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What WEN Did You Buy This Week?

There was a thread like this in Beauty and I thought it was fun. Shall we do this? I propose we start with the week we started buying the September TSVs out of curiosity about what we all got. 


I bought 2 TT TSVs, 1 POM TSV & 1 SAM TSV. I also got SAM Glossing Serum.


Happy buying, ladies. 

Happy WEN Girl since 1/12/2012
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Re: What WEN Did You Buy This Week?

I also bought 2 TT and 1 POM on A/D. But it was not this week, it was as soon as I got item number from the Insider.  Still thinking about getting a volume spray, but upcoming September shows probably will bring more enticing deals to spend my money on.

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Re: What WEN Did You Buy This Week?


Smiley Happy Kjelle, good going!! Smiley Happy


If it's in the Beauty forum then we need it too!!!


-- bebe Smiley Happy

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Re: What WEN Did You Buy This Week?

I bought 1 TT and 1 SAM.  Can't wait for the fall seasonals!

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Re: What WEN Did You Buy This Week?

@Kjelle - fun thread - I got 1 FIG and 1 TT - both on A/D - I'm really saving up for FTP in Sept.

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Re: What WEN Did You Buy This Week?

I bought one TT and one POM on A-D. I'm tempted to buy another TT, but am trying to convince myself to hold off and maybe buy the TT gallon in December if Chaz has the Black Friday sale again. As it turns out, I have maybe three TT 4oz oils and one 2oz already in my stash. I wish I had known this TSV was coming, because I would have waited to buy the oil instead of using the 20% off coupon on Chaz's site in June or July (I forget which it was). But since I have them, I'm thinking I really don't need to pile up that much more oil, SC and RTM, no matter how great the price is. I need to be strong!


Also, I want to buy some FTP since I haven't tried it yet.

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Re: What WEN Did You Buy This Week?

I'm out of town right now, not sure when I'll return. I didn't order a TSV right away, because I didn't want it to be delivered too quickly. Sooooo, last week, I waited until the TSV in TT was waitlisted, then ordered it on AD. That way, I'm guaranteed to get it and I don't have to worry if I'm out of pocket on TSV day. It's still in process, with an EDD of 8/31. Perfect! 

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Re: What WEN Did You Buy This Week?

Just a TT TSV on AD for me. I've been buying clothes instead of Wen! Woman LOL


I really do want a 32 oz. FTP when they become available, though.

Posts: 43
Registered: ‎04-06-2015

Re: What WEN Did You Buy This Week?

[ Edited ]

Great idea Kjelle!


Ok, confession time, I purchased 2 TT and 1 SAM, both on Auto Delivery.  Then I weakened, when the TT became available again this morning, and purchased 1 more.  I figure I am using 1 bottle every two months, so that takes me to two years, the estimated shelf life of the oils (per Chaz).   No more for me, no matter how tempted I get on 09/05.



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Re: What WEN Did You Buy This Week?

I got a CLV 3 piece by mistake, but Hub loves it... For me the BGT, but i will be tempted to get the 3 piece fall Ftp\Fas\fgp..assumimg it is offered..☺