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Wen - the wenderful Wen Comb :)

[ Edited ]



I've been singing the praises of the Wenderful Comb!!!!! for the past few years, ever since I started using it. 


I wanted to give it another shout out now, just in case Chaz has a Black Friday sale at the end of November and offers free shipping on all orders... because that would be the ideal time for Wenners to purchase their very first Wen comb... lol, or maybe a few of them. Smiley Wink


I started using Wen in December 2009, but I had been regularly listening to Chaz's shows for probably 3-4 years before that. Periodically he would mention how special the saw cut Wen comb was, but it wasn't available on QVC and (with shipping) it was close to $30 on Chaz's site. It just seemed like too much money to pay for a comb... but I was really intrigued. Smiley Happy


I know that everyone says that they have the most difficult hair to work with but, based on what others have written it this forum, I really think that I probably have some of the most fragile and damaged baby fine hair to work with. Additionally, it's extremely porous: the Fig CC, in particular, literally leaks out of my hair shaft between cleanses. 


I don't do any chemical processing to my hair, and I always either air dry it or dry it with my portable fan. 


Using Wen CC has been a game changer for my hair. The Remoist and the Styling Creme both help to tame the frizz. But there's only just so much that Wen can do and so I still have frizz issues to deal with.



A few years ago, Chaz had a November Black Friday sale. I think that there was a 15-20% discount on products at his website, and there was free shipping on everything. Well,  I immediately ordered the Wen comb (for about $13 total, I think). 


Once I got the comb, I stopped using all of my other combs, including my very expensive Kent combs. -- I was sceptical, I mean it was just a comb after all. Was if going to do tricks or some kind of a light show? Smiley Wink


Every day I checked my hair in the mirror looking for Wen comb miracles. And every day I came away puzzled at what kind of a difference I was supposed to be seeing. This went on for about 4-5 months... but I was steadfast in my use of the Wen comb because Chaz is the man, and I knew he wouldn't steer me wrong. Smiley Happy


Then it happened!!! Smiley Happy Smiley Happy Smiley Happy Smiley Happy Smiley Happy  One morning, about 4-5 months in, I did my daily hair assessment in the mirror and wow!!!!!... it all made sense!!! Smiley Happy Smiley Happy Smiley Happy Smiley Happy  By this point my new hair growth (5-8 inches) and about another 5-7 inches of slightly older hair growth, looked definitively better than the really old hair growth at the ends of my hair. The newer growth was significantly less frizzy that it had been in the past. I still had frizz in the newer section, but it was probably reduced by 35-40%!!! Smiley Happy


Over the next 8-9 months, as I cut off the oldest hair ends, I noticed an overall improvement in my hair quality (the frizz factor). From what Chaz has said, what happened was that Chaz's Wen saw cut comb doesn't rough up the hair cuticles the way that other combs do. And those roughed up cuticles are what creates frizz.


Since then, I always carry a Wen comb wherever I go. I have my four Wen combs strategically placed around my apartment: 


* my purse

* the bathroom 

* my bedroom 

* my travel toilettries bag


A few weeks ago, I went away for the weekend and somehow my Wen comb was not in my prepacked travel toiletries bag and my other Wen comb was not in my purse (how did I manage to do that???!). Well I needed to cleanse my hair that weekend and, lol, I actually went into a bit of a panic when I realized that I would have to use a non-Wen comb. I actually thought about not cleansing my hair but I had to because my hair was looking dirty. Well, my hair seems to have survived the abuse, but it strengthened my resolve to collect a few more Wen combs... maybe 9-12 would be enough. Smiley Wink


I just got my fourth Wen comb in Chaz's latest, greatest OTO of (3) 16oz. Seasonal CCs plus the wenderful Wen comb for around $68-9. -- This was an amazing OTO and I am hoping that he will repeat it again for the Seasonals in the other seasons. Because, while the CCs in these sets are a great price, well I want/need at least a few more Wen combs. Smiley Wink



So here's my take away on the Wen comb...  


