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Wen - periscope - Chaz's latest video streams

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I thought I'd create a thread for sharing the information about the latest fun videos Chaz has streamed on periscope. I thought it would be a good idea to have one thread where Wenners knew they could easily find them. Chaz tends to stream a lot of live feeds so, of course, there's not enough time in the day to watch them all. But there have been some really interesting videos which people have been disappointed to have missed (i.e. a tour of Chaz's home office & Wen chemistry lab, a tour of the Wen offices at his salon, Chaz's summer party, dog training with Cesar Millan, etc.) -- At this point, it looks as though videos are available on periscope for 20 days.






It's easy to follow Chaz's latest videos on periscope: 


* This is the direct link to Chaz's periscope page -- https://www.periscope.tv/CHAZDEAN -- from here you can just click on the link to any of Chaz's periscope videos from the past day.


* if you just would like to watch Chaz's latest videos, you don't have to join periscope. -- Just click on any of the links. It's that simple.


* When you are on the individual video page, all you need to do is click on the periscope video to watch it






* Periscope videos look like they stay up for 20 days now. 


* When you post information about a new periscope video, it would be great if you could include how many days the particular Chaz video already has been up for. -- In the top right had corner of every periscope video, the number of hours that each video has been active is listed (e.g. 4 hrs, 15 hrs, 22 hrs, etc.).


* You can also join periscope and automatically receive alerts when Chaz is live on periscope. -- I have an iPhone, so I clicked on the Apple Store and added the periscope app to my iPhone. -- If you follow Chaz on periscope, your smartphone, will send you an alert when he is streaming live on periscope (it won't send alerts to your laptop though). Some days there are a LOT of alerts! (information courtesy of Beautoxica). -- This option allows you to ask Chaz questions about Wen, including information about upcoming products. It's great because frequently he shares advance information right on the spot. Please make sure to bring back this Wenformation and share it with the rest of the Wen forum. Smiley Happy 



-- bebe Smiley Happy Wen FAQ - Wen 101 - periscope Wen Abbreviations Glossary 



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Re: Wen - periscope - Chaz's latest video streams




Today are Bella Moon's and Riley June's doggie birthdays. Chaz had doggie cakes made for them at The Dog Bakery. Yesterday (saturday) Chaz posted videos about the doggies' early birthday celebration. I've just started to listen to one of them so I can't say much more about these videos. -- bebe Smiley Happy



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Re: Wen - periscope - Chaz's latest video streams

 Chaz is on now at 4:08pm  eastern celebrating Bella and Riley's birthday.  Smiley Happy

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Re: Wen - periscope - Chaz's latest video streams


 There are a couple of new periscopes up today, starting about 3:30 PM Eastern time. It's behind the scenes shooting the new wen infomercial. Kind of cool to see behind the scenes how it's all done and all of the different takes.

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Re: Wen - periscope - Chaz's latest video streams

@Brdwygurl wrote:


 There are a couple of new periscopes up today, starting about 3:30 PM Eastern time. It's behind the scenes shooting the new wen infomercial. Kind of cool to see behind the scenes how it's all done and all of the different takes.


@Brdwygurl thanks so much for the heads up on this. I had forgotten that Chaz had an infomercial shoot yesterday afternoon. If I get a chance I'm going to have a look through a few of them. 


Thanks again!!! 


-- bebe Smiley Happy

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Re: Wen - periscope - Chaz's latest video streams

FYI, Chaz posted about 8 periscopes on Saturday, y'all. One thing he said that I found interesting- whatever quantity you use for leave in to blow dry you can double for air dry. AA girls generally use way more leave in anyway, at least from his old tutorial vids, I always have, but if you are having any issues air drying, that could be it.


Chaz also said, if you are air drying, and then relying on the products to tame frizz, good luck! He stressed the wet soaking hair application. This is in the beginning of the 'This is how we blow' episode.

Happy WEN Girl since 1/12/2012
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Re: Wen - periscope - Chaz's latest video streams

@Kjelle wrote:

FYI, Chaz posted about 8 periscopes on Saturday, y'all. One thing he said that I found interesting- whatever quantity you use for leave in to blow dry you can double for air dry. AA girls generally use way more leave in anyway, at least from his old tutorial vids, I always have, but if you are having any issues air drying, that could be it.


Chaz also said, if you are air drying, and then relying on the products to tame frizz, good luck! He stressed the wet soaking hair application. This is in the beginning of the 'This is how we blow' episode.

Thanks for sharing this Kjelle! I resisted the idea of soaking wet hair application for so long, and then finally did it. Of course, the results improved tremendously. Duh. Believe Chaz!

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Re: Wen - periscope - Chaz's latest video streams

[ Edited ]

@yisbuff2 wrote:

@Kjelle wrote:

FYI, Chaz posted about 8 periscopes on Saturday, y'all. One thing he said that I found interesting- whatever quantity you use for leave in to blow dry you can double for air dry. AA girls generally use way more leave in anyway, at least from his old tutorial vids, I always have, but if you are having any issues air drying, that could be it.


Chaz also said, if you are air drying, and then relying on the products to tame frizz, good luck! He stressed the wet soaking hair application. This is in the beginning of the 'This is how we blow' episode.

Thanks for sharing this Kjelle! I resisted the idea of soaking wet hair application for so long, and then finally did it. Of course, the results improved tremendously. Duh. Believe Chaz!


Kjelle, thanks so much for the heads up on this. I've got thin/fine, just below shoulder length hair. These days, I'm using a whole pump of SC (after my 1/2 pumps of CC from a 16oz bottle) while I'm still in the shower with soaking wet hair. I've tried adding even more SC (because I have a stockpile of it) but my hair won't take anymore and it just gets squeezed out of my hair. -- It's 10am ET right now and I just checked Chaz's twitter feed. At this point, we've got about 8 hours to watch this feed before it expires. It will expire sometime around 4pm ET (or maybe half an hour later... or maybe not):


Chaz Dean ‏@ChazDean
LIVE on #Periscope: This is how we Blow. 💨💨💨💨💨💨💨 https://www.periscope.tv/w/aKj30DMzMDQyOHw2NzYyNzE2OBYf9CNgFHq_GM5jIx5TKYQGU2ktgRqHvY849mfOKCvr

I haven't ahd a chance to listen to periscope this week but I'll definately make sure to catch the "this is how we blow" video. Thanks for referencing the video name!!!


-- bebe Smiley Happy


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Re: Wen - periscope - Chaz's latest video streams

I just watched one of these. ADORABLE! Chaz is so precious. The feeling of his salon is just lovely.

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Re: Wen - periscope - Chaz's latest video streams

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I don't know if anyone else has posted this yet but I was just watching Chaz on Periscope, Angels from heaven at about 430 Eastern time.


At one point he was showing around his sink and lots of samples, including products in development. He said oh you can't see that yet, and was too fast so I didn't see what some of the labels said. (it's funny he said I have to show you these from the top because you all cheat...ha!)


One was the spring lilac fragrance that I think people know about and pear fragrance as well I believe.


He showed tea tree mousse and said it would be available on the Labor Day weekend shows!

