselves to be a genuine troll.  Internet forums are for discussion, expressing POV and our opinions - all opinions, on all subjects. I respond in any thread where I have either knowledge or interest. I don't avoid such threads because there might be someone who might not like what I have to say, or who might be rude to me.


There are posters who cannot/do not wish to hear anything but agreement. It is not my (or anyone else's) "responsibility" to cater to that on the forums.


And I apparently must repeat - there are many on these forums who are sick, in pain, or even dying, and they do not express themselves unpleasantly. Most of the time, we don't even *know* they are in poor health because many don't mention it, or rarely mention it. Certainly, *they* don't feel they'll get a pass for being unpleasant, so what the heck.


You seem to be flirting with the suggestion that I am seeking out a poster simply to harrass them. Nothing could be further from the truth. 

Your words ....not mine.



"Nothing could be further from the truth."


Yep. My words.

Life without Mexican food is no life at all
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Re: Admins in doctor's offices

[ Edited ]

I'm just curious why the OP thinks always feels the need to speak so poorly of the people that care for her when a slight is perceived. Perhaps one needs to understand that that office doesn't have just one patient and they may not be able to cater to the demanding patients who expect perfection.

Imagine you (you, in general) times 100. 


Faulting someone for not recognizing the specialist you mentioned is really reaching and will get you nowhere in that practice...or anywhere for that matter. Pain doesn't give anyone a free pass to be mean.

Good luck with that one.

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Posts: 12,997
Registered: ‎03-25-2012

Re: Admins in doctor's offices

@YorkieonmyPillow wrote:

I've been aware for quite some time now that NO ONE DOES THEIR JOB ANYMORE.



1. They flatly refuse because they know they can get away w/it

2. They don't want to be bothered

3. They don't care

4. Flat-out ignorance and stupidity.


That is my experience ~ I've learned to double-check everything within my power to see that it gets done.


Hope you get the doctor you need, @sissy2 Tree

Thank you Yorkie.  I am trying.  I love my gastro doc, but I need a hepatologist and he wants copies of my doc's records before he will see me (talked to his admin this morning).  I am trying to get my records faxed to him.  I hope my gastro doc is not mad at me, I've been seeing him for almost 30 years.

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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Re: Admins in doctor's offices

@Melania wrote:

I'm just curious why the OP thinks always feels the need to speak so poorly of the people that care for her when a slight is perceived. Perhaps one needs to understand that that office doesn't have just one patient and they may not be able to cater to the demanding patients who expect perfection.

Imagine you (you, in general) times 100. 


Faulting someone for not recognizing the specialist you mentioned is really reaching and will get you nowhere in that practice...or anywhere for that matter. Pain doesn't give anyone a free pass to be mean.

Good luck with that one.

I agree that pain doesn't give anyone a free pass to be mean, but who is being mean to whom?  I can't figure that one out.  She only posted on a forum looking for feedback.  Her doctor's office probably doesn't visit this site.

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Registered: ‎11-16-2014

Re: Admins in doctor's offices

@Carmie wrote:

@Melania wrote:

I'm just curious why the OP thinks always feels the need to speak so poorly of the people that care for her when a slight is perceived. Perhaps one needs to understand that that office doesn't have just one patient and they may not be able to cater to the demanding patients who expect perfection.

Imagine you (you, in general) times 100. 


Faulting someone for not recognizing the specialist you mentioned is really reaching and will get you nowhere in that practice...or anywhere for that matter. Pain doesn't give anyone a free pass to be mean.

Good luck with that one.

I agree that pain doesn't give anyone a free pass to be mean, but who is being mean to whom?  I can't figure that one out.  She only posted on a forum looking for feedback.  Her doctor's office probably doesn't visit this site.

I think the written word is sometimes a lot more difficult to interpret because we can't see body language. Personally, I didn't see any meaness from Lilac towards any poster on this thread. Rather her being disenchanted with her medical team.

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Re: Admins in doctor's offices

@LilacTree  I think part of this is your insurance.  You want medical advice over the phone because it costs you a lot to see the doctor.  Private practice doctors only make $ when patients have appts.  I think you would be better off going to a group of salaried doctors.  If I were you I would consider going to an all salaried group, like Penn Health System.  Those kinds of doctors tend to be happier with medicine via phone call/email.