At some point or other, probably each one of us has said:


            "Why didn't I listen to Chaz the first time?"


lol, I know I've had that thought on a number of occasions. Smiley Wink



So get yourself a Wen comb or two... or maybe five... build up a collection. Smiley Wink


If Chaz has a Black Friday sale again at the end of November, then he might be offering free shipping on all orders. If he does, then this would be the ideal time to pick up the wenderful Wen comb... or combs. Smiley Wink


Your hair will thank you for it. Smiley Happy



-- bebe, with the wenderful Wen hair that's (almost) always Wen combed Smiley Wink







Wen combs on ebay or Amazon



Additionally, while I only purchase my Wen items through QVC or Chaz's site, I know that a number of Wenners have gotten some great Wen values on either ebay or Amazon. -- As most of you probably know, while there are a lot of great vendors, there are a few vendors that sell fake Wen products. And some Wenners have shared that the Wen combs they purchased were clearly not real Wen combs.


If you do choose to purchase Wen products from these sources, you should make sure to check out the customer reviews first. -- Also the best time to most likely purchase a real Wen comb is shortly after a specially priced Wen kit (which includes the Wen Comb) has recently been available on QVC. From what I understand, the ebay and Amazon vendors purchase these kits in quantity and then sell each of the items individually. 


Since the September supersize remoist, as well as the recent (3) 16oz Seasonal CCs, each included a Wen comb in these kits... now is probably the best time to go Wen comb hunting. Happy hunting!!! Smiley Happy






Wen Combs -- Three Variations from Wen



Several people have been asking about the different variations in the Wen combs over the years. From what I've read, there are three different variations: 


* the original Guthy Renkert version sold in the Wen infomercials 


* the Wen comb sold through Chaz's salon and available in select QVC Wen kits


* as of around March 2014, an updated version of the Wen comb available at Chaz's sit and in various QVC Wen kits which is less likely to break



The Wen comb was redesigned in early 2014 to make it lighter and less likely to break. Additionally, Guthy Renkert seems to sell a third variation in their Wen infomercials. -- In the 8 oz remoist - comb different? thread (message #17), FluffyBear emailed Chaz's customer service department about this question and then shared their email response on 3/28/14: 



There are three types of WEN combs that exist today, and all of them are made from a material generally called hard rubber.


This is just a form of vulcanized rubber that is very hard and allows us to cut the combs with a saw and hand finish them. Normally a comb would be made from a mold and have leftover material that can snag and break the hair.


The original design was first sold by Guthy Renker as part of their kit from the infomercial. It was a good comb but we weren't completely happy with the unpolished surface, and the teeth had sharper edges than we liked.


We went back to our manufacturer and redesigned a bit which solved some of the problems we had with our original design by smoothing out the edges of the teeth a bit more so it was more comfortable to use on the scalp.


The latest version adds quite a bit more polish and shaved some of the excess material off even further so the comb would be slightly more flexible. The reason we did that is because hard rubber, while very strong, is also very brittle. Allowing the comb to have a bit more flex reduces the chance for breakage during use.


As you've seen first hand, a drop can result in broken teeth. This is more than likely was not the result of the new comb design itself. I've actually got one of the newer style that I've dropped multiple times and it's still perfect, and an old one that is missing 4 teeth from 4 separate drops. It really just comes down to the angle the comb lands at whether it's a new or old style.


At this time, there are no plans to revert back to the older design. Though I am happy to send you a replacement free of charge of the newer style, which is the one we stock at the salon. I can also send a return label so you can get the broken one back to us so we can send it out to our manufacturer for review. We do keep track of any breakage we are seeing with our customers and should a flaw in the design become a problem we would of course work with the manufacturer to correct it.


Sincerely, Chaz Dean Studio  -- Email reply in reference to the comb discrepancies from Chaz 's salon. 



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Re: Wen - the wenderful Wen Comb :)

I keep a Wen comb in my shower and one with my hair brush on my vanity (and a spare tucked away)...they are the best for combing CC and any other products thru hair!

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Re: Wen - the wenderful Wen Comb :)

Thanks @bebe777 for the reminder. I only have one of his combs and that is in the shower. I use a non-WEN comb in all other places. I thought about getting the OTO recently just for the comb! But the only product I really liked was the pumpkin and I have a gallon of that.


I hope your plea is heard by the WEN team and Chaz will include it in another OTO or some other way of getting it to us. I have gone on his website a couple of times, pining away for the comb, but just didn't want to pay that much plus shipping for it.


If it is not included someway in November/December offerings, then I will just have to break down and get it from his website. Smiley Sad   I don't want to start the new year off without another one or two!

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Re: Wen - the wenderful Wen Comb :)

@World Traveler I bought 2 of mine from ebay...been awhile so I can't remember the name of the seller, but I compared pics to the ones on Chaz's site and compared again when I received the combs and they are the real deal! Think I got 2 for $15.

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Re: Wen - the wenderful Wen Comb :)

Amazon has the WEN combs for $7.99 and Prime shipping is available. It's listed under "Chaz Dean wide-tooth comb". I bought my first WEN comb from Amazon and it is the real deal.

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Re: Wen - the wenderful Wen Comb :)

Okay, since this thread is dedicated specifically to the Wen Comb, I'll re-post from another:


I'll give very quick summary of the Wen Comb essay - GET it ASAP!


p.s. One would think - a comb is a comb. No!

None of my very good combs and brushes are in use anymore. When I can't find Wen Comb right away, instead of grabbing any non-wen comb/brush, I run around until I find Wen Comb! Always!


Wen Comb is serving all multi-purposes - combing through CC in shower, combing through Oil, Re-moist, SC, Mousse, etc. It is also became my "brush" for dry hair during the day. Even lightly teasing the back top if I want to - this comb does well and gently.


Using Wen Comb strengthened my trust in Chaz really knowing what he is talking about, even more, if that's even possible!



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Re: Wen - the wenderful Wen Comb :)

@sonechko wrote:

Okay, since this thread is dedicated specifically to the Wen Comb, I'll re-post from another:


I'll give very quick summary of the Wen Comb essay - GET it ASAP!


p.s. One would think - a comb is a comb. No!

None of my very good combs and brushes are in use anymore. When I can't find Wen Comb right away, instead of grabbing any non-wen comb/brush, I run around until I find Wen Comb! Always!





@sonechko, Exactly!!! Smiley Happy Well said!! Smiley Happy


lol, and that's why you and I each need a stash of spare Wen combs for these "just in case" scenarios. Smiley Wink


-- bebe, connoisseur of fine Wen combs Smiley Wink

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Re: Wen - the wenderful Wen Comb :)

My hair is baby fine, and prior to Wen using, it was also so dry - it would break a lot. What's interesting, each hair was so dry and weak, I almost did not notice when it breaks. It went bye-bye quietly...


Through using Wen products, I noticed each hair is thicker a little bit, and stronger. I can see it visually and by the feel of it.


When occasionally a tangled hair snaps - I actually can hear that pop sound! When Wen Comb "finds" a tangled hair or two - it's so gentle, I can feel tangled hair being stretched like a rubber band, but it rarely snaps!


Of course, I am much more aware and more careful about combing my hair these days, then before, but this Comb helps me a lot! 


If I comb straight through a wide section of hair, i can feel and see - the hair is much more even and a fewer hairs are broken off. I really can't wait until I have ALL Wen Hair to see how it will look/feel then!  Boy, am I really itching to cut that old hair off!

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Re: Wen - the wenderful Wen Comb :)

@vermint wrote:

@World Traveler I bought 2 of mine from ebay...been awhile so I can't remember the name of the seller, but I compared pics to the ones on Chaz's site and compared again when I received the combs and they are the real deal! Think I got 2 for $15.

@vermint Oh, thanks! I'll check it out. Smiley Happy


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Re: Wen - the wenderful Wen Comb :)

@aprimo wrote:

Amazon has the WEN combs for $7.99 and Prime shipping is available. It's listed under "Chaz Dean wide-tooth comb". I bought my first WEN comb from Amazon and it is the real deal.

@aprimo Oh, boy! All sorts of good advice. Thanks